Seventh universe, Earth, Bun Mountain.

At this time, Sun Wutian was lying leisurely on a grassy field looking at the sky.

In fact, Sun Wukong's idea to go to the sixth universe to cultivate this time was Sun Wutian's idea.

He wanted Sun Wukong to become stronger as soon as possible and comprehend the Ultimate Skill.

Then he defeats Sun Wukong and can directly obtain the Freedom Ultimate Skill.

After Sun Wutian lay down for a while, he suddenly saw a figure in the distance flying towards him.

This man is none other than Trunks.

When Sun Wutian saw Trunks, he immediately got up from the grass.

A moment later, Trunks flew down from the sky and landed in front of Sun Wutian.


Trunks nodded.

"Goten, you guy is really leisurely!"

"Trunks, aren't you practicing today?"

"If you don't cultivate, no matter how hard I try to cultivate, I can't catch up with you!"

"Don't say that Trunks, you cultivate hard, there is still a way to catch up with me!"

"Don't comfort me Wutian, my father cultivates so hard every day, he can't catch up with you, let alone me!"

"Actually, Trunks, you don't have to target me, as long as you work hard to surpass yourself!"


Trunks nodded.

"Goten, do you say that the planet of Lord Elephant Pa will be far from Earth?"

Sun Wutian nodded.

"I heard Sister Bardos say that it will take her dozens of minutes to come to Earth!"

"Yes, it's a pity that I can't leave the earth, otherwise I really want to see the planet like Lord Pa!"

By the way, Goten, aren't you teleporting? Can you show me around the planet like Lord Papa?

"My teleportation requires sensing qi to pass, and the planet like Lord Pa is not on our planet!"

Although Sun Wutian is now able to teleport, it will be more difficult to explain if he uses god-level teleportation now.

"This way!"

After Trunks listened, he was slightly lost.

"If you want to go to Lord Xiangpa's planet, I can ask Lord Realm King God to take you!"

"Lord Realm King God?"

"Yes, doesn't Lord Realm King God have an entourage named Jebbit? I can let him take us!

"Okay, but Dad, they just went to Lord Elephant's planet, I think we'd better go back later, right?"

Sun Wutian nodded.


Time flickered, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past half a year, Sun Wukong and Vegeta have basically cultivated in the sixth universe.

After half a year of cultivation, the strength of the two has improved a lot, but they are still very far away from the realm of gods.

The seventh universe, the realm of the king god.

At this time, Sun Wutian was showing them god-level teleportation to the Eastern Realm King God.

"Huh..." Sun

Wutian moved instantly, disappeared into the Realm King God Realm, and appeared on an uninhabited planet.

Through the crystal ball, the old world king gods saw Sun Wutian who instantly moved to the uninhabited planet.

"Sun... Sun Wutian, he really learned our teleportation!

Jebit said with a look of surprise.

A few months ago, Sun Wutian came to the Realm King God Realm, saying that he wanted to learn the god-level teleportation of the Eastern Realm King God.

However, god-level teleportation is a skill that can only be controlled by the realm king god, and unless Sun Wutian agrees to become the next realm king god, the Eastern realm king god can teach him.

However, Sun Wutian did not agree, but chose to stay in the Realm King God Realm and watch Jebit use god-level teleportation.

Just today, Sun Wutian "successfully learned" to teleport.

"yes, and it only took him three months!"

The Eastern Realm King God clenched his teeth and said.

I think that when he was still the king god of the internship world, it also took more than a year to control it.

And Sun Wutian relied on "stealing learning" and learned it in only three months.

The Old Realm King God nodded.

"It's a pity that he doesn't want to be the Realm King God, otherwise he will definitely be the strongest Realm King God!"


The Eastern Realm King God nodded.

"Huh..." As

soon as the words fell, Sun Wutian's figure immediately appeared in front of the three.

"How about Lord Realm King?"

"This is indeed the teleportation of our Realm King God!"

"Wutian, do you really not consider the King God of the Realm?"

"Don't think about it, Lord King God of that Realm, if there is nothing else, I will leave first?"


Seeing this, Sun Wutian moved in an instant and came to the Realm King God Realm of the sixth universe.

A middle-aged man with green skin, a fat figure, "several" white hair on his head, and wearing a realm king god uniform.

At this time, he was standing on a grassy field in the Realm King God Realm.

The man's name is Fowa, the king god of the sixth universe.

"People ... Mankind! When

Fova saw Sun Wutian who suddenly appeared, he was immediately frightened.

Because ordinary human beings can't get here at all.

"Hello, my name is Sun Wutian, and I am the planet of Lord Xiangpa!"

"Lord Elephant Pa!"

When Fowa heard Xiangpa's name, he immediately looked at Sun Wutian.

No matter how Sun Wutian looks, he looks like a human child.

It was still hard for him to imagine that Xiangpa would be friends with a child.

"You should have teleported just now, right?"


Sun Wutian nodded.

"Then you are the realm king god of other universes?"

"It's not!"

"Then how do you teleport?"

"I stole what I learned from Lord Realm King God!"

"Steal school!"

When Fova heard this, he just wanted to say in his heart, lying in the groove, has it become a proud thing to steal school now? Also tell him directly!

"That... You just said that Lord Elephant Pa is your friend, is that true? "


Sun Wutian nodded.

"So you come here?"

"I just learned to teleport and came from the seventh universe!"

"Seventh Universe!"

"Yes, can you tell Lord Elephant where the planet is?"

After hearing this, Fova hesitated, but still said the location of the planet Xiangpa.

"Lord Pa's planet is here..." "

Well, thank you!"

After Sun Wutian finished speaking, he immediately disappeared into the Realm King God Realm.


The sixth universe, destroying the god realm.

Bardos was standing on a grassy field at this time, looking at the universe, when a figure suddenly appeared in the God of Destruction Realm.

This person is none other than Sun Wutian.


Sun Wutian nodded with a smile.

"Goten, how did you get here?"

"I came here using the teleportation of the Realm King God Lord!"

"Realm King God, have you been chosen as the next Realm King God?"

"No, I learned it from Lord Realm King God!"

"Yes, then did he tell you that you can't casually go to someone else's universe?"


Sun Wutian shook his head.

Of course, he knows that he can't just mess with the universe.

However, he thought that he knew Xiangpa so well, it should be no problem to come over.

"So you know now?"

"Got it!"

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