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""Haha~~! Haha~, you can see me when you turn around!" Ye Shan stood behind Slug, teasing the sturdy Namekian. His cold and gloomy tone made the atmosphere on the scene fall into extreme panic. As early as when Neylu and Slug were fighting, Ye Shan arrived at Namek and floated in the sky, slowly admiring Slug's torture methods. However, Slug's methods were just like that, and they were completely incomparable to the ten tortures.

Because Ye Shan's energy was completely restrained, the two people below didn't notice him at all. Ye Shan didn't immediately rescue Neylu who was suffering from inhuman torture. This Neylu had high eyes and looked down on everyone. He really should have learned a lesson. It was not until he was about to be beaten to death that Ye Shan kicked Slag away, preventing the kick that was about to land on Neru's head and cause death.


The unknown enemy made Slag extremely panic. He shouted and fired a large number of small air bombs with both hands. In an instant, a violent explosion sounded behind him. The soil on the ground was blown into the air, and dust covering a large area was raised, making everything gray and unclear.

For a long time, the strange voice that could only be heard but not seen was not heard again, and Slag's tense spirit relaxed a little.

"Humph! He turned out to be a fool who only knows how to play tricks but has no real strength."Slag murmured. After searching around for a while and finding no one, he was about to fly to the residence where the great elder was resting.

However, his ankle was instantly entangled by something soft and a huge force came. Slag could not keep his body steady at all and was thrown to the ground fiercely, creating a human-shaped hole.

"Where do you want to go? Green monster."A teasing voice came from the side.

Ye Shan sneered at Slag, whose whole body was flat on the ground, and the tail behind him circled in front of him and danced in the wind.

This time Slag finally saw the figure who had been teasing him, a strange alien with two earrings exuding an ancient atmosphere, tall and with a tail. He jumped out of the pit and looked at the weird alien with a gloomy face. There was an evil look on his face, and a fierce look flashed:"The guy who hides his head and does not show his face, it turns out that you are the one who has been making trouble."

"Sick dog, if you answered correctly, it's me. You don't need to care who I am or where I come from. You are quite capable! Are you interested in being my follower? I am still short of a dung collector." Ye Shan sneered.

Dung collector?

Slag felt insulted, his blood rushed to his heart, his eyes were bloodshot, and he sneered,"Don't think you can be complacent just because you took a little advantage. I want to let you know what cruelty is."

"I really don't know what cruelty is, how about you let me show you?" Ye Shan was calm and relaxed, letting go without taking it seriously.

"I hope you can still laugh later!"Unable to win the war with words, Slag stopped talking and started to fight with all his strength. He flashed behind Ye Shan with a whistling fist, and his other hand silently grabbed his tail.

"He is tall and strong, but his brain is a bit slow! Didn't you notice it?"Ye Shan chuckled, took two steps to the left to avoid the powerful fist, jumped up lightly, and wrapped his tail around Slag's neck and threw him into the air again.

"I'll give you a few balls!

With malice in his heart, Ye Shan created several ping-ball-sized energy bombs in the air, which flew across the sky and hit Slag's moon.....


Slug in the sky received an unprecedented critical hit. Several small energy bombs rushed into his body and exploded instantly. Heavy firecrackers rang out behind him. The whole person was like a balloon with the gag pulled out. The back thrust generated by the explosion flew aimlessly in the sky. Billowing smoke continued to spew out from behind the Pi Yue Shu.

"This killing power is too horrible, it's simply too horrible to watch."Looking at Slag lying on the ground with his life or death unknown, with wisps of light smoke still coming out from behind him, Ye Shan shuddered all over.

The power of the energy bombs released by Ye Shan was actually not as strong as imagined. Under normal circumstances, hitting Slag's body with good combat power would not cause any harm at all, but only hit a fatal part of the human body......

The remaining flowers bloom brilliantly...

Ye Shan couldn't help but think of a star in the last life singing a song.

After lying on the ground in silence for a moment, Slag finally stood up in a trance, holding the rear seat tightly with one hand, and his expression became very exciting.

"How dare you, you despicable fellow?...

I will definitely catch you and torture you to death!!!

" He was filled with hatred, absolutely!

At this moment, Slug's hatred for Ye Shan rose to the top, and he completely forgot about destroying Namek and snatching the LONG Pearl.

He stared at Ye Shan with eyes that wanted to skin him alive, as if he would not stop until he died!

The recovery ability of Namekians is ranked first in the entire universe.

Even a broken arm can grow back in an instant, not to mention such a small injury.

"How about it, this new tactile experience makes you feel great, right?"Ye Shan touched his nose and smiled maliciously.


Slag's 300,000 combat power burst out completely, the air surged, bloodthirstiness, coldness and violence accompanied by fists.

Ye Shan was like taking a walk in his own backyard, completely ignoring Slag's attack, but the strange thing was that he didn't hit a single punch.

It was as if Ye Shan had already anticipated the movement of Slag's fist and dodged it one step ahead, giving people a feeling of being unpredictable.

"Finished?" The surroundings suddenly became quiet. Ye Shan crossed his arms and looked at Slag who was panting beside him and said calmly.

"You damned fellow, how could you..."Slag looked very embarrassed at this time. He stood on the ground with his body bent to rest. After a series of strong attacks, he didn't even touch the enemy. He was exhausted.

"I'll give you a few more balls.~~"Ye Shan's figure disappeared with a whoosh.

Hearing this again, Slager couldn't help but put his hands under the backrest, his face full of fear.

"I lied to you!"A voice came from the right. A punch hit him in the waist, accompanied by several slight bone cracks. Slag was dragged a hundred meters on the ground, leaving a trace more than 2 meters wide and hundreds of meters long. Poof! ~

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