Three options popped up at once.

Last time, it appeared again the last time!

However, after Mark analyzed them one by one, he quickly made a decision.

"Karoni, bring those survivors to me!"

Mark glanced at a distance.

The battle was over, and a large-scale family recognition scene appeared.

Taisi and Bulma were crying in each other's arms at this time.

Yamcha, that show-off, was showing off his presence in front of Taisi!

He called her sister all the time, and it was so warm.

Unfortunately, Mr. Satan's future brother-in-law is destined to be Prince Vegeta!

However, Mark thought about it.

He thought that maybe Yamcha would really have the last laugh!

After all, historical research is a mess now!

The earth has been exposed now, and it is still unknown whether Vegeta will come here as in history!

However, in Mark's opinion, Vegeta can take down Bulma.

The key is that Yamcha himself can't do it!

Even if Vegeta is gone in the future, it will be difficult for Bulma to marry him and have children!

A dog will never change its eating habits, this is a wise saying!

Just when Mark was thinking about it, several dying soldiers were brought over.

"Go to hell!"

As soon as several people were brought up, Mark casually fired a gas bomb.

The power was not great, but it was deadly enough.

A poor guy was killed directly!

"I have limited time, I will answer whatever I ask! I don't know that he will be the end of you guys!"

"If you listen, you still have a chance to survive!"

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, carrot and stick.

After a set of combined punches, the remaining soldiers talked a lot and told everything they knew.

This group of Frieza's army accidentally discovered the universal capsule.

After tracking Kaloni, they found the earth.

More than four months ago, Mark once ordered Kaloni to arrive at Jilo Star in early August to collect the debt!

The universal capsules that were stored there for sale still need to be paid back.

Although Kaloni's strength is not high, he is smart.

In just a moment, he has followed Yamcha closely and called Taisi "Master's Wife".

His ability to be smooth and knowledgeable about the ways of the world is still online!

But his vigilance is really too poor. He didn't even go around a few times before returning to Earth.

He returned to Earth in a flash and ran to the West to deliver the blue crystal to Dr. Brief.

As a result, before he could catch his breath, the Frieza Army came to his door!

This time, the Frieza Army is doing a side job!

Therefore, all detectors have blocked contact with the headquarters!

The earth is still safe for the time being!

[Option confirmed, the reward has been issued! ]

In an instant, the reward distribution appeared directly in front of Mark!

A large number of professional equipment, piled up like a mountain.

It also surprised everyone.

However, everyone is used to seeing Mark have some weird things happen.

Bulma, who cried with red eyes, was the first to realize the preciousness of these devices!

"Mark!! Are these robots?"

Pulling her sister to trot over, Bulma tentatively told her results after a careful inspection.

"Almost! These are intelligent robots with very strong combat power!"

"With them in the future, the earth will have more protection!"

"This will be handed over to you in the future. We are all family, so don't be polite! Hahaha!"

At the end of Mark's speech, he still laughed out loud!

In theory, Bulma is three years older than Mark!

But wait until I marry Tais.

No matter how reluctant she is, she has to call me brother-in-law!

In the Dragon Ball world, the concept of marriage and love is still very open!

Mark married Tais, although the age difference between them is ten years.

But this is nothing!

Strictly speaking, Mark ate a lot of Satan Fruit.

Theoretically, his life span can reach about 300 years.

If Tais became his wife, Mark would naturally not be stingy.

For a long life span of 300 years, Tais is ten years older than Mark, which seems insignificant.

What's more, because of the existence of Dragon Ball.

Mark doesn't have to worry about Tais's sagging breasts.


The matter is done, and Bulma's objection is useless.

What's more, although her relationship with Mark can't be said to be very good.

But at least it's not bad, they are all friends.

He left with a pout, and Tais just smiled helplessly at Mark.

In this way, the battlefield was cleaned up in a short while.

When Mark took action, many media reporters were on the front line shooting.

The powerful strength and crushing combat style caused an uproar in public opinion!

Not long after everyone returned to Xidu together.

The Dog King announced Mark as the hero of the kingdom!

Mark will be invited to the palace to present the medal soon!

As for ordinary earthlings, a martial arts craze was immediately set off!

The threshold of the Satan Martial Arts School in Nandu was kicked down countless times by the students who came to register!

However, these things were all taken care of by Mrs. Aisha.

The night passed and the day fell.

Mark followed the large group and returned to Bulma's house in Xidu.

When Goukong woke up, he buried himself in the dining table!

After a big meal, this guy had the opportunity to understand what happened after he lost consciousness!

When he saw the strong and tall giant ape in the video, Goukong was stunned!

"So... I stepped on my grandpa to death! I was also the monster that caused a big disturbance at the martial arts meeting!"

"What kind of monster am I? Why did I become a giant ape! Ah!!!!"

Unable to accept all this, Goukong held his head and wailed.

Everyone was silent, except Mark.

"Wukong, your grandpa didn't blame you, which shows that he has forgiven you a long time ago!"

"No matter who you are, you are a hero who protects the earth!"

"In fact, I heard a little about your life experience when I went to the universe this time!"

Some things really need to be known by Goukong.

Mark was halfway through his words when Goku grabbed his arm and asked urgently: "Do you really know?!"

"Of course!"

Mark gave an affirmative answer, and then he brewed his emotions and said: "More than ten years ago, there was a life planet called Vegeta in the universe!"

"On the planet Vegeta, there lived the Saiyans, who are known as the strongest fighting nation in the universe!"

"The biggest feature of their nation is that they have a tail on their buttocks!"

"When you see the full moon, the moon will refract the sunlight and produce a Bruz wave with an intensity of more than 17 million."

"This light wave is transmitted to the tail through the eyes, which will make the Saiyans become giant apes, and their combat power will increase tenfold!"

"But it's a pity that the planet where the Saiyans lived more than ten years ago was destroyed by Frieza of the Frieza Legion."

"Now, there should be no more than ten Saiyan survivors in the entire universe!"

Dales was killed by Mark.

Mark knows only seven Saiyans who are still alive now.

Goku is one.

Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta.

Vegeta's younger brother Tarble is one.

Plus Paragus and Broly.

There are only seven people in total!

When Mark explained these situations, everyone opened their mouths wide!

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