Looking at the energy bombs exploding in the sky, the two of them were in a state of trepidation.

They didn’t expect that this Saiyan in front of them would actually kill his subordinates.

Just because he lost his combat effectiveness, he was killed at will.

“He’s your companion! And on your orders, instead of treating him, you killed him. You…” For the friendship before his companions, Sun Wukong valued it very seriously.

Thinking that when Klin was killed by the demon warriors, he did not have any hesitation and ran to take revenge regardless of his tired body.

And if the identities of the two are reversed, presumably Klin will not hesitate to help him take revenge.

By extension, Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, dumplings, and even Bick after becoming partners are all pulling out each other’s hearts and lungs.

“Companion? He is not qualified yet! Vegeta had a look of disdain on his face: “I’m a Saiyan prince!” A genius warrior named after the mother star! It’s very different from a low-level warrior like you. ”

“We Saiyans are physically tested as soon as we are born. If you have high combat effectiveness, you will be vigorously cultivated, just like me. And a low-powered warrior like you will be sent to a remote planet with little danger for trials. Only 10 kills all intelligent beings on the planet to be considered qualified! In other words, you are obsolete! Trash that hasn’t even completed the trial mission! ”

In the face of Vegeta’s great disparagement, disdain. Sun Wukong was not ashamed at all.

“I’m glad to be the knockout of your mouth. I live happily here. There is a group of companions who live and die; There are teachers who teach me the philosophy of life in martial arts; I have a wife who loves me and even a son. ”

“What about you? What do you have? Even killing the last kind, even if it is the strongest in the universe, what is the point. You have nothing but yourself! ”

Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta indifferently, and even had some sympathy.

And this kind of look is the most taboo for Vegeta.

“What kind of eyes are you? Pathetic, sympathetic? Vegeta jumped up and down in exasperation like an ape ripped off a fig leaf.

“Companion? Teacher? Wife? Hey…… When I kill you, I will destroy the entire planet. Let you all be reunited in hell! Go to hell! Inferior warriors of the lowliest level! ”

Vegeta stepped on the ground with one foot and rushed towards the Monkey King in midair.

The powerful recoil force caused the one-storey-high rock under his feet to collapse instantly!


Sun Wukong was undaunted and immediately rushed head-on. The two sides are engaged in a fierce battle in the desolate wasteland!

Meanwhile, a spaceship above Earth.

The dark blue disc-shaped spacecraft is a small spaceship specially prepared by Herbara for Raditz.

Don’t look at the small size, all the instruments in it are the top in the universe. The value of this spaceship is even above Earth!

In the lounge of the spaceship.

Nappa, who should have died under Vegeta’s attack, was now in shock and looked at Raditz blankly.

There were even some undried eyes in the red eyes.

Just as Vegeta lifted Napa into the air, he blasted out energy bombs.

In the nick of time, Raditz used teleportation to pull Nappa back from Death’s hands.

“Why, don’t know me?” Holding a broken arm, Raditz said with a smile.

“You are?” Nappa recognized Raditz as a Saiyan and did not recognize which one he was.

“It’s really disappointing for me, we met honestly at the beginning, but you yourself invited me to join the team!” Now you don’t know me. Raditz looked sad.

Nappa was getting more and more confused.

Team? He has been sent out on missions since he was a child, and when he returned, Vegeta Star had been destroyed. Where will people team up to do tasks.

Wait, team?

In the depths of my memory, it seems that I once said this.


“Hey! You…… Woke up… Is it? Come out quickly! ”

“Hello! I…… Be…… Napa, my… Father…… Is to take… Poulun! ”

“Or let’s form a battle group in the future!” Find another superior fighter. ”

“Cut! Little brat, what a coward! ”

The pictures hidden deep in his memory were slowly recalled by him.

“It’s you! Raditz! Napa shouted incredulously.

Raditz smiled: “Oops, I finally remembered.” I haven’t seen you for more than ten years in the blink of an eye, but as soon as I see your bald head, I recognize you! ”

“Hehe, this is my logo!” Napa seemed to forget the pain of betrayal, and touched his smooth and shiny bald head with his only remaining right hand and smiled.

“By the way, how did you get over all these years? Ever since our planet Vegeta was hit by a meteorite, I thought there were only two Saiyans in this world, me and Vegeta! ”

Nappa was a little puzzled. Over the years, he and Vegeta have also searched for people who have gone out to fight.

However, every time they heard the news of the appearance of a clansman, by the time they rushed away, either no one or the person was dead.

Raditz, of course, knows who is going to go. All assassinated by the people of the Frieza Legion!

On one occasion, Vegeta and Nappa were only a few meters apart from one of their clansmen.

The man had already opened his mouth to cry for help, but was covered by the Doom Soldier. And just like that, killed under their noses.

The Saturnians, who were in charge of tracking and monitoring, witnessed and recorded everything.

Raditz doesn’t admit to being a good person. He also didn’t want to be a good person.

Good people do not live long, and the scourge is left behind for a thousand years747.

He also wants to live a long life and enjoy happiness with his family.

However, in this cruel cosmic environment, the weak die and the strong live.

If you want to live the life you want, you must have enough strength in your hands to defend everything.

From birth to now, he has been working hard to cultivate, layout, collect people, and develop his head.

It is to have the strength to protect yourself and your loved ones one day.

Except for a very small number of the previous Saiyans, the vast majority have rotted to the bottom. There is no value in salvage.

And because of the excess killing, there are already too many negative emotions condensed in Saiyans, cause and effect.

If Raditz forcibly accepts the Saiyan race, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will be driven crazy by many causes and effects and negative energy. Even in the end, he perished with the Saiyan race.

Only the new Saiyan family, which was reborn from the ashes, is worthy of his support and re-enlarges the cosmic stage.

“I wonder if the original invitation to form a team is still valid? Change me this time, are you willing to form a combat group with me? Raditz asked sincerely as she watched Napa stretch out her right hand.

Looking at Raditz’s right hand, Napa’s eyes turned red again.

He trembled and stretched out his one arm and tightly held Raditz’s outstretched right hand:

“I do!” _

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