Beaten and pained, Raditz instinctively looked for an opportunity to fight back.

He fired an energy bomb at Leo with one hand.

The energy bomb with a diameter of half a meter caught him off guard, and Leo, who was overjoyed, directly exploded and rushed out of the venue and landed in an open space hundreds of meters away.

Raditz (the great ape) jumped a few times and ran out of the ruins and rushed towards Leo. Fight with Leo, who has come to his senses, again.

With the experience just now, the two giant apes no longer only use brute force, but occasionally use their mouths and palms to launch energy projectiles to attack each other.

The explosions, the roars never stopped. Fortunately, there were no buildings around, but there were not many casualties.

Of course, the damned ones are almost dead, and the ones who are not dead are almost running.

In the distance, a large number of police and military troops were already coming towards this side in droves.

There are already fighters in the sky wandering nearby, reconnaissance.


Raditz opened his mouth to blast another energy ball at Leo, but unfortunately did not hit him. Instead, it grazed his body and flew towards the army tank group behind him.

Thundered! Hundreds of soldiers and tanks were blown away, and this bombing almost destroyed a tank brigade.

This frightened the army and quickly retreated.

“Commander, this…” The chief of staff looked at the two giant apes fighting together in the distance, a little difficult to decide.

You know, in the Karam star, the great ape is a symbol of heroes, and only exists in legends. And now there are actually two of them at once, and they are still fighting together.

“…… The whole army retreated 10 miles, allowing the air force to block the nearby airspace and not let anyone leave the area. Let the scouts hurry up and find the traitor Amedor! After a moment of contemplation, the commander in uniform began to give orders.

In underground construction.

Amedor looked at the army in the distance, and an anxious look began to appear on his face:

“I didn’t expect these guys to come so quickly, it seems that they are still the third army with the strongest combat effectiveness.” Although Amedor alone was strong enough to calmly flee in front of them.

But the rest of the organization does not have this ability, and these people are almost all core members of the organization, and the loss of one is a huge loss.

“Nope! I have to hurry out and help Master Leo. Otherwise, if he fails, we will all be killed! Thinking of this, Amedor hurriedly walked out.

During the time he was building the elevator, something changed again on the battlefield.

Raditz, who scuffles with Leo, inadvertently pulls Leo’s tail after transforming into a giant ape. Without thinking, he pulled his tail and started beating Leo.

Because I have never had a tail, of course, there is no way to know that the tail is a weakness, let alone exercise the weakness of customer service.

Leo, who was caught in the weak spot, immediately went soft and almost fell to the ground.

Although he lost his mind, his fighting instinct remained. Raditz immediately sensed the situation of his opponent, and where his subordinates would show mercy, he immediately began to beat Leo.

Bang bang! A series of heavy punches, kicks, and no backhand force Leo was not long after being severely injured and fell to the ground.

Even if Raditz didn’t grab his tail, he didn’t have the strength to stand up again.


Raditz (the great ape) stepped on Leo’s body with both feet and roared again. Declare yourself a winner to all around.

When Amador came out, he happened to see this scene.

“Damn it! How come! He couldn’t believe that in less than two minutes, Leo would be defeated by a giant ape who was a head shorter than him.

Carried away by anger, Amedall fired a ball of energy at the giant ape transformed by Raditz without thinking. Of course, it may also be that he wants to rescue Leo, who was injured on the ground.

Compared to the great ape, Amedor’s energy ball was too small, and it almost didn’t feel anything to hit Raditz.

But it was enough to get Raditz’s attention.

Raditz (Great Ape) did not expect that a small Budian would dare to provoke himself and feel that his majesty was violated. He abandoned Leo, who had fallen to the ground with serious injuries, and flew towards the flying Amedor.

‘It worked. I hope that Young Master Leo still has combat effectiveness. Relieved, Amedall began to concentrate on Raditz, who rushed towards him.

The three-stage transformation of Amedor has about 700 to 800 combat power, while the transformation into a giant ape has nearly 3,000 combat power.

The gap between the two sides is very obvious, and according to common sense, Amedor almost lost.

However, Raditz had just fought with Leo, and his physical exertion was very serious, and now he could only exert about 1500 combat power. On the other hand, Amedor was almost unharmed and could fly around in the air.

To some extent, the two sides are fighting each other.

“Commander, Amadoll appeared. It seems to come out of the underground by elevator. “The chief of staff immediately learned of Amedor’s appearance.

According to the oral accounts of some warriors, one of the two great apes was a cyborgic bred by the traitor Amedor using the genes of the heroine and Drasso. And the other is likely to be the child left by the heroine on our planet. That is to say, Raditz is the child of a heroine…”

“…… Inform the warriors of the Martial Arts Alliance, fully support Raditz (Great Ape), gather air power, and attack Amedor in the air! Remember: save the heroine’s bloodline at all costs. Of course, you must also pay attention to your own safety, and now Raditz seems to have lost his mind. The commander added at the end.

The chief of staff was stunned, and immediately nodded and went out to convey the order.

Unexpectedly, it didn’t take long for the chief of staff to turn back and tell him the good news.

“Someone sent us intelligence in the underground base of Amedor, including the size of the base, the arrangement of troops and the defensive facilities.”

“Did you get the technical department to confirm?”

“It has been confirmed that the authenticity is above 90%!” The chief of staff affirmed.

“Then send warriors and soldiers to the underground base of Ji Nei and destroy him.”

On the other side, Birida Linda and her group accidentally ran into the supergirl Leah when they were about to escape not long ago.

Of course, they were very happy to see each other, and then they fled together and were chased by the warrior legion. After fighting off several waves of enemies, he finally fled due to physical strength.

On the way to escape the venue, the electronic watch on Linda’s body suddenly made Linda’s father’s voice.

He told Linda that he had been coerced into making some modifications during the construction of the venue and may have now been killed. Let her not be sad, the electronic watch has long been implanted by him with a series of intelligent programs, which will take her to a safe place.

Where did Linda say that she could withstand this blow and immediately fainted. Birida could only carry her and follow the instructions of the electronic watch to escape into a basement. There they found a tunnel leading to the outside of the venue, where a hovercar full of energy had been parked.

However, Birida did not escape, she asked several trainees to flee with Linda first, and she and Leah reflexively rushed to the underground base. The intelligence received by the army was stolen by the two men after seizing one of the other’s computers.

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