The body of Stellitto was released, and the breath of smoke enveloped Sark.

Rena Er's pretty face was cold, just about to erupt, seeing Sark slowly shake his head, he immediately withdrew the qi that was about to erupt, maintaining the momentum just now.

Sack saw that Rena was obedient, and his heart felt a lot better.

Stare at the left leader at the top.

"Leader Suba, what do you think?"

Supa's face remained unchanged, still gentle as jade, modest and elegant.

"Respected strong man, with a single word, you want to take away the results of countless years of research by our Yadrats.

It's impossible. "

Rena is about to erupt again.

Saiyans are not good people.

I really thought she couldn't lift the knife.

Sark held down the fried Rena and sighed in his heart.

Saiyan evil genes are terrible.

Mo said Rena Er, the idea of directly snatching rose in his mind.

This is still the foundation of the god elephant and hell power.

"It seems that the leader of Suba does not intend to care about the life or death of his own people."

Sark's tone was calm, but his words were infuriating.

"Daring, you can try."

Sark's pupils shrank, and a chill was released.

He spoke again and again, really when a Saiyan had no temper.

The above two did not stop it, did they want to test his strength?

As soon as Sark was about to punish, the Adrath star man on the right spoke solemnly.

"Shut up, don't interject in the future."

"Otherwise, it will make outsiders think that we Adrats are uncultured."

The guards' faces remained unchanged, and they all converged their momentum and returned to Gujing's expression.

In the main hall, the atmosphere of saber rattling was relaxed.

The Adrath who opened his mouth spoke to Sark.

"Sorry, our royalty is not strict, let the distinguished guests see the joke."

"I am the wise man of the Adrath Starman, Husu.

Sincere respect to you.

Sack was noncommittal.

They have a reputation as a Saiyan, and this group of people did not break out and endured and endured.

Do you want them to honor themselves, or don't think about it.

"Which of you can decide?"

Hu Su immediately shut up and said nothing, and Suba took the stubble.

"Respected strong man, this is not the reason why anyone can speak."

Sark stared playfully at Supa.


Sack doesn't believe they don't care.

He currently has little reputation, but no one knows that he has defected to Frieza.

In the entire universe, no one dares to despise Frieza, the emperor of the universe.

Sure enough, the more Sark was like this, the more worried Supa became.

He just stood there quietly, like an ancient pool.

"Sir is so confident?" , Suba was silent for three seconds, and his eyes were complicated.


Sack remains silent.

Supa's words have two meanings.

Someone will take action against the Adrats without their own strength, and the other layer is that Sark has the ability to keep them.

Sark didn't answer, and Supa hesitated.

Sark chuckled, and the four hooves of the ten thousand giant elephants in his body were restless, and the pure qi flowed throughout his body.

Sark's whole body erupted as deep as the breath of the vast sea.

The corners of his mouth hooked, and his breath was like a sledgehammer, with the momentum of thunder, swarming towards Suba and Husu.

The face of the twelve guards changed again, and just as he was about to make a move, Hu Su's aura erupted.


The breath of the two collided, the air exploded, and a wave of qi erupted.


The wind was fierce, and the twelve guards could not hold steady, and they fell backwards.

Fortunately, the hall was empty, and there were almost no things, and nothing was damaged.

Hu Su's face flushed and his breathing was disordered.

On the other hand, Sack is still light and breezy.

When the countershock force is present, the giant elephant proboscis lifts its nose and inhales deeply.

The power that pressed on Sark's body was all absorbed.

Supa's face was full of incredulity.

Sark was able to repel Husu, he had expected it, but Husu was clearly behind, which was simply incomprehensible.

Hu Su is nominally a wise man of the Yadrat Star, but in fact he is the number one master of their clan.

He has the deepest research on the family of Nesbeerlito, and all kinds of magical tricks can be thrown at hand.

Can Sark defeat Husu so lightly, can he destroy their clan?

The person in front of him is not the strongest, at least, the Saiyans are also a powerful race.

Thinking of this, Suba was faintly anxious in his heart.

The notorious fighting nation Saiyans are really not to be underestimated.

If the other party pours out, they really can't resist.

The other party tried again and again, and Sark also lost patience.

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it."

The voice is also much cooler.

After speaking, Sark directly gave the final and deadliest blow.

"I know that your clan has a stunt called fusion, which can fuse two people with similar strength, and the combat effectiveness is increasing exponentially.

But believe me, I can't beat you, but you definitely can't beat King Frieza. "

Sark's face does not change color, and he pulls tiger skin to make a big flag.

As for what will happen after the Adrath Starmen find out.

So what's about Tasack?

Suba and Hu Su looked at each other, and they also understood in their hearts that it was difficult to be good in this matter today.

This guy killed in the Star of Adrat, but they didn't make a move, if they offended both sides, they would not be able to gain a foothold in the universe in the future.

"All of them, I don't have that much energy to study. You.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, but I can assure you that as long as I give it to me, I can help you solve your recent troubles."

Supa's face was livid, and he finally sighed.

"I give."

Sark was secretly happy in his heart, but the surface was still silent.

"Then you are ready, I will grab it."

Everyone was stunned, and the twelve guards who had just recovered and stood still glared angrily at Sark.

Sark smiled and said unhurriedly.

"Only if we take it, you, as the victims, will be good friends among the rest of the cosmic forces."

Suba and Husu were stunned, and then looked at Sark gratefully.

They were in an agitated mood, and for a while they didn't think about this layer at all.

"Okay, let's go get ready."

Zhao Hao bowed.

He is also not afraid of what tricks this group of people play.

He would not copy the cultivation methods of Adrath Star at all.

It's just borrowing.

For these things such as Dragon Ball Qi, he has studied too little to scratch his head.

In addition to recklessness, there is only the divine elephant Zhen Zheng Zheng Qi's carrying method.

He had tried the attack method in the early stage of the Divine Elephant Prison Force, condensing the Spear of the Underworld.

The result is naturally that there is not a single hair.

Both worlds are gas.

But there is still a big difference between gas and gas.

Higher and deeper things, he is even more confused.

Sark had to give up and choose to solve the immediate matter.

As long as it can continue to break through.

It doesn't matter if there are those means or not.

In the world of Dragon Ball, it is more important to focus on energy, strength, speed and reflexes.

As long as he holds these things, the rest of the minutiae, he doesn't have to care at all.

Sark is in a hurry, and naturally he has to pick important things to do.

Seeing Hu Su leave in a hurry, Sark playfully stared at the twelve guards.

"Leader Suba, if we don't do something, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Su Pa immediately understood, and although his face was ugly, he nodded slightly.

"I also hope that the strong will show mercy."

Seeing that the other party agreed, a teachable expression appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, you won't be seriously injured."

Supa was just about to open his mouth when Sark burst out.

"If you dare not give it, then I will directly rob it."

The sound shook the sky, and the firmament of the hall buzzed.

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