The corner of Sark's mouth twitched as he stared at the ugly dragon transformed into the extended pillar of light of the Dragon Ball.

Is it so sharp?

The Great Elder's words were much faster than he had worked hard to find them himself.

Listening to Polenga grunting in his ears, Sark looked at the old group of Nemesis.

The importance of foreign languages is unparalleled at this time.

He didn't understand at all.

"Hello, I am the second elder of the Namec people, Mu Li, what is your wish?"

Sark blurted out.

"Restore the original homeland of the Saiyans, the planet Sharada."

When Second Elder Muley heard this, he turned around and grunted towards Polenga.

Soon, Shenlong replied, and the second elder's eyes also looked over.

"Okay, it's restored, you can make a second wish."

Sark hung his head and said tentatively.

"Let Frieza not destroy Vegeta?"

The second elder nodded, did not speak, turned to Bo Lunga and continued to purr.

After a while, the second elder looked at Sack.

"Sorry, this wish can't come true, you need to change one."

Sark wasn't too surprised.

Although the destruction of Vegeta Star has the meaning of Frieza, it is mainly ordered by the god of destruction Beerus.

Borenga's power certainly cannot surpass this supreme god in the universe.

"Then save all the Saiyans."

Soon, the same news was fed back to Sark.

Saving Saiyans under the age of 3 still doesn't work.

Sark was not impatient.

"In this way, let me master all the knowledge of the study of the Adrath Starmen."

The second elder relayed his words again.

The divine dragon closed its eyes, not waiting for it to open its mouth and tell the second elder.

Sack felt that his brain was clear for a while, and countless knowledge of the Adrath Starman that had been seen and not seen appeared in his brain, and all of them were absorbed and mastered.

Sark secretly scolded himself for being stupid.

I already knew that it would be good to come directly to Namexing.

2 spaceflight hours wasted in vain.

This wish is fulfilled, and Sark seems to open the door of the devil.

Without hesitation, he once again asked to master all about Qi in Namexing.

The second elder's figure trembled, and he helplessly turned around and continued to speak towards the divine dragon.

Sack didn't care what the second elder's mentality was, and carefully comprehended the knowledge of Namexing.

After the divine dragon grunted, it directly turned into a streamer and collapsed, leaving seven large stones of light in place.

"The Shenlong has fulfilled its wish, and the next use will take 130 days later."

Sack looked at Mulley strangely.

"What's wrong?" Mulley looked puzzled.

"Really, it only takes 130 days?"

Sark understood what Mulley meant, but what the other party said caught him off guard.

So tough?

Mu Li didn't understand the human twists and turns of the mind, and nodded seriously.


"So, whoever can do it?"

Mulley was still confused, not sure what was wrong with what he said.

"Of course it's the day of Namenex."

Sack laughed maniacally.

Is it so open?

The knowledge flowed quickly through his mind, and Sack lost interest in ridicule.

"Okay, I'm okay."

After speaking, he did not go in to greet the Great Elder, and chose a direction to fly away directly.

Come to a narrow island about 10 kilometers away, choose a sunken leeward valley, and the air flows, stirring the air and turning it into a blanket.

Putting down Rena'er, he gently covered her with the blanket and turned and flew towards the beach.

Facing the sea and sitting cross-kneeled on a raised rock, Sark slowly closed his eyes.

The Divine Elephant Hell's Energizing Heart Method appeared clearly in his mind, constantly colliding with the Qi knowledge studied by the Adrath Starman and the Namex Starman.

For a long time, Sark sighed leisurely, and his eyes opened in confusion.

"This god is like a hell and a crooked one."

In that world, when there were more than a dozen god elephants, the qi had begun to crystallize, and there were more super skills such as the spear of the underworld, the wings of the devil, and the guardian of the god of the underworld, not to mention, the breath of the furnace of hell began to condense.

Further, he can plunder heaven and earth and turn it into his own life nourishment.

I'm 10,000 head, it's still the same. "

Among them, there should be a reason why the true qi of that world is not as good as this world's qi, but the main reason is that the rules of heaven and earth are completely different.

Fortunately, both worlds are cultivation qi, if magic and other strange things, Sark may only be able to hold Baoshan and cry.

"Qi crystallization, how can this be knotted."

In this world, there is no such thing as gas crystallization.

Their previous qi was diffused in the cells of the whole body, which was a super exciting scene of qi foot, planet destruction and I not extinguished, loss of qi, and one shot down.

It does not operate in these narrow places such as meridian points at all.

Sark's current qi is also stored in the body of the god and elephant, and he will breathe and supply it to him when needed.

If he really wants to run the acupuncture channels and meridians in the body, he will definitely not be able to practice.

"This is no research, there is no information for the two super research races, the vast universe, where do I look for it."

Sark only knows that the real gasification liquid, the liquid agglomerates into crystals.

But his qi is not liquid.

"Divine elephant, how about you stop squirting and spitting?"

Thinking of that scene, 10,000 divine elephant particles hissed in the sky in his body, constantly spitting.


"Forget it, you can't think about it, you can't think about it.

And liquefaction is useless, and it is necessary to condense the qi rune in the qi sea cave, and I will not know that thing at all. Sack

was irritable, the gods and elephants stepped in unison, and countless powerful qi rushed out, quickly filling his whole body.

"Ten thousand origins return to the sect, where do I go here, besides, cells are much more powerful than meridian acupoints."

Sark's body constantly emitted strong energy bombs, which bombarded the sea.

"This TM is as uncomfortable as pooping and pinching."

"What's wrong?" Rena woke up and flew over and asked suspiciously.

Sark ignored it, still constantly releasing energy bombs, and vented the mania in his heart.

Rena flew over and stood quietly next to Sack, who was sitting cross-legged, watching his actions without saying a word.

It took thirty minutes for Sark to calm down.


Sark nodded, his voice hoarse.

"Rena'er, you said, 3 million combat strength, is it enough?"

Rena Er's eyes flashed with surprise.

Sack means that he can currently exert 3 million combat power.

She knew that Sark was strong, but 3 million, she couldn't imagine it.

"Do you know Frieza's combat power?"

Rena Er said that.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, I wanted him to open a little.

Who knows, Sark said casually.

"One hundred million two."

Rena'er's face changed drastically, and her breath trembled.


Sack did not speak, and she gradually calmed down.

There was no need for Sark to scare him with a number.

Clench your fists hard.

"Then aren't we completely out of chance?"

Sark looked up at the sea with churning waves in the distance, and his eyes returned to calm.

"Super Saiyan."

Rena Er was startled, and her eyes were full of doubts.

Tilting his head and staring quietly at his master.

This master, since the big war four years ago, has become different.

Sark continued to speak a secret.

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