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"The weather is really nice today, suitable for fishing."Ye Shan was walking on the streets of the West Capital, looking around.

Fishing, ever since the dead North Kai King Todd played it once and benefited a lot from it, Ye Shan has always been thinking about it, always wanting to try it again, but there has been no chance.

Now that he is finally a little free, he naturally wants to experience it again.

Maybe his realm can be improved again? As for the search for Super LONG Pearls, Ye Shan felt that it was too urgent.

This is not something that can be completed overnight.

If you are lucky and no one stops you, maybe you can collect them in a year or two, but is it possible? Super LONG Pearls are not those common goods made by the gods.

Even if you wish to kill a God of Destruction, it is easy.

Ye Shan dare not guarantee that he will not be stopped by other universe kings or gods of destruction if he rashly searches for Super LONG Pearls.


's more, he has just returned not long ago. How can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't take a good rest for a while? Anyway, the future world will be like that, so it doesn't matter if they wait a little longer.

"Fishing. Fishing. Let's get some fishing rods first!" Ye Shan walked slowly into a sporting goods store and spent money in large amounts. All of this was earned by his own hands.

How did he earn it? Ever since the publication of that little book that condensed the essence of a certain country in the last century, the royalties were so much that he was too lazy to even read it. Anyway, he could never spend all the money. It would be unreasonable not to squander it like a rich man.

"Hmm? It's this kind of robber again. They are so careless about human life when they charge on the street in broad daylight!"Ye Shan walked to the street with two fishing rods in his hands and paused. Two bearded men holding machine guns and carrying a large bag of banknotes drove a small car madly on the crowded street, causing people to exclaim.

How familiar is this scene?~~~

Ye Shan's eyes fixed on the little girl in the middle of the road, who was looking at the car running towards her at a loss, without any intention of dodging. If she continued like this, she would be hit by the speeding car in a few seconds. The fate of this little girl was imaginable.

"So rampant, not even sparing the little girl."Ye Shan's face turned cold, and his figure appeared in front of the little girl.

""Where did you come from, you bastard? Get out of my way!!!" The bearded man with a scar on his face shouted, and the machine gun in his hand shot at the madman in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang!

A volley of bullets hit Ye Shan, creating sparks.

With a sudden move, Ye Shan stepped on the front of the car that was running towards him. The rear of the car was lifted up by the huge force, and the engine was roaring but could not move forward at all.

""Little sister, are you okay? Your mother" Ye Shan didn't care about the two robbers who were sitting half a meter above the ground and were shouting. He turned his head and chuckled to comfort them.

The little girl seemed to be a little slow to react. She looked at the roaring car in horror. Tears welled up in her big eyes, and then she cried out,"Woo! ~Mom, I want my mom!"

Ye Shan loved children, especially the little girl. Seeing that she kept crying, he patiently coaxed her gently,"Don't cry, little sister, it's okay...How about I show you a magic trick, big brother?" Magic is still very powerful for young children. The little girl stopped crying and rubbed her big red eyes. The fear on her face disappeared. Instead, she asked curiously,"Big brother, what kind of magic are you going to show? Yalun wants to see it."

Children change their faces really quickly!...She was crying one second but smiling the next.

Ye Shan turned around and grabbed the two still arrogant robbers and slapped them in the face, shocking them completely.

"Little sister, watch carefully! The magic is about to begin~" Ye Shan smiled gently at the little girl, turned around and looked at the two robbers who were slapped unconscious.

A finger!

A finger gently tapped on the forehead of one of the robbers, and the shocking change began!

The robber's skin and appearance quickly wrinkled like an orange peel that had been drained of water. His muscles atrophied, his lower back bent involuntarily, and the whole person shrank completely.

A man who was still full of vitality just now suddenly became like an old man in his twilight years.

""Little Yalun, is this magic trick that turns a person into an old man in an instant fun?" Ye Shan smiled faintly and touched the little girl's head.

The little girl was only a few years old and had no idea how scary this magic was. She clapped her hands in joy and shouted,"It's amazing, big brother~ The bad guy who wanted to hit Yalun suddenly turned into an old man."

Another robber was so frightened when he saw his companion turned into an old man that he peed himself. He quickly jumped out of the car and ran away frantically, shouting incoherently,"No... It's so scary, old man. Don't grow old."

"Do you think running will help... You go too!"Ye Shan looked at the other robber who was running away and moved his fingers slightly. A trace of inexplicable light instantly hit his body. Soon the robber could not run anymore and his body instantly aged by several decades.

Looking at the robber in front of him who was completely scared and crazy like an idiot, Ye Shan shook his head and ignored him. Sooner or later, you will pay for what you have done.

""Little Yalun, why did you run to such a dangerous place in the middle of the road by yourself?"

The little girl Yalun looked around with her eyes wide open, but she didn't find her mother. Her eyes turned red as if she was about to cry again.

Ye Shan was scared:"Don't cry, brother will play with you for a while. Your mother will definitely come to find you if she can't see you!"

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