Alpha Island.

It is 50 kilometers long and 33 kilometers wide.

It has a population of about 250,000.

According to the exact location shown by the Dragon Ball Radar, there are two Dragon Balls on Alpha Island. They are only two kilometers apart.

One is in a village called Adada Village.

The second one is in the forest.

Son Goku and Bulma went to Adada Village to look for it first.

Adada Village.

Three big men wearing blue coats and rabbit ears on their heads swaggered down the street.

The pedestrians on the road didn't dare to look at them.

The three men saw a restaurant and went in together.


"Serve the three of us the best food in your house!"

The middle-aged male boss was extremely frightened. Why did the three Hades come?

This meal will cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars!


Who will get rid of these bad guys?

At this time,

Sun Wukong and Bulma came in.

Sun Wukong had noticed the three big men with rabbit ears.

They were the subordinates of the Rabbit Boss.

The Rabbit Boss has an ability. As long as he touches a person, he will turn him into a carrot.

The Rabbit Boss used this trick to build his own rabbit army.

Although the Rabbit Boss's combat effectiveness is low, his ability is not weak.

"Hey, are you guys from Boss Rabbit's group?"

The three men turned to look at Sun Wukong, arrogantly saying,"Isn't it obvious? Kid?"

"In this Alpha Island, who doesn't know about our Rabbit Legion?"

"Are you new here?"

"Oh, there's a chick here! So beautiful!"

Bulma leaned against Sun Wukong tightly, and then pointed at the big man with three rabbit ears angrily:"Wukong! Come on, beat them up! How dare they stare at me with such a timid look! Damn it!"

Sun Wukong:"Okay!"


In an instant, the three men fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, dead.

These three deaths are not a pity!

"Boss, please ask someone to take care of it yourself, and serve thirty servings of food at the same time."Sun Wukong said to the boss who was still in shock.

The boss reacted and said,"Ah? Oh! Oh! OK, OK, I'll take care of it right away, and I'll serve the food right away!"

The boss was very happy in his heart. Someone had finally dealt with these three. However, these three were just unimportant figures in the Rabbit Army. If they wanted to completely solve the problem, they had to kill the Rabbit Boss.

After a while, several policemen came and carried the three rabbit-eared men away. Then they thanked Sun Wukong and left.

Killing bad guys is not a crime, especially those who are so bad to the extreme.

The boss also served the thirty servings of food, and said with a flattering face,"My dear brother and lady, these meals are my personal treat for you. You can enjoy them. Call me if they are not enough!"

After that, without waiting for Sun Wukong and Bulma to speak, the boss turned around and left, fearing that they would regret it.

"Oh, boss, am I the kind of person who doesn’t pay for meals?"Bulma hates it most when others treat her. She is the only one who treats others, but not others. Am

I that rich? Do I need others to treat me?

"Sister Bulma, forget it, after all it’s a gift from the boss, let’s just keep it!"

"Give the boss money, the boss is still anxious about us."

Sun Wukong said while eating.

Bulma shook her head helplessly:"Okay, this is the first time in my life that someone treats me! There will be no next time." After that, she started to eat with chopsticks.


Half an hour later, the rabbit army arrived.

There were three hundred of them.

All were fully armed.

In the front was a long luxury car.

A big rabbit wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

"Oh? Is it this guy from Adada Village who killed my capable subordinates?"

The big man with rabbit ears said,"Yes, Boss Rabbit!"

Boss Rabbit said,"Then hurry up and capture the guy who killed our brother! I'm going to turn him into a carrot and eat him!"

"By the way, let's find the Dragon Balls!"

In this world, who doesn't know the legend of Dragon Balls?

The rabbit boss also wants to collect seven dragon balls, summon the dragon, and then make the biggest and best wish.

The rabbit-eared man:"Hi!"

Then he led ten rabbit-eared men to catch people.

Sun Wukong and Bulma, who were walking on the street, saw the people of the rabbit army, and they were not afraid at all, just a group of people.

"Bulma, let's go and take a look."

Bulma:"Goku, you're not going to kill them all, are you?"

Son Goku:"Yes, they're also trouble if we keep them alive! Troubles should all be eliminated!"

Bulma:"Yes, bad guys should be killed!"

Eleven rabbit-eared men walked up to Son Goku and Bulma. After"inquiring" from many sources, they confirmed that it was Son Goku and Bulma who killed their brothers.

"You guys stand still, you are the ones who killed our brothers, right?"

Sun Wukong:"Since you have discovered me, then take my blow!"

Sun Wukong pulled out his red golden cudgel from his back and swept through the army with one blow. All eleven rabbit men were knocked out, hit the wall and made a hole, then they died with white foam on their tongues.

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