"Yes, that's why he let us go to the universe to find powerful warriors!"

"You mean to say that King Frieza is not dead?"

"Death is death, but then resurrection!"

Reimer said.

"Then may I ask who defeated the Super Saiyan who defeated Frieza?"

"I don't know the name very well, but he is now on Earth!"



Reimer nodded.

"That Paragas, can I see how well you and Broly are fighting?"

Letts asked.

"Of course!"

Paragas said.

After hearing this, Leitz immediately turned on the combat power detector switch he was wearing on his left eye to detect the combat power of Paragas.

"Didi..." "

1000... 4200......"

“4...... 4200!

Leitz was immediately taken aback when he saw the combat power of Paragas.

The combat effectiveness of 4200 may not be high for others, but compared to the two of them, it is very high, and neither of them has any combat effectiveness.

Paragas frowned slightly when he heard Leitz's reported combat strength.

When he was young, his combat power was as high as more than seven thousand.

It may be because he has not fought for a long time, coupled with a foot injury, and he is already older, which will make his combat effectiveness drop so much.

After seeing the combat power of Paragas, Letts immediately looked at Broly on the side.

"Then, let me see how much Broly your combat power is!"

Letts said, aiming the combat power detector at Broly.

The combat effectiveness detector immediately emitted a trickling sound, and a five-digit value appeared instantly, and climbed upward at a rapid speed.

"Two... Two hundred thousand! Leitz

was immediately startled when he saw the shocking value on the combat effectiveness detector.


Reimer, who was standing on the side, was also shocked when he heard this.

Two hundred thousand such a powerful combat power, even in the entire Frieza army, there are not many of them.


At this moment, Broly's combat power exceeded the maximum combat power value that the combat power detector could detect, and exploded.

"Battle... The combat effectiveness detector exploded!

When Reimer saw this scene, he was even more frightened.

The highest combat power detection that the latest combat effectiveness detector can detect is more than half a million, which means that Broly's combat power exceeds half a million.


Leitz nodded.

"That means ... Broly's combat power exceeds half a million?

"Well, didn't Paragath just say that? Broly is the legendary Super Saiyan!

"That... Paragas, would you and Broly be willing to return to the Frieza Legion with us?

Reimer asked.

"yes, that's great!"


Paragath nodded.

"Then you guys clean up, we'll take you out of the planet now!"


In the seventh universe, the main control room of the Frieza spaceship, Frieza was sitting on a flying chair at this time.

Next to him stood an old lady with pale pink hair, blue skin all over her body, and a mushroom hair style.

The old lady's name is Belibulu, an old lady who specializes in taking care of Friesha.

Next to Baileybulu, stood a man with yellow skin, a face that looked like a frog, but no nose, and two short antennas on his head.

His name is Kikono, a genius scientist who existed in the Kurdish era, and his inventions such as combat power detectors, armor and spaceships are all his inventions.

At this time, Frieza is planning to go to Earth to find the Dragon Ball on Earth.

Kikono: "King Frieza, you are going to Earth to find the Dragon Ball, do you want to make a wish for an immortal body?"

"It's not!"

Frieza shook his head.


" "You want to grow taller, right?"

Bailib smiled.

"Baileybulu, you... What are you talking about?

When Kikono heard this, he was taken aback.

"The soldiers who said that King Frieza was short behind their backs have all been wiped out by you, right?"

Baileybulu said.

"It's Baileybulu, that's right!"


Kikono was shocked when he heard this, and swallowed his saliva nervously.

"I actually answered correctly!"

"Can you keep it a secret for me and not tell anyone?"

Frieza looked at Kikono.

"Of course you can!"

Kikono nodded repeatedly.

If he didn't want to die, he would definitely not dare to say it.

"I want to increase my height by five centimeters!"

Frieza held out a hand.

"If that's the case, you're tall in your second form, and your height is completely enough?"

"No, I hope that when the normal form and the final form are also normal height!"

"But why do you only grow five centimeters tall?"

Kikono asked nervously.

"If you grow too much taller at once, it's not natural, isn't it?"

Frieza said loudly.

"I want to give people the feeling that I'm still growing up!"

"So it is!"


A day later.

Letts and Reimer bring the Broly father and son back to the Frieza Legion's spaceship.

Letts and Reimer went to collect the reward first, while the Broly father and son were placed in the spaceship.

Broly looked around, curious about everything around him.

A tall and burly Frieza soldier with blue skin saw that Broly was a Saiyan and couldn't help but feel a hint of provocation in his heart.

When Planet Vegeta still existed, the Saiyans were very proud and looked down on them as soldiers of the Frieza Legion.

Although the Frieza Legion has such a powerful team as the Kinut Army, after all, it is only a minority, and most of the Frieza Legion soldiers rely on powerful technology to fight, and their own strength is not very strong.

And because Vegeta looked down on them when he worked under Frieza.

Of course, this soldier who wants to provoke Broly is not an ordinary warrior, and the ordinary Frieza soldier sees the Saiyans, it is too late to dodge, where do they dare to provoke.

"You two are the ones Leitz brought back, right?"

The blue-skinned man said to Broly.

Broly nodded.

"So do you know the rules here?"


Broly looked at each other suspiciously.

"The rule is that newcomers must obey the old man!"


"Then you will follow me in the future, be my little brother!"

"Little brother?"

"That's what I tell you to do, you have to do!"


Broly shook his head.

"Why? Do you want to look for death? The

blue-skinned man said angrily.

"Because I won't listen to anyone!"

"Yes, then since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being unkind!"

The blue-skinned man said, his right fist as fast as the wind, attacking Broly.

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