The monk was so confused that he couldn't understand what the strange uncle was saying.

"Ah? Ah? Ah?" Even if the monk's logic was clear, he couldn't react to what the strange uncle said for a while!

"Don't you understand? Little monk!" The strange uncle sat back on the ground again, "Then I'll explain it to you! It's also very expensive to understand ghost services! But I won't charge! After all, you are my benefactor!"

"Ahem!" The strange uncle cleared his throat and then began to explain slowly!

"Formally introduce! I am Tao Baibai, the world's number one killer!"

"Mispronouncing the name of the mission target is indeed a small mistake that should not be made!"

"You helped me correct it, I am very grateful to you! So, I want to give you a thank you gift! That is to kill you!"

"My action is very expensive! But this time, after I kill you, you don't have to pay any money!"

"Congratulations! You made a fortune!"

"Besides, after I kill you, you don't have to worry about others knowing that I made a small mistake!"

"This is killing two birds with one stone!"

"This is called a win-win situation!"

"Win-win service is one of the most expensive services I have!"

"Let me talk about the pursuit service!"

"It means I will give you 10 minutes, and you can hide and run away during these 10 minutes!"

" After 10 minutes, I will go to kill you! "" Of course! If you are running away, I will chase you slowly. When the time is 20 minutes, I will catch up with you and then kill! " Because this is the most powerful "" Of course, some people add money, replace painless services with bleeding services, bone breaks, peeling the skin, and torture service! " After taking out your mobile phone, after adjusting it for 20 minutes, he closed his eyes and lay on the ground! "Uncle... Uncle, you are..." The little monk took two steps forward, and then a phantom flashed by, and a cut appeared on his face!

"Woo! Ah!" The little monk reached out and touched his face, and his hand was bright red, "Blood~blood! Ah ah~~! Woo woo woo~~!"

The little monk immediately fell into panic and fell to the ground crying!

Tao Baibai on the ground frowned and spoke coldly, "Crying? Crying also counts time!"

"Ah~~Woo woo ah~~" The little monk struggled to get up and ran away quickly!


"Summer, summer, quietly passed~~Leaving a little secret~~"

"Press the bottom of my heart~Press the bottom of my heart~I can't tell you~~"

"The evening breeze blows..."

The alarm sounded, and Tao Baibai on the ground opened his eyes!

"This little song attached to "Turtle Hermit" is so exciting no matter how many times I listen to it!" With a sigh, Tao Baibai lay on the ground and listened to the whole song, and then slowly stood up!

"Hmm~~! Let me see where my little client ran to?" He stretched out his hand and scratched his chin!

"The blood trail stopped here! It seems that my little client is quite smart! He was able to find the blood trail in panic and expose him!" Looking at the blood trail that stopped abruptly under his feet, Tao Baibai praised the little monk!

"Oh! Oh! After stopping the bleeding, he actually changed direction! Not bad! The footprints also have traces of being processed!"

"He turned back on purpose and changed direction again!"

"Did he run into the woods?"

"Hey! There is actually a tunnel here? It's a rabbit hole!"

Tao Baibai chased all the way and finally stopped next to a grass hole!

"Do you think I can't find the escape route like this?" Tao Baibai smiled and raised his foot to lightly touch the ground!

The underground hole collapsed instantly, and a winding and intricate ditch appeared!

Tao Baibai walked along the ditch again!

“Where is it? Where is it? It seems that I can’t find it!” Tao Baibai leaned against a tree and shouted loudly on purpose!

The reason why the voice was so loud was because

Of course, it was for the little monk hiding in the tree to hear!

"There are 3 minutes and 21 seconds left!" Tao Baibai deliberately raised his watch and looked at it, then shouted loudly!

"Woo woo~~"

Listening to the soft crying sound coming from the tree, Tao Baibai grinned!

"Hahaha! Okay, okay! I won't tease you anymore! You crying little monk!" Tao Baibai laughed twice, then shouted at the tree!

"Big... Big... Uncle! You were joking just now! Aren't you going to kill me?" The little monk knew that he had been discovered and could not escape, so he could only hold the last bit of hope and stick his head out and asked carefully!

"No, no, no! I think you misunderstood! I said I won't tease you anymore because I'm a little bored! Hurry up and kill you, I'm going to kill my target!" Tao Baibai shook his head to deny, then stretched out his toes and pointed at the tree in front of him!



The tree that the two of them were hugging broke in an instant and slowly fell to the side!

As it fell, it rubbed against the tree next to it, making a harsh and unpleasant sound!

Combined with the little monk's louder cries, it continued to echo in the forest, forming a symphony of fear!

[Occasionally, there are times when my Chinese language skills explode! I can't believe that I wrote the above sentence! ]

"You have given me enough fun! Thank you, little monk! I will use this move to send you off!" Tao Baibai stretched out a finger and pointed at the little monk!

"Dongdongbo!" He also shouted the name of the move with a sense of ritual!

A small wave of light shot out from Tiao Baibai's finger and went straight to the little monk's chest!

And at this moment!

Something strange happened!

"Hey! You dare to come out and harm people in broad daylight! Surrender now!" A big monk wearing a golden and red cassock, holding a flowing whisk, and with the moonlight reflected on his head, jumped out from nowhere!

The whisk in his hand swept past!

The light wave collapsed instantly!

Just showing this hand, Tao Baibai was shocked!

He raised his finger tremblingly, pointed to the sky, and asked loudly, "It's night! How can it be in broad daylight?"


The end of the chapter of spirit:

If I were to name this chapter, it would be called: About the incident where I listened to a long self-introduction after helping others and was hunted down!

(Reader's talent)

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