It's not surprising that Darles identified Mark as a member of Frieza's army.

From combat uniforms to detectors, Mark's outfit is almost identical to the equipment of the Frieza's army sergeants.

Before Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, the Saiyans were also members of Frieza's army.

The only difference between Mark and Darles in appearance is that he doesn't have a monkey tail behind him!

Darles is also one of the survivors who survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Darles doesn't care who destroyed Planet Vegeta.

Since losing contact with the base camp, Darles has been wandering in the universe!

He has no intention of looking for other Saiyans, nor does he have the idea of ​​continuing to serve Frieza's army.

After more than ten years in the universe, this time it can be considered a turn of events!

On this unknown life planet, Darles actually found a giant tree towering into space.

After landing on the life planet, it was discovered that the natives of this planet had all died in a short period of time.

Such a strange situation made Darles feel cold in his heart at that time!

On the endless plains, in the undulating mountains.

Even the bottomless ocean has been completely occupied by the roots of this giant tree!

Following these roots upwards, Darles finally found a large number of spirit tree fruits.

After tasting a ripe fruit, Darles's combat power successfully reached a level of nearly 30,000!

You know, before the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Even King Vegeta's combat power has never reached this height of 30,000!

Eating a ripe fruit can gain 30,000 combat power.

Darles looked at the nearly 100 spirit tree fruits hanging under the canopy, excited and nervous!

Needless to say, excitement is naturally needed. Who can resist the temptation to become stronger in a short period of time?

Needless to say, nervousness, these fruits will take some time to fully mature.

If other strong men discovered the abnormality here during this period, Darles was worried that it would be robbed by others.

Even if no one robbed it, it would be a big trouble for him if the news spread out!

So, this guy cruised directly near the planet.

Once he found a passing spaceship, he would attack indiscriminately without any hesitation!

Fortunately, the area where this life planet is located is already in a remote area in the northern Milky Way.

In the past few days, only the small spaceship that Mark and Tais were riding on was found.

When the spaceship was destroyed and the survivors came to Darles, he was already very nervous!

There was no other reason, if the curly-haired man in front of him was really a member of the Frieza Legion.

Then once this guy sent the information back through the detector, Darles was really worried that the news of this magical giant tree would be leaked.

What's more hateful is that this guy revealed his identity as soon as he opened his mouth!

A trace of murderous intent flashed across his eyes, and Darles was secretly accumulating strength to attack Mark!

Mark saw the change in Darles's breath and did not react.

Because just as Mark finished speaking, the system option appeared again.

[Option 1, kill Darles, destroy the spirit tree, and reward 3,000,000 combat power points. ]

[Option 2, kill Darles, wait for the spirit tree fruit to mature, and reward the title - tree planting master! ]

[Note: Tree planting master - the wearer is friendly to all plant life, and can promote the growth of any plant, increase production, and reduce its nutritional needs by 90%! ]

There is no doubt that Darles must die!

But the following choices are very interesting!

Mark was unsure for a while when choosing between three million combat power and a title.

Among the rewards given by the system options, the title does not appear many times.

So far, Mark has only won the title of punching the nursing home.

When encountering an elderly strong man, it can automatically reduce his strength by half!

So far, it is basically like a chicken rib!

Mark has only used this title in the ring competition with Crane Immortal.

When fighting with Piccolo, Mark was too lazy to activate the effect of this title.

After all, Mark's combat power was dozens of times more than Piccolo's at that time!

It was a waste of time to activate this thing to fight him!

If the title doesn't meet the applicable object, it is useless on weekdays!

However, the combat power of 3 million can solve many problems at present.

Mark took the body strengthening potion before, although he didn't exercise during this period.

But he can clearly feel that his body strength is getting stronger every day.

In the future, after exercise, he will definitely be able to withstandTen times Kaio-ken!

If Mark chooses a combat power of 3 million, with the blessing of Kaio-ken, it is equivalent to an increase of 30 million combat power.

In this way, even if Frieza comes in a short time.

As long as this guy does not immediately become the ultimate form, Mark is confident that he can fight him!

On the other hand, this title is actually a tree planting master!

There is no doubt that this title is very interesting.

The spirit tree, this ghost thing, grows at the cost of absorbing the vitality of the life planet.

After absorbing the vitality of the life planet, the spirit tree will produce varying numbers of spirit tree fruits.

As long as you eat this fruit, there will be no trouble in cultivation!

There is no doubt that if you have the title of tree planting master, the absorption of the spirit tree for the vitality of the planet will be only one-tenth of the current one.

In other words, Mark only needs to control ten high-quality life planets.

Rotate to plant spirit tree fruits, so that you can produce spirit tree fruits continuously!

This is different from the one-shot deal of the spirit tree. This operation is completely sustainable development!

Three million normal combat power and the endless supply of spirit tree fruits have different choices and different future development directions.

There is no doubt that the former does not require Mark to do much.

Destroy the spirit tree, and then you can get the strength comparable to the Mimic Super Saiyan.

Another option is equivalent to the continuous production of spirit tree fruits.

However, Mark will need to do it himself every time he plants.

After thinking about it, just before Darles' fist was about to hit Mark's face.

Mark took action directly, and his mind was determined!


The hand knife stabbed Darles horizontally.

Although this guy was also wearing combat uniforms, his defense was vulnerable.

Mark's palm went straight through Darles's stomach and broke his spine!

"This... this... Bakana! How... how can you be so powerful!"

"I won't accept it! I won't accept it!!!!"

The fruit of the spirit tree will soon mature, but it will fail before the dawn.

No wonder Darles died with his eyes wide open!

Slowly pulling his hand out, Mark shook it hard to get rid of the blood stains.

Walking inside from under the dense and opaque tree canopy, looking up, he found nearly a hundred spirit tree fruits that were about to mature!

With his brows relaxed, Mark turned and flew to the nearby stream to thoroughly wash off the remaining blood stains on his hands.

Then, he quickly flew in the direction of Tais!

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