Sun Wukong’s next words made Chi Chi and Bulma’s expressions even more ugly!

I saw Sun Wukong grinning and said:

"That... we're still friends now……"

Sun Wukong's words made the black line on Bulma and Chichi's foreheads more obvious.

"Sun Wukong, if you don’t let me go, I will kill you!"

No. 18's cheeks at this time were already like ripe apples, and they were so delicate and charming.

From the expressions of the two women in front of him, he could tell that they were both Sun Wukong's women.

This guy actually wanted to have his own idea. , It's really too greedy!

At this time, before Sun Wukong could speak, Bulma said directly:"Okay, sister La Zili, we don't mean to dislike you, it's just that for such a big thing, this guy actually doesn't like you. If you don’t discuss it with us, wait a while and we must deal with him properly!"

Bulma glared at Sun Wukong fiercely, and then said to No. 18 in a friendly manner.

In fact, it is understandable that Sun Wukong likes No. 18. The woman in front of him is so beautiful that even she can't compare to herself.

If she were a man, , maybe she will also like her.

Moreover, since Goku was with Qiqi and herself at the same time, she knew that she would definitely not be the last one, so although she was very surprised just now, it seemed to be expected! He was not too angry.

Then, Bulma and Qiqi walked directly towards him and pulled the stunned No. 18 into the room and left him alone!

"Hey, I am your husband, okay?……"

Sun Wukong's shouts only received big eye rolls from Chi Chi and Bulma.

Then, with a wry smile and guilt on his lips, Sun Wukong looked at the backs of Chi Chi and Bulma and said,"I'm sorry, Chi Chi, Bulma."….…"


Perhaps because they couldn't help it, Chichi and Bulma seemed to have quietly accepted Bulma.

And after just one afternoon of contact, both Chichi and Bulma seemed to have a good impression of No. 18!

The three of them get along quite well.

To be honest, Sun Wukong also knew in his heart that it was really difficult for them to accept that he appeared in front of Qiqi and Bulma with a strange woman like this.

He also felt very guilty!

But now that No. 18 has no friends and no place to stay, he must give No. 18 a sufficient sense of security so that she can feel his feelings.

No. 18 himself will definitely take it, which may make Chi Chi and Bulma a little unhappy now, but the longer this matter is kept secret, the greater the damage will be to the three of them.

Since there is no perfect solution, the damage suffered by the three people was minimized.

Time flies so fast, it’s dinner time!

Qiqi and Bulma would bring food to Ten from time to time, and they were as close as sisters they hadn't seen for many years.

But he left Sun Wukong aside, his face full of embarrassment!

Fortunately, Sun Wukong is smart and filial. He looks at the situation in front of him and gives Sun Wukong some food from time to time... comforting Sun Wukong's injured heart.

"On the 18th, don’t be polite to us, treat this place as your home from now on!"

Qiqi also seemed very generous tonight.

She knew very well that she could no longer object to this matter. Moreover, just half a day of contact made her fall in love with No. 18.

Now that she could no longer resist, , no matter how angry you are, you are just having trouble with yourself!

"Qiqi, I'm hurt, can't you see?"

Sun Wukong looked pitifully at the gentle Qiqi and said.

Qiqi has not been so gentle to him for a long time!

"You! Yeah, let's have some food……"

Qiqi glared at Sun Wukong and said bitterly

"Sun Jun, we like sister La Zili very much, and we will forgive you this time, but if you dare to bring other women into your home again, we will never forgive you!"

Bulma also made a fierce expression.

"Yes, although we can't beat you, now that Miss La Zili is here, she will teach you a lesson for us."

Qiqi also echoed from the side.

And No. 18 next to the two of them also had a rare smile on his face.

It seems that this kind of warmth has not been seen for a long time!

"No, definitely not for a while... Hey, family status is 1 again!"

Sun Wukong shook his head, looked at the three people who had a tacit understanding, and sighed!

But in his heart, he was very happy. Qiqi and Bulma were able to accept No. 18 in such a short period of time, which really surprised him. , and they were very moved.

The more they showed no concern, the more they showed how much they loved themselves!


Dinner time passed quickly. At this time, Qiqi and Bulma kicked Sun Wukong out of the bedroom, saying that they were enhancing their relationship with No. 18 and doing some ideological work for themselves.

Sun Wukong naturally also knows that although No. 18 has shown no resistance now, it is still a bit too early to possess her!

Sometimes things happen naturally and there is no need to rush!


Early the next morning, after a hurried breakfast, Sun Wukong took Sun Wufan to the Temple of Heaven again.

The last time they were in the Spiritual Time Room, they actually only spent a day and a half.

So there is still half a day to practice inside.

Subtracting the days when Sun Wukong practiced in Qian Hao (Qian Hao) when he was a child, now he should be able to stay there for about three or four months.

But if you want to recover from your injuries, four to five months should be enough!


Because the gods have been completely integrated with Piccolo, after a brief word with BoBo, Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan stepped into the spiritual time room again.

At this time, Sharu had already announced to the whole world through various TV stations that he wanted to establish the world's best martial arts club.

If no one on earth can defeat him, then he will kill everyone on earth!

The news of this also plunged the entire earth into fear.

Fortunately, when the entire earth was in panic, a savior of the earth appeared!

Over there is the man who has won the world's best martial arts tournament for several times...Mister Satan! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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