Rena couldn't help it, thinking about it, she only thought of one thing to do.

Close your eyes, try to visualize, and even try to control the qi to sense.

She is much more knowledgeable than the rest of the Saiyans and has a high awareness of qi.

Unfortunately, her three-legged cat kung fu is completely helpless.

After engaging for a long time, I gave up directly.

"Forget it, don't do it, destroy it!"

This is the helplessness of the Saiyans, who simply cannot survive in space and are now like headless flies.

She gave up, but not absolutely.

She believed that Sark would step in to help her.

Sark's side is also in trouble.

All of Sark's spiritual power entered the alien space.

Sealing the spell suppression, he can already enter the alien space, and the range is on that acre and three points of land.

As soon as he entered, his spiritual power quickly condensed into an entity, and there were also more than 260,000 giant elephants in his body, and his qi was also full.

Sark raised his hands and looked left and right.

"It's amazing, this is similar to a real world, what is going on with the race of Saiyans."

As soon as Sark finished speaking, his face became gloomy.


The Qi instantly condensed outside the body, forming a transparent shield.

Before Sack could breathe a sigh of relief, the shield began to ripple like the waves, and he could sense that something unknown was eating his qi.

Sark's face sank, he sealed the spell to suppress the alien space, and the Eternal Source Domain had been formed, and there was no overreaction at all, there shouldn't be something here that he didn't know.

The face was gloomy, and he was instantly violent.

"Damn, get out."

The sound was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, spreading around.

The entire Eternal Origin Domain was trembling.

Sack's eyes narrowed, and he found that something unknown was rippling in the air.


After all, his spiritual power is condensed, and his observation is still different from his physical body, and this change in air is also reflected.

"No, it's my mental power that subconsciously thinks that this is daytime, the color is not white at all, the spiritual power is not bound by the body, the chromaticity is not the same at all, and it is not white now."

Sark's face was gloomy, and his anger gushed wildly.

Here, the power transmitted to him by the 4 seals is even greater and inexhaustible.

Spiritual power swept across the space like a storm.

The four seals sealed an egg-shaped space, this space is the Eternal Source Domain, he stands in the middle of the Source Domain, his spiritual power can not only spread the entire Source Domain, but also probe outward.

Just out of the origin domain, the spiritual power was instantly destroyed if it met boiling oil.

Sark's face turned pale, and he hurriedly retreated, only daring to probe the entire source domain.

"The outside world is like chaos, my seal talisman is like a world crystal wall to circle the ground, form the world, the seal charm devours all kinds of energy outside and injects into the internal world, while blocking all kinds of chaotic energy and will in the outside world.

It stands to reason that my entire source domain will not have a problem. Sack

measured it and found that the entire space was only 100 million cubic meters in size, and his heart was still very lost.

100 million cubic meters seems to be very large, converted into a square, that is, only 1,000 meters long and 100 meters high, as a world, it is really shabby.

A small ball of light was condensed casually and thrown towards the entire space.


A dull sound came, and Sark's face darkened.

The space is extremely unstable, and a person with 10,000 combat power entering the source domain can break the crystal wall.

Sark is angry.

The source domain he had pinned high hopes on was still so weak.

"Well, that's not right."

Sack frowned deadly, staring seriously at the place where his qi had just erupted.

"The air is actually condensing."

"That's not right. Not air.

Sack was dumbfounded.

The entire source domain was forbidden to him, and all kinds of foreign objects could enter.

The first thing that came to Sark's mind was the invasion of his source domain by the original Alien Space Fury Will.

As early as a long time ago, he knew that the alien space had a will, and even destroyed it with the help of the sun several times, but he did not expect that it could evade perception and quietly invade his source domain.

"Damn beasts, things, and dare to be presumptuous."

Without waiting for the other party to condense a specific form, Sark's figure rushed over, and his figure quickly broke through the 'air' and emitted a piercing pop.

Sark burst into drink, his palms aimed at the place just now, the light bloomed, and the qi was controlled to condense the attack power, and he shot out.


An undetectable sound of penetration came, and the surging condensed air flow quickly spread and merged into the surroundings.

Sark's face was gloomy.

He was sure that he had indeed hit the other party just now, but the other party had integrated into the surrounding environment, and he could not detect it at all.

Sack Fei pondered in the air, and a powerful pure energy suddenly came out of the sealing talisman, and Sark's combat effectiveness increased a little again.

In the body inside the spaceship, the sound of collapse continued to sound, and soon after Sark killed the air flow, the sealing talisman also transmitted pure energy, and the giant elephant swallowed and spit out, and a hundred giant elephant particles were awakened in an instant.

Sark was puzzled at this point.

"Strange, what's going on?"

The spiritual power once again turned into a storm and swept across the entire space.

After a very close investigation, I still found nothing.


Sark's figure flashed, and two powerful attacks erupted again, destroying two more smiling cyclones.

Not long after, his body trembled again, and more than one hundred and fifty giant elephant particles awakened.


Sark was just about to sink when he found four cyclones condensing.

"Something is wrong, what's going on?"

Sark's figure flashed, and soon eliminated the four cyclones again.

This time, without waiting for the giant elephant to awaken again, eight more cyclones slowly condensed.

Sark didn't move and watched quietly.

He also found patterns and wanted to see what these ghost things wanted to do.

Sark decided in his heart that this was the alien will outside the seal that was making trouble, and he was ready to find out.

This is his foundation, his reliance on surpassing the Dragon Ball and overwhelming the heavens.

If you don't figure it out, he can't sleep well.

The eight cyclones gathered larger and larger, and some monsters faintly formed in the core, and in Sack's eyes, two red rays of light were born in the core of the cyclone.

Sark did not hold back, brazenly took the lead, still a blow, blasted a cyclone, and the red light inside quickly disappeared.

The other seven cyclones were indifferent, just quietly condensed.

One hundred and fifty giant elephant particles awakened in Sark's body, and the energy increased again.

Perhaps quantitative change leads to qualitative change, and Sark finally discovers that something is wrong.

His eyebrows bloomed, and there was some smile at the corners of his mouth.

"The source domain is more robust."

Sark did not expect such a surprise.

If he keeps killing these strange things, can the Source Domain improve a lot, and when the time comes, he will be able to break the Open Source Domain World with all his strength.

He is full strength, but he has 400 million combat power.

Although he has never overraced, Sark is absolutely confident that he can transform into a superclass.

Kill these monsters, his giant elephant particle awakening speed is getting faster and faster, this kind of good thing, where to find.

None of the more than 2,000 stellar energies could provide him with such powerful energy.

Sark was pleasantly surprised, and his uneasiness dissipated a lot.

When the cyclone condensed to a certain extent, Sark shot out again, kicking one by one, hand by hand, and his eyes were even more light, relaxed and free.

Eight cyclones disappeared, and sixteen cyclones appeared in an instant.

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