Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 229: Missed (two in one)

For the strength shown by Luo Lan and others, Darius was full of fear in his heart. He didn't know how the other party would treat him, so he didn't dare to resist their behavior of picking the fruits of the spiritual tree. He could only watch Saifi. The powerful Saiyans kept walking through the forest.

One by one, the mature fruits of the spiritual tree were picked from the tree and piled together. In a blink of an eye, they were already half a person high.

Each of these fruits is condensed with the life essence of Orpheus, which can be used to increase the strength of the body. Darius can soar from 1,000 low-level fighters with less than a combat power to 300,000 combat power, relying on a large number of spiritual tree fruits.

Hertz was also among the fruit-picking crowd, and put a fruit into his mouth. The vigorous vitality shocked him, with an incredible expression on his face.

At the moment, the energy in his body magically increased the combat power by 800, and there was no potential risk.

"Don't pick the half-green or red ones, pick the red ones, and don't miss any ripe fruit."

"Allow you to eat one first, and then try your best to pick it. Whoever picks more will be rewarded richly."

Herz roared with bright red eyes, and at this time the purple-red spirit tree fruit was no longer an ordinary fruit in his eyes, but a treasure to raise the ethnic level. Whether the Saiyan tribe can reach a high level and enter the ranks of super races depends on these fruits. They represent the future of all people. Of course, the more such treasures, the better.

"Yes, Lord Hertz."

"It's great, I only took one, and my strength increased by several hundred, which is comparable to my months of hard cultivation..."

"This trunk belongs to me, don't grab it."

With a loud scream, everyone became anxiously red, and they continued to shuttle through the forest. I saw many purple-red fruits were picked, and there were fewer and fewer mature fruits on the tree. In half a day, the mature fruits on Orpheus were swept away.

Looking at the spiritual tree fruits piled up like a hill, there are about 20,000.

Even if each one only increases the combat power of a few hundred to less than a thousand, so many fruits can be piled up, and a Saiyan with low strength can abruptly increase to more than 50,000 combat power, for example, Darius reaches 300,000 combat power. It was achieved by picking the essence of several planets in a row.

Of course, the improvement of the fruit of the spirit tree is not unlimited. As the fruit of the spirit tree is consumed continuously, its power-enhancing effect will become weaker and weaker. For example, with Luo Lan's strength, a single fruit basically cannot improve much power . But this does not mean that the fruit of the spiritual tree has no effect on him. After all, it is formed by condensing the vitality of the planet. Even if the strength is not increased, the vitality contained in it can still be turned into potential and stored.

From a long-term perspective, it is very powerful.

In other words, the enhancement of strength is only incidental, and the greatest effect of the fruit of the spiritual tree is to enhance the level of life.

Compared with the strength improvement that can be seen now, Luo Lan pays more attention to the future development prospects.

"All the ripe fruits are picked, and there are about tens of thousands of fruits left, and these fruits will gradually mature in the next days..." Herz was in a very happy mood, and his wife Asita took a drink. The strength of this spiritual tree has been greatly improved, and its aura has faintly exceeded 10,000 combat power.

"Nine days, just wait."

Luo Lan's expression was relaxed, with a faint smile on her face.

Suddenly he looked at Darius, crushed a fruit, looked at the seeds inside, and asked, "How do you cultivate the seeds of the mental tree?"

Since the fruit of the spiritual tree is so important, Luo Lan is not limited to just wanting to have these things in front of him. Of course, the more such things, the better. Although the cultivation of the spiritual tree consumes the potential of an entire planet, this is only for the planets in the world. The spiritual tree is the fruit of the gods, and the best planting environment is of course the gods.

Herz's eyes lit up and looked at Darius with piercing eyes.

Darius was stared at by so many people, cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, and cautiously answered: "The spirit tree cannot be planted with ordinary seeds. You must use the golden fruit on the top of the canopy. That kind of fruit can only be found in the spirit tree. It will only be produced at the final stage of growth. There are only a few at a time, and ordinary fruit pits cannot be planted with a spiritual tree."

"Golden fruit..." Luo Lan nodded, expressing his understanding. If a normal fruit core can plant a spiritual tree, with the output of the fruit of the spiritual tree, this kind of sacred tree would have flooded the universe long ago.

"Look at the top of the canopy, and report it as soon as you find the golden fruit!" Seferia said seriously.


The instructions were passed on, and the Saiyans and the vine tribe all paid attention to the whereabouts of the golden fruit.

At this time, Luo Lan handed a few ripe fruits to Ebony, and asked him to use scientific methods to study the mysteries, "Ebony, let's try to find out other functions of the spirit tree fruit."

Ebony took the fruit carefully and nodded vigorously.

Next, the people of Saifi's forces set up camp on the Orpheus star and prepared to stay for a long time. During this time, Luo Lan went to the planet Sarada and the earth, and took Taisi and Dr. Brives over. Under the joint research of Dr. Brives and Ebony, several spiritual tree fruits have been made into a brand new nutrient solution, which is extremely suitable for the cultivation of young children.

Luo Lan touched her chin, looked at the bright red fruit culture solution, and immediately ordered the collected more than 20,000 spiritual tree fruits to be extracted into a nutrient solution, and then sent to the sub-divine realm to nurture the children there. .

It is conceivable that when these young children grow up, their potential will surpass other Saiyans on the planet Sharada. As the son of Luo Lan and Taisi, Luo Fei naturally enjoyed the best treatment.

"Dalles, tell me about your experience."

After finishing the preparations, Luo Lan's attention shifted to Lies. This guy who was lucky enough to get the Spirit Tree is still quite powerful in the theater version. Seeing him look exactly like Monkey King, people who don't know think they are brothers!

Darius was imprisoned by Lu Lu during this period, and he already knew about the situation of Sai Fei's forces. It turned out that even the witch who defeated her was once the defeat of Queen Sai Fe and Luo Lan. So after hearing Luo Lan's question, where did he dare to conceal a little bit, and quickly told his own experience like pouring beans.

"...I was originally an exiled lower-level warrior of Vegeta. By the way, Vegeta is a Saiyan planet located in the northern galaxy area. The Saiyan on it is not as powerful as Saifi. The leader is called King Vegeta..."

Luo Lan waved to interrupt him, "I know Star Vegeta, skip this paragraph."

"Yes Yes."

Darius nodded carefully, telling the story.

It turned out that Darius was a Saiyan who was exiled when he was a child. When the Frieza Army was searching for the Saiyan who was living outside, he was not found by the Frieza Legion because of luck. Later, the fruit of the spiritual tree was found in an adventure. , And then relying on the fruit of the spiritual tree to grow stronger, he was ambitiously planning to show his ambitions, but unfortunately he was captured by Luo Lan and the others before he stepped into the universe.

"Are you unwilling to be taken prisoner?"

A pair of dark and cold eyes looked at him. When Daleston felt a lot of pressure, the corners of his mouth dried up and said, "No...Don't dare..."

"Better not."

Luo Lan stared at him, suddenly showing a faint smile, let Lu Lu watch him and walk out.

For Darius, he didn't care at all. Even if this guy is ambitious, he can't figure out tricks in his own hands.

"A Saiyan with 300,000 combat power is quite rare. I hope he can recognize each other." Saiphylia came to Luo Lan and sat down.

"Lu Lu will discipline him."

Luo Lan looked at the towering giant tree in the distance, but didn't care about Darius's affairs, and said: "As long as we find the seeds for cultivating the spiritual tree, we will continue to get more fruits, and hundreds of thousands of combat power will be available at that time. Saiyans are not uncommon."

Seferia was taken aback and smiled: "You are right."

As time passed day by day, the green and yellow fruits on the mental tree gradually matured.

With the picking of many people from Saifei forces, all the fruits were collected without dropping. As a reward, each picker got a few fruits. With this calculation, more than 10,000 fruits were separated out at once. , But seeing the aura of all the fighters getting stronger and stronger, Luo Lan was not stingy with these fruits.

Moreover, Luo Lan was pleased that golden fruits were beginning to bear on the top of the spiritual tree canopy. Luo Lan specially counted them, and a total of five were born.

This golden fruit contains more vitality than ordinary fruits. One can resist as many as 1,000 ordinary fruits. Only such fruits can be used as seeds. All the golden fruits produced by the previous planets were eaten by Darius except for one as a seed.

But the pleasant things did not last long. An unexpected event broke the tranquility of Orpheus.

One day, a patrolling Saiyan warrior destroyed a detection spacecraft. According to Dr. Brives' analysis of the detection spacecraft's data, it was discovered that it was an aircraft monitoring Orpheus.

"From the spacecraft's data, its main function is to monitor the condition of the mental tree..." Dr. Breves said affirmatively.

"Finally someone noticed the spiritual tree here. It seems that the other party still knows the effects of the fruit of the spiritual tree. The other party shouldn't be a galaxy mercenary, otherwise they won't just monitor the spiritual tree!" Luo Lan's face condensed, "Will the other party also find out we?"

Dr. Brives shook his head, "It shouldn't be. The aircraft was destroyed by Saiyan fighters just after it entered the atmosphere, but it is hard to guarantee that there will be no other detectors."

"Prepare so early. If the opponent is strong enough, it may cause interstellar war."

Of course, Luo Lan is not afraid of the war. Just like the last time they wiped out the Bab Army, they crushed the past. Luo Lan only hopes that the other party will not come when the golden fruit is not yet ripe. If the energy of the war hurts the golden fruit Oh no.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can try to use this aircraft to interfere, maybe it can make the opponent deviate from the course."

"That's the best." Luo Lan pondered for a moment, of course, just in case, he also needs to make some preparations here.

So, Luo Lan and the others discussed and sent all the fighters back to the planet Salada. Only Luo Lan, Sefilia, Dr. Brives, Lu Lu, the Guards, etc. were left on Orpheus. A small number of people, of course Darius was also stayed, this guy is not low in combat effectiveness, and it is easy to cause trouble if placed outside.

Dr. Brives is worthy of being an expert in mechanics. It didn’t take long to repair the detection spacecraft, and then use this detection spacecraft to interfere with other detectors. As to whether the opponent’s expeditionary spacecraft can deviate from the course, it depends on luck. .

"Keep waiting, I hope that the opponent's spacecraft will not come over before the golden fruit matures."

"The golden fruit is the final stage of the growth of the spiritual tree. Because it provides all the energy to the fruit, it only takes about three days to mature." Darius quickly showed his value. In the past few days, he already knew Luo Lan and others. People are far from something they can provoke, and the only way to save their lives now is to show their worth as much as possible.

Luo Lan glanced at Darius and nodded lightly.

"Then just wait three days, and after three days we pick the fruit and leave."



On the other side, on the route to Orpheus, the army led by Slag traversed the deep starry sky mightily. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the fleet command room, and the cosmic people driving the spaceship seemed to have encountered some difficulties.

"What's the matter?" Slag leaned on the chair made of bone, wearing a purple hood.

"My lord, there seems to be something wrong with the navigation system. We are clearly moving along the correct route, but the route of the spacecraft seems to deviate from the star map." The cosmic man with a chicken head replied sweating profusely.

An indifferent eyes swept across the opponent, Slag frowned, and said coldly: "Adjust as soon as possible, you are all ready to die if the major event delayed me."

"Yes..." Nodding tremblingly, the cockpit suddenly became busy. After a long time, the spacecraft's course was finally restored.

"My lord, everything is ready. If we move forward at full speed, we can reach Orpheus in about three days."

"Well, good job."

Slag squinted his eyes. He didn’t need to spend too much energy when he was old, but these are only temporary. As long as he gets the fruit of the spiritual tree, his life span will be greatly extended, and it’s not wrong to return to his youth. Possibly, by then, he will no longer succumb to the edge of the northern galaxy.

Slagu could not help but sneer in his heart with such ambition.

Time passed, and three days passed in a flash.

On this day, Slagoo's spacecraft got closer and closer to Orpheus, and he was about to enter the planetary system where Orphee was.

At this moment, the five golden fruits on the Spirit Tree were also ripe.

"Start picking!"

With an order, several figures floated up, looking at the golden fruit on the top of the canopy. Compared with ordinary fruits, it was larger and more rounded on the surface, without the thorns like ordinary fruits.

Luo Lan touched the billowing golden fruits, just like touching a lover who had been away for many days. Soon all five fruits were picked off, and Luo Lan carefully collected them into the dimension space.

At this moment, Luo Lan frowned suddenly, then raised her head and looked at the sky, her sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the thick clouds to the outside of the planet. There, a cold and biting evil aura is constantly approaching, and the energy is far more powerful than everyone present.

"What's wrong?" Sefilia just asked, feeling the evil anger herself.

"What a terrifying breath."

"Some powerful existence is constantly approaching, hiss...what's going on, it's terrible..."

Lu Lu and Herz both sensed the mighty power in outer space. Their power was as vulnerable as a weak child in front of that deep energy. It was a deep darkness that was as deep as a black hole. The breath constantly trembled their minds.

That power, not to mention tens of millions! !

"Retreat!" Luo Lan gave orders immediately. He was not afraid of the strong, but he would not go to waste if he knew that he was defeated.

The others had no opinion, so he glanced at the Spirit Tree and Orpheus Star, which were gradually declining. Luo Lan took a deep breath and activated teleportation to take everyone away. After a blurry light, everything disappeared. On the Star Ofi.

And not long after Luo Lan and the others disappeared, Slag's spacecraft arrived at Orpheus in mighty force.

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