Bidili gritted her teeth and rushed towards Spobic again.

Bidili stomped hard with her left foot and a flying kick with her right foot, towards Sbeech.

After "eating" Bidili several flying kicks, Spobic had already taken precautions against this.

So Bidili kicked this time, and he directly grabbed Bidili's right foot with his left hand.


Bidili was startled to see her right foot caught.

Spobic chuckled and slammed Biddy Li to the ground with his left hand.


Son Gohan was shocked.

At this moment, Spobich's body suddenly stopped.

Although Bidili didn't know what was happening, she broke free from Spobichi's hand and fell to the ground.

The Eastern Realm King God swept the audience and saw Sun Wutian, who was using his superpowers against Spobich.

Sun Wutian originally didn't want to make a move, but Bi Di Li was his future sister-in-law after all, so he still helped her.


At this time, Sun Wuhan in the competition stage also understood that it was Sun Wutian's hand.

"Lord Realm King God, that little devil seems to have the superpower to control people, what should we do?"

"I'm fighting him!"

The Eastern Realm King God said.

Jebit nodded slightly.

After speaking, the Eastern Realm King God immediately used superpowers on Sun Wutian, making his body unable to move.

"Body... The body can't move!

Sun Wutian said, and Spobic on the competition stage immediately resumed his action.

However, because of Sun Wutian's control just now, although Spobichi's body recovered, he was swept to the ground by the attacking Bidili.


It was at this time that the Eastern Realm King God lost control of Sun Wutian because of the power in his body.

"Lord Realm King God!"

Jebit was taken aback.

"No, Sun Wutian's strength is too strong, I can't control him at all!"

"Lord King God of the Realm, what should we do next?"

"It seems that you can only change the original plan!"

The Eastern Realm King God said, and took Jebit to find Sun Wukong and them.

"Gave up?"

Sun Wutian felt that the control of the Eastern King God disappeared, and immediately used his superpower to make Spobich's body immobile.

On the stage.

At this time, Bidili had already been knocked to the ground by Spobich.

"Spobichi fell to the ground, and now start falling dozens, nine, eight..."

At this moment, a bald man with an M on his head shouted at Spobich.

The man's name is Yamu, and he is Spobić's companion.

"Zero, the Spobic player fell to the ground and couldn't stand up, the Bidili player won!"

Seeing this, Sun Wutian immediately lifted his control over Spobichi.

"I'm not convinced, she's cheating!"

Spobic looked angry and got up from the ground.

After Sun Gohan heard this, he immediately jumped onto the competition stage and protected in front of Bidili.

"What cheating, I see you are cheating!"

Seeing this, Yamu also jumped on the competition platform.

"Spobic forget it, losing is losing!"

After hearing this, Spobic walked off the stage with Yamu with an unwilling look.


At this moment, Sharpe in the audience recognized Son Gohan, who was wearing a white turban and sunglasses.


Son Gohan was shocked when he heard that he was recognized.

In order to hide his identity, he specially got a Super Saiyan Superman clothes.

Outcome...... He didn't wear a helmet today because he was racing, so he was so easily recognized.

But now that he was already recognized, he had to take off his sunglasses and smile and wave to Sharpe.

"Also... It's really Gohan! Shap

, who was not quite sure that the person on the stage was Son Gohan, was shocked to sit back in his seat after seeing Son Gohan take off his sunglasses and beckon to them.

He never imagined that Son Gohan, a "nerd", would be a Super Saiyan Superman.

"I'll just say he's Gohan!"

Eliza laughed.

Sharpe nodded.

Even if he doesn't believe it now, the facts are in front of him.

On the stage.

Because the fourth game is a match between Son Gohan and Jebit, Son Gohan does not have to step down.

Bidili: "Gohan, the next thing is your game, you must work hard!"

Son Gohan nodded.

Seeing this, Bidili immediately jumped off the stage.

At this time, Jebit stepped onto the stage.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere around them became a little dignified for a while.

"Are you a Jebit player?"

The referee asked.

Before the start of the match, the referee will usually confirm the identity of the player.


Jebbie heads.

"Then Super Saiyan Superman Player, Jebit Player, if there are no other problems, please start the competition, right?"

The two nodded.

Seeing this, the referee immediately walked off the stage.

At this time, Jebit suddenly said to Sun Wuhan.

"Hello, your name is Son Gohan, right? I want to see your true strength!

"Real strength?"

"Yes, because you do this, it will be of great help to us!"

"But why should I help you?"

After hearing this, Jebbit glanced at the audience.

At this time, Vic suddenly transmitted a message to Sun Gohan.

"Gohan, just do what he says!"

"Uncle Bike!"

After Sun Gohan listened, although he had some doubts in his heart, he still chose to believe Bick in his heart when he looked at Bick, who was closer than his own father.

"I see!"

Sun Gohan said, holding his hands hard, his whole body exuded an incomparably amazing aura, and quickly ascended.


With a roar, the bricks on the floor of the competition table were lifted.

When the audience sitting in the audience saw this scene, they all showed surprise.

At this moment, Sun Wuhan's hair and eyebrows turned golden, his eyes turned light green, and all the heads except Liu Wei stood up, and a golden aura rose all over his body.

This is exactly Super Saiyan II.

"Enlightenment... Gohan! Bidili

was shocked when she saw Son Gohan's appearance.

Because Sun Gohan's current appearance is the same as the golden warrior who appeared in the Western Capital before.

"Hara... It turns out that Gohan is a golden warrior!

Sharpe was surprised.

Son Gohan was Super Saiyan Superman was enough to surprise him, but he didn't expect Son Gohan to be a blonde warrior.

"Is this a dream? If it's a dream, let me wake up as soon as possible!

Sharpe said to himself with some difficulty accepting reality.

Off stage.

Mr. Satan looked at Son Gohan, who had transformed into a Super Saiyan, and immediately recalled the blond weirdo who defeated Sharu seven years ago.

"Hard... Could it be that this kid is the same guy from seven years ago!

Mr. Satan thought in a cold sweat.

In the distance of Mr. Satan, Spobich is now holding the energy collector that Babidi gave him at Son Gohan to see the energy he has.

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