Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1008: Nine-nine centrifugal array


The horrible flames surging in an instant, the energy fluctuations between heaven and earth, like the monstrous divine thunder, roared frantically between the heaven and the earth, while everyone raised their heads in surprise, staring at the martial artist. .


At this moment, under the stone platform, a roar appeared, and everyone swept towards the sound source in surprise.

A giant condensed into a huge black flame, the palm of his hand suddenly grabbed the man.

The man's face was shocked, and before he woke up, the giant slapped the warrior on the body.


Before that person woke up, his chest had been smashed through, and the black flame instantly swallowed him, and in the blink of an eye, he was turned into ashes, annihilated in this world.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts suddenly took a breath.

Too tough, this giant slapped down, the world would collapse in an instant, and no one can compete with it.

Immediately afterwards, the giant dissipated between the heavens and the earth again, and the black flames below slowly surged, so the terrifying temperature did not even burn the stone platform to ashes, which surprised Chu Qianye.

It really is a cage.

"Sure enough, it's very difficult. To deal with the giant that may condense at any time, you have to find a way to escape, you have to work together, otherwise you can't do without personal strength." Chu Qianye watched. At this scene, smiled bitterly.

"Well, this is also the reason why we reappeared with this stone platform again." Hebo said lightly: "It seems difficult, but in fact it is not impossible."

"Please pay attention to the surrounding space. This is the space of the Holy Flame of All Souls. No matter how cautious it is, it is useless. If it really wants to deal with us, it must already be an opponent. Now we can still stand here. It is not without reason. of."

Chu Qianye thinks it makes sense.

"It's okay to work together, but you have to think of a perfect solution. All around are swallowing the heavens of the Holy Flame. Once you go out to see it, you won't be able to return. Several people left the stone platform and wanted to go back. No." Heibo said, "I don't think that stone gate is the key, but these stone platforms are the key. Do you think it's scattered?"

Chu Qianye was observing the surroundings, and it was really like this. The stone platforms inside were connected into a large area, but there were some very mysterious laws.

"Senior, are you talking about formation?" Chu Qianye asked uncertainly.

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He looked at Chu Qianye, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, it's the formation method." Heibo said lightly, "The whirlpool or the space wormhole are all things created by human beings. The Holy Flame of All Souls uses these things to set up the levels. For what purpose, as long as you crack these things, you can enter the stone gate smoothly."

"So, it's okay to work together, but I think it's better to rely on a master of formation to crack the formation. Once the formation is broken, the stone gate will be opened, and it may even be here. All are phantom formations, these black flames and stone platforms are nothing but nothingness."

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in his heart. He ran the eyes of all spirits, only to find that the things here seemed to be nothing else. They should really exist.

However, this is indeed a formation, which needs to be broken to pass.

"It’s still a bit difficult to break through this big formation. I don’t know if you can see clearly. The souls of the dead warriors did not disappear with them, but became the firemen of this formation. This is extremely different. A kind of puppet with the will of the Holy Flame of All Souls." Heibo said again.

"What the predecessors mean is that the souls of those who have died have been refined by the Holy Flame of All Souls, and become the hoonies that it can freely expel and deploy?" Yuanjie suddenly said.

"Yes, this is the truth, so if you want to break through this formation, you really need to work together." Hebo said.

He also deliberately emphasized the wording of cooperation.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, as if he understood what he meant.

He quickly took out the spirit paper and the spirit pen, used the soul as ink, wrote a paragraph on it, and then handed it to the other party.

"Senior refers to not letting Saint Yan of All Souls know what we are thinking, does that mean?"

Heb nodded slightly.

No one else understood what they were doing.

However, as the two people communicated back and forth, they seemed to understand, which meant that the Holy Flame of All Souls could not be allowed to know the content of their communication, nor did the divine sound work. Only this way could work.

Several people joined immediately, and soon understood the difficulties Heibo said.

"This formation, if I'm not wrong, should belong to the nine-nine centrifugal formation. It is not that difficult to break through. What we have to worry about is the hono. As long as the hono is completely solved, we will have the opportunity to fight. Time to crack this array." Hebo handed out five spiritual papers.

Everyone took the spirit paper one after another.

"I can unlock this formation, but there should be a very powerful hono in this space that hasn't appeared yet. If we leave the stone platform at the same time, the huge hono will inevitably show up. If I take action, no one will deal with the fire. Slave, so someone has to take action to solve the formation."

Then pick up the spiritual paper.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"I can." Chu Qianye said, "but I may need half an hour."

"At most twenty minutes." Hebo said.

At this moment, the rest of the stone platform is still quiet.

The Medicine League, Alchemy Guild, Pill Tower, One Hall and One Tower, Two Sects, Three Valleys and Four Square Pavilions are almost all under consideration.

The other small forces are also thinking about it.

There was finally movement on a stone platform.

Four figures rushed out quickly, three of them dealt with the black flames all over the sky, while the other warrior lifted into the sky, faintly scanning the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qianye and others showed a curious look on their faces.

It seems that these people have also seen some clues, knowing that this is a huge formation, and it is necessary to break the formation to enter the stone gate.

Many forces looked at these four people.


The black flame hit the sky, wherever it went, the space was violently distorted, and cracks suddenly formed. A monstrous black flame storm suddenly swept out of it, and the whole body was condensed from the black flame. , Violently rushed out from the black flame below, filling the void in a blink of an eye.

These figures are full of flames all over, and when you look carefully, these guys actually have a substantial body, and the aura they exude is quite not weak.

"There is also a standard for the holy flames of all spirits to choose Huo. People who are weak in martial arts are not qualified to be its Huo. They are instantly burned to ashes. Only the strong can become its Huo." Zhao Wanjun was surprised. Said.

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