When Bardock and Raditz faced the enemy separately, Himenei, who was lying in the hospital to recuperate, almost recovered his original qi (this original qi flew to the original qi).

Although it was still a long way from the palace, the sound of the battle was still heard by her.

What’s more, the roar of the big explosion that Kinu and his party had made in the city before was even more deafening, and it was difficult not to notice.

As the most combative person in Vegeta Star, Himeuchi certainly will not sit still. After putting on her combat uniform, she scanned the situation around her with Scott.

“100000…… 36000…… 54000…… 26,000…” One by one, the almost explosive combat power surprised Ji Nei. “Damn how so many powerful enemies! No, I have to hurry! ”

Himeuchi hurriedly emerged from the ward, ready to fly to the battlefield to support her husband and comrades. When she flew over the hospital, she accidentally came across the nameplate outside the nursery.

With a movement in his heart, the body that had originally flown into the sky turned a corner and returned to the hospital, landing in the corridor outside the nursery.

There was a force in the underworld that tugged at her heart, and she followed the signs and soon came to the nursery room.

When you open the door, you will see a fully transparent nursery with more than two dozen cribs side by side. Most babies fall asleep quietly, with only two or three energetic little ones biting their fingers to play with 723.

The Saturn and Saiyans in charge of caring for the baby did not stop him from seeing that it was Himechi.

The hairstyle that was not much different from her husband Bardock and the unique perception of the mother-child connection allowed Himeuchi to quickly find his child.

Glass Himei looked at the sleeping child quietly, her eyes full of love.

“Baby, wait for me to come back. At that time, our family of four will be reunited…” Without too much delay, Ji Nei glanced nostalgically at his second son lying on the crib, and immediately turned and left.

Not long after she left, Kakarot, who had not yet been named, suddenly opened her eyes. After looking around, it seemed that something was missing, and I couldn’t help but open my mouth and cry. As a result, the children who were sleeping around them also cried together.

Suddenly, the quiet nursery was instantly filled with crying one after another.

Ji Nei, who rushed out of the hospital, flew out towards the battlefield and not long after he ran into Kinu, who solved his opponent.

After Kinu left his team, it didn’t take much effort to find the Saiyan with more than 10,000 combat power.

In terms of Kinu’s combat effectiveness, more than 10,000 combat effectiveness is really too little. He only struggled with the other person for a few minutes (babe) before he brought him down.

This is still because of his subordinates’ mercy, otherwise a person who takes care of the other party will be beaten down.

He was still lamenting that there was no opponent, and Himeuchi appeared in his field of vision.

“It’s really hard to find a place to break through iron shoes, and it doesn’t take any effort to get it.” Ji Nu looked at Ji Nei, who was dressed in a military uniform, and couldn’t help laughing: “I was thinking about where to find you, but I didn’t expect that you sent it to the door yourself.” You’re Himechi, right? That female elite warrior whose fighting power far surpassed that of the Saiyan King. Gee…… I have to say that the Saiyan King is really a nest. It can’t even compare to a woman. ”

Although he has not seen Kinu, as the power of Vegeta Star, Kinai still has some understanding of the power of Frieza’s men.

The previous Doom has seen it, even if only two people still work hard for themselves and their son Raditz to solve it.

And the captain of Kinu in front of him is a super strong figure in the complete explosion team.

‘So what, even if the enemy is strong, I will not kill me!’ ’

After the initial battle, Himeuchi instantly calmed down the inner turmoil. Put on an offensive posture and be ready to respond to Kinu’s attack at any time.

“Oh? I even wanted to resist. You should know who I am. Sure enough, the Saiyans are a bunch of stubborn stinky monkeys! In that case, let me have fun with you before sending you to hell! Kinu shook his head pityingly, then disappeared in place.

As he spoke, Ji Nei’s body suddenly erupted with powerful momentum, and a cloud of energy visible to the naked eye wrapped around her. From a distance, she looks like a mighty god of war falling from the sky.


Sensing that the crisis was approaching, Himeuchi suddenly bowed his head forward to avoid Kinu’s sweep. At the same time, the right leg kicked straight back and slammed into Kinu’s abdomen.

Snap! The two sides exchanged dozens of times in an instant, each time it was Ji Nei who rushed to attack, but they were easily stopped by Kinyu.

“Hey!” Himeuchi shouted, and his fast-flying body was like snake-like lightning, once again increasing his movement speed. And forcibly twisted the direction of flight in the air, such an abrupt twist that even Kinu did not expect.

And this is exactly what Himeuchi wants.

In the moment that Kinu was stunned, Ji Nei’s combat power suddenly doubled. It turned out to be 65,000!

With such a powerful combat power, it is enough to threaten Kinu.

Himeuchi did not waste the opportunity he had won hard, and after the surge in combat power, he flashed behind Kinu several times in a row. Aiming at Kinu’s defenseless back, he used all his strength to blast out.

“Serai Cannon Punch!”

The Serai Cannon that condensed the strength of Ji Nei’s whole body rushed into the back of Kinyu with an unstoppable huge momentum under the wrapping of the light cyan subtle electric snake.

Poof! The powerful force instantly made Kinyu spew out a mouthful of blood. The body involuntarily rolls forward.

This is not the end, the theory of Serai cannon punching is called cannon punching. It is that after this move is blasted out, it will continue to strengthen under the drive of the user’s power and continue to attack.

As long as the strength is extinguished, it can continue to attack. The fist shadow infused with huge energy was constantly bombarding the attackers all the time.

Although the attack power after that was not as strong as the beginning, its destructive power was quite good under the support of the quantity.

After slamming out the Serai Cannon punch, Himeuchi was not idle, and she gathered her energy again, ready to give Kinu another big surprise.

In just a few seconds, a huge energy bomb that was more than one person tall was condensed by Ji Nei.

This alone is not enough, such a huge energy bomb, although the attack power is amazing, it cannot be controlled accurately. Face a character like Keenyu. It is better to attack high-purity energy with delicate operation.

It took another few seconds for Himeuchi to compress the energy projectile to half a human height. It’s not that it can’t be compressed anymore, it’s that there is not enough time.


The compressed energy projectile was as light as nothing and was thrown by Hime at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as he had recovered from the Serai Cannon Punch and was ready to teach Ji Nekinu a lesson, he turned around and saw a ball of energy emitting powerful fluctuations appear in his field of vision.


“Damn Saiyan monkeys!”

Kinu wailed and was hit by an energy projectile, and the almost cracking screams were quickly drowned out by the explosion. _

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