Angela looked at the Adrath Star Warrior who rushed straight over, and a sneer flashed on her face.

The next moment he disappeared, and when he appeared, he was close to the warrior’s side.

“Go and die!” Angela’s right hand, with sharp claws, half clenched, slammed into the warrior’s heart!

Seeing that the warrior was about to die in his hands, all the demons roared and cheered excitedly.

However, the Yadrats themselves were not in a hurry.

Shrag was standing there with a cloak and a gloomy face.

Swish! Angela’s eagle-like claws dug into the warrior’s chest.

But the feeling in the hand was wrong, and there was no warmth that scratched the chest at all. There is also no fishy sweet fragrance as expected.


While Angela was stunned, the Yadrat Star Warrior slammed him to the ground with an elbow.

The solid ground was also blasted out of a not shallow pit.

He was also ready to go the extra mile and prepare for combos. Unexpectedly, Angela sensed his intentions and dodged one by one.

“Hehe, got it.” Instead of being knocked down in annoyance, Angela sneered sinisterly like a fox who stole a hen.

Then Angela rushed at the warrior again, this time getting up and kicking.

When the warrior repeats the technique when the opponent hits him, his body blurs and transfers.

“Caught it!” Just as he dodged the attack and was about to fight back, he heard Angela’s voice coming from behind him.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Looking down, a sharp claw is grasping a heart that is still beating and emitting heat.

‘Is that mine?’ Immediately, his consciousness fell into boundless darkness.


The people around the old patriarch shouted the names of the killed soldiers in grief and indignation, and wanted to rush over but were stopped by the old patriarch.

“Hey, hey… It tastes really delicious! “Angela stuffed the warm heart into her mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it into her stomach.” So, the rest of the people come together? ”


“Nice job!”

The demons behind Shrag made all kinds of strange cries to celebrate their victory.

The old patriarch gloomy face and made a few gestures.

The remaining Yadrath Star warriors endured their grief and indignation, each found the corresponding person, and each took the opposite pose.

“Oh! Starting to fit? That’s fun! Kurban, is there any interest in fighting? Shrag knew that this was a combination technique of the Adraths, but he didn’t stop it. Instead, he opened his mouth to let Kurban play.

“We are happy to help you.” Kurban moved his hands and feet and walked off the field.


At this time, the old patriarch’s side also completed the merger, and more than a dozen powerful ‘qi’ gushed out.

The combat effectiveness of the newly appeared new fighters has increased several times, and it has reached fifty or sixty thousand.

“Drink!!! Kurban’s energy, which was not inferior to the other party, erupted from his body.

Angela, Kurban and the two rushed over to meet each other’s dozen people.

Swish! When the two flew over, several legs came out of the ground and kicked towards him!

Kurban: !!!

Angela: !!!

Fortunately, the two of them were not weak, and they barely dodged this sudden blow.

But this also made their momentum dissipate, and the other party had rushed over to form a closed encirclement against them.

Bang bang! As soon as the two sides clashed, they did their best, and the violent collision and bombardment were as dense as thunder. Soon a huge dust smoke was set off on the site.

Angela is a fierce, bloodthirsty demon with thick skin and flesh, even if he is hit, he will turn a deaf ear; Kurban is a three-eyed clan with rich battles and many moves, and a martial art that few people can hit him.

Ordinary warriors may be defeated after a few moves, but this time they are facing the combined warriors of the Star of Adrat.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness, the weird superpowers that are haunted and have a variety of tricks are a headache.

In particular, there was a woman who faintly suppressed Angela.

Each of her attacks hit Angela without landing. Even if he had thick skin, he didn’t last long before he was beaten and vomited blood.

Slug frowned, and the rest of the demons rushed over with a howl without his orders.

An even larger scuffle ensued.

“Ah…” After about a few minutes of the melee, the first casualty appeared, but it was a thin demon with relatively weak combat effectiveness.

This scream was like a trumpet for a general attack, and before long, more wails sounded.

One after another, people were killed and fell to the ground, both demons and Adrath Star warriors.


The two sides blasted out energy bombs in unison, and with a huge roaring explosion, both sides returned to their respective camps.

Kurban stood panting and bleeding from several bone-deep wounds on his back. It was caused by a dying blow from an Adratat Star warrior with cutting powers.

There were only three people from the demon side who came back alive, including Kurban.

The Adrath side is slightly better, but there are only six of them. You know, there were more than fifteen of them just now!

The old patriarch looked at the child who fell in a pool of blood on the battlefield with a painful heart. These are the hopes of the future of the clan! Now they are all dying here.

He raised his hands tremblingly and chanted cumbersome mantras in a low voice.


Several transparent, almost invisible meniscus blades appeared in the air, spinning and flying towards Slug’s group in an instant.

Kurban detected this strange attack with the third eye on his forehead. Not only dodged himself, but also pulled the cold tanuki man away.

The other two exhausted demons, including Shrag, were all hit by these transparent meniscus blades.


The meniscus-shaped blade was extremely sharp, and it cut the two surviving demons into more than a dozen pieces without stopping.


When the blade slammed into Shrag, there was a crisp sound like glass breaking.

Old Patriarch: !!!

Kurban, who evaded the attack, was also agitated in his heart.

He knew what the attack was.

That’s the Blade of Space! The existence of the cut space, even it could not break Shirag’s body.

For the first time, Kurban felt as if he shouldn’t be rebelling against the other.

“Hey, hey… Kind of interesting! Shrag shook his neck from side to side, “Do you want a few more shots?” If you don’t come, I’ll go.” ”

Just as the old patriarch was preparing for a new attack, Shrag smiled and rushed over.

Old Patriarch: %¥#

As soon as a few spells were recited , a transparent protective shield covered him and several warriors around him.

The next moment, Shrag smiled viciously and slammed his fist on the shield.

Bang! Click!

After only a split second, the shield shattered.

The three warriors, who were not covered by protective covers, were blasted into minced meat in an instant.

The old patriarch vomited a mouthful of blood the moment the protective shield shattered, and almost fainted. With a wave of his right hand with strong perseverance, he teleported him and those who survived.

“Think you’ll be able to escape?” Shrag scanned the circle, quickly found the node of this space, and teleported away without much effort.

Almost the moment he left, Raditz also came to this space.

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