"King, where are we going."

Dapo remained respectful.

Regardless of Rena's warning to him, he couldn't have shot at Sark just because of his self-knowledge.

Kill the weak Sark, what can he get?

All he needs is to keep getting stronger.

Only by following Sark and Renael, two people who are beyond their understanding, can they become stronger.

Sack looked at Dabo, and he could feel the hot anticipation in the heart of the weak Saiyan in front of him.

"Dabo, follow me, ten years, ten years later, I can make you invincible under God."

Dabo's eyes were excited, his body trembled with excitement, he clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

"Following the king, it is Dabo's honor."

Sack smiled, his eyes like stars.

He is not a child, and he does not feel that strength can make people trust and loyal.

Turnips and sticks are always the best tool for domination.

"Let's go to Earth."

Dabo was excited, and when he heard Sark's words, he subconsciously wanted to start the spacecraft, and then stopped and scratched his head.

"That, King, where is the earth, I won't drive a spaceship."

"Just follow me."

Sack indifferently maneuvered the cockpit.

Even if you know the route, it is impossible to fly with this escape pod, which will take too long.

Along the way, Sark kept explaining to Dabo how to improve the efficiency of his practice, so that the kid's cultivation speed increased significantly.

Most of Sark's mind sank into his body, and his body seemed to turn into 840 million particles, forming a huge divine elephant, and it was a galaxy.

Sark knew that if he could transform endlessly, every giant elephant particle transformed from a giant elephant into a meta-image, and finally became a god, he could become an entire universe.

Maybe stronger than the universe.

Now, the giant elephant is only equivalent to the stars, only 13,000 of them shimmering with faint light, constantly rising and falling.

"Oh, I actually awakened more than a thousand giant elephant particles.

It's also incredible.

Could it be that by supercharging that strange space, can my giant elephant particles still absorb energy and constantly awaken? Sak

was amazed in his heart, his body still couldn't exert any strength, that alien space was too powerful, it should be related to the origin of the Saiyans.

Saiyan this perverted ability, which universe to put it, any multi-world can not be said.

And do not absorb the external vitality, as soon as it is restored, the combat effectiveness will be greatly strengthened, and it will transform into super one, super two or even super blue anytime and anywhere, where does the energy come from?

It is impossible to increase strength out of thin air.

Sark was sure that he used the divine elephant to calm the hell, and there was definitely a big secret to seal the strange space of the body he even tried to control.

Super race transformation, the special S cells in the body all come from here.

No secret, he eats the planet upside down.

"In this way, I only need to cultivate that move, and as soon as I recover, my combat power can reach 600,000, and my body can even go further.

I don't know if I can survive in the universe.

Sack looked at the stars that kept crossing, and a bold decision suddenly appeared in his mind.

Three days later,

a spaceship broke out of a living planet.

The people on the ground could only be in a hurry, pointing at the spacecraft and cursing.

"Hehe, King, you're so smart to destroy all their spaceships so they can't chase us."

Sack looked calm.

"I didn't reveal my identity."

"Great King, my combat power has reached 2100 now, how can they find out."

Dabo was very excited, and following King Sark was indeed the most correct path.

It's just that he casually directs himself for a few days, and his combat effectiveness after exercising is far behind Wally.

What is the meaning of keeping a stable life, the loyalty in front, in exchange for the current strength.

Dabo sighed in his heart, and was even more determined to follow the idea of following Sark's footsteps.

Sark controls the spacecraft and follows the star map, gradually approaching the outer periphery of the northern galaxy, where the Earth is.

"Help me see if there are suitable stars."

Dabo was still happy that he could also rob other people's planets like his predecessors, and received Sark's order.


After being dumbfounded, Dabo hurriedly spoke.

"Great King, aren't we looking for other planets?"

Sack looked at Dapo calmly, really when they were bandits.

Also ready to continue to grab.

Sack's gaze was like a torch, and Dabo scratched his head.

"Understood, I'll look for the king right away."

A month later, Sack looked at the star not far away, his eyes deep.

"King, here we are."

"Just moor here, open the outer cabin and close it."

Sark ignored Dabo and walked straight to the outer cabin.

The outer cabin and the inner cabin are partitioned, and the cosmic radiation cannot enter the interior of the spacecraft at all.

Sark wants to rely on stellar energy to accelerate the giant elephant to control alien space.

Coming to the outer cabin, everything was ready, Dabo opened the outer cabin control door in worry, and held the closed control lever of the outer cabin with both hands.


, countless rays, stellar energy surging.

Sark looked intoxicated.


Sack's body is like a sponge, constantly absorbing all kinds of energy from the universe.

The furnace of heaven and earth swayed excitedly, and Qiong swallowed energy, transformed into vitality, and constantly nourished the awakened giant elephant.

Suddenly, the giant elephant had a tendency to light up again.

Sark rejoices.

Take the right step yourself.

As long as he succeeds, he will soon be able to regain his strength.

Unfortunately, the giant elephant had just lit up, and the storm in the alien space intensified, and he had to suppress it with stronger force.

The power that Sark had just gained was emptied and disappeared.

Sack gasped.

The moment the power is filled, and then the feeling of emptying is too uncomfortable.

It's 10,000 times more uncomfortable than making a jumping machine.

"Great King."

Dabo was in a hurry, not knowing Sack's condition, and hurriedly pulled down the outer cabin lever and tried to close the outer cabin.

Sak was bruised and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"Don't close, that's it, I'm fine."

After saying this, Sark's whole person seemed to have lost his marrow, and he fell limply to the ground.

If it is not fixed by various equipment, it will definitely let the space suction suck away.

Lying on the ground, Sark felt the speed of controlling the refining alien space increase, and his face showed a look of intoxication.

It is as if the moment before the gods woke up, experiencing the darkness and carrying endless hope.

"Keep moving towards the star until the spacecraft can adapt to its position."

Dabo gritted his teeth and his eyes were red.

Reopening the outer hatch, tears in his eyes, he controlled the spacecraft toward the star.

The appearance of Sark just now kept appearing in his mind, and a quality after wisdom appeared in his mind, tenacious and unyielding, and the spirit of hard work was born.

"Great King, I will not disappoint you."

Sark didn't know this, and as he got closer, various storms of rays and energy became more and more turbulent.

Sack trembled, his body began to fester, and his face appeared strangely intoxicated.

The alien space is refining rapidly, and the speed is more than three times faster.

In this way, he did not have the confidence that he could control the alien space within 10 years and practice that trick.

"Mistake, the alien space is much more powerful than I thought. Unexpected, but reasonable. "

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