Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 472: Cosmic demon

Ice and snow planet.

A planet covered with snow and ice all year round has about 60 times the gravity of the earth.

Although it can be exposed to sunlight throughout the year, due to its deviation from the habitable zone, there is only one season of the year here, that is, winter. During the extreme cold, even the vast ocean will be frozen.

Such a planet should not produce life, but the magic of the universe is that even such a badly-conditioned planet can breed its own civilization.

Cosmic demons are ancient races living on ice and snow planets. They adapt to extreme cold conditions and have evolved unique life physiques. Every child is born with extremely strong combat effectiveness and belongs to a relatively advanced race in the universe.

The ice and snow planet has a very high degree of civilization. In the outer space of the planet, one by one technological creations wrap the entire planet tightly. It is hundreds of thousands of kilometers above the ground. There are 18 super fortresses and countless defenses. Satellites are scattered around, forming a three-dimensional defense network.

On both sides of the super fortress, huge black turrets with a diameter of several tens of meters glowed under the dark starry sky, like ancient giant beasts constantly roaring and roaring!

Layers of defense are like copper walls and iron walls, and even a fly can never come in.

The technology of the universe demons was of course not developed by themselves, but exchanged with the outside world based on their powerful strength.

Although cosmic demons have the title of demon, they are kind to their neighbors and maintain the order of the universe. Like the Saiyans on the planet Sharada, they have an excellent reputation in the universe. Most of the weak technology-based races are willing to cooperate with They communicate and seek asylum.

On this day, in the background of the deep and gorgeous universe, the icy blue ice star revolves around the blue dwarf star in the center of the galaxy as usual.

A stream of light appeared like lightning on the orbit of the ice planet.

Close up, it is a silver-gray technology spacecraft full of streamlined beauty.

Broly drove the spacecraft toward the ice blue planet, and the spacecraft quickly scanned the entire planet. At this time, the ice planet's reconnaissance device also found the spacecraft's whereabouts, because the unknown spacecraft information was detected, all the defensive satellites were activated at this moment, and the probes were aimed at Broly's spacecraft.

Lock it down soon.

Eighteen super strongholds also awoke, the muzzle of the black hole began to continue its energy, and the dazzling light began to flicker.

At this time, Broly’s spacecraft also detected that the hull had been locked. The siren inside the spacecraft sounded fiercely. The spacecraft suddenly accelerated, and suddenly disappeared like a teleport, directly penetrating the defenses of the ice planet. Reached into the planet's atmosphere.

Toot toot!

The atmosphere in the headquarters of Ice and Snow Planet suddenly became tense, and the cosmic demons and the scientists they hired hurriedly searched for the signal that had just appeared and disappeared suddenly.

Soon they discovered that the signal had appeared inside the ice planet.

"Why did that spacecraft suddenly appear inside the planet's atmosphere? Is our defense network just a display?"

"The other party's technology far exceeds ours. Just a moment ago, the other party demonstrated super mobile ability. This kind of technology has only been seen by the Space Patrol Organization."

"Could it be the people of the Space Patrol, don't they and us always keep the water in the water?"

The people in the headquarters were whispering, paying close attention to the sudden signal.

Suddenly, the energy detector reacted, and an unfamiliar energy suddenly began to soar. "No, the detector detected a powerful energy response, 2 million, 5 million, 6 million... Energy is constantly beating... already It has risen to 14 million combat power."

The investigator looked at the value on the probe in an incredible way.

"Damn, there is such a powerful energy response on the home planet."

One of the cosmic demon punched **** the table, smashing a big hole, his face was sullen and stood up and shouted: "Hurry up and mobilize the elite team's men and horses, and you must do it before the opponent does damage to the ice planet. Stop him. No, just the defense team is not enough, Naror, you go and inform the special forces team."

"Master Hesa, the special forces team is still performing missions outside..." the universe demon named Nalo responded.

"Let them come back soon."

Lord Hesa's face was blue, and even the most important task is not as important as the safety of the home planet.


Nalo trembled slightly, shouted loudly, and then used the communicator to rule the defensive squad and the special forces squad. After all this was done, all the people in the command center stared at the powerful energy that appeared in the detector with bad expressions.

For the cosmic demon, more than ten million combat power is not terrible. Some of them are masters who can subdue the opponent. What really makes Lord Hesa ​​angry is the omission of the defensive ability embodied by the ice and snow planet, so that the opponent can enter the hinterland of the planet so easily. Think about it from another angle. If this time comes a more terrifying character, can they also easily destroy their planet without them knowing?

This is what they worry about.


On the snow-covered ocean, the flat ice surface looks like a mirror. Because the temperature is extremely low, the entire ocean is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, reaching a thickness of more than 100 meters.

Broly came out of the spacecraft, the cold wind was icy, the snow flew, blowing on people’s faces with knife pain, and was caught off guard by a cold wind. Of course, the temperature and gravity have reached billions of peak combat power. As far as Broly was concerned, it wasn't a big deal, he was a little uncomfortable at first, frowned a little, and soon got used to it.

"It's cold!" Broly chirped his mouth, his eyes swept around, and the corners of his mouth quickly showed a smile.

The volume of the ice and snow planet is more than three times that of the Sarada planet. Ninety percent of the area on it is covered by tundra, and the unthawed area is less than 10%. It is mainly distributed near the equator. An out-and-out frozen planet.

The Ice and Snow Planet is an advanced planet. Just when Broly was observing the surroundings, he felt dozens of powerful auras approaching him.

"It's that big man exuding powerful energy."

"It looks like it's a Saiyan."

"Huh, when I was outside, I had to pretend to be disgusting and friendly because I had to consider the position. Now in our home planet, we can finally no longer have to pretend, hehe, I declare that Saiyan is my prey. "A blue-skinned cosmic demon has a grim face, and his scarlet eyes are gleaming cruelly.

"Haha, that's my prey."

Another cosmic demon is not to be outdone.

"Pay attention to everyone, the energy of the opponent is not weak. Don't let the opponent destroy the mother star. Although the core of the mother star has long been replaced with a stronger super alloy, the excessive strength will still cause damage to it."

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