Within the boundary, there is a huge top-shaped competition table, which is suspended in mid-air.

Around the stage is a circular spectator seat that can accommodate several hundred people.

Above the competition platform, there were huge floating stones, on which the king and the great priest were located.

After Sun Wukong and they came to the Boundless Realm, they quickly sat on the competition stage.


The two kings sitting on the throne shouted at Sun Wukong at the same time.

"Ah Quan!"

After Sun Wukong listened, he immediately responded.

The eyes of the two king's guards swept towards Sun Wukong.

Many of the universe's gods of destruction showed unkind eyes to Sun Wukong.

After Beerus saw it, he quickly covered Sun Wukong's mouth.

"Goku, don't talk nonsense to me anymore, otherwise when the game is over, I will have to fix you!"

Friesha, who was sitting on the side, immediately laughed when he saw this scene.

It was the first time he had seen Beerus so nervous.

Sun Wukong nodded repeatedly.

Seeing this, Beerus lowered his hand.

It was at this moment that the people of the ninth universe also came to the Void Realm.

Beerus glanced at Sitara of the ninth universe.

Sitara felt a little weak in his heart and did not dare to look at Beerus.

After waiting for a while, the realm king gods, destruction gods, and angels of the twelve universes and the contestants of the eight universes arrived.

Although the First Universe, Fifth Universe, Eighth Universe, and Twelfth Universe did not participate in this competition, they were also invited by the king to watch this competition.

When the Great Priest saw that the twelve universes had arrived, he immediately walked to the ground road at the front of the king.

"Twelve universes, first of all, thank you for coming to watch this power conference!

Before the competition starts, I would like to tell you about the rules of this competition.

The tournament is scheduled to be 100 tak (48 minutes of Earth time in the 7th universe), and the pillar in the center of the arena will sink with time, and the conference will end when the height drops to the ground.

The gravity of all players is set to the gravity of the planet where they were born, and only those who fall out of the arena are considered eliminated, and those who lose their combat effectiveness and cannot move, as long as they do not fall out of the field, are not counted as losing, and the eliminated people will automatically return to the audience.

Weapons other than moves are not allowed, opponents are not allowed to die, and moves that float in the air to prevent falling cannot be used on the stage of the Power Games, but players who are born with wings can fly with wings.

Do not use any tools that help restore physical strength, violators are eliminated, and heavy ones are eliminated on the spot.

This tournament adopts a melee, each universe can send ten players to the stage, and the losing universe will be eliminated on the spot by the two kings, and the winning universe can get super dragon balls that can fulfill wishes.

If you don't understand the rules, you can ask me questions now. The

contestants of the various universes looked at each other, but none of them raised a question.

After waiting for a while, the Great Priest saw that no one in the eight universes initiated a question, so he walked towards the universe participating in the competition.

"Since you all know the rules of this conference, invite the players from various universes to compete on stage!"

After hearing this, the gods of destruction and the gods of the realm kings of each universe immediately gave instructions to the contestants of their universe, and the contestants of each universe flew onto the competition stage one after another.

Soon, a total of eighty players from eight universes came to the competition stage.

The two kings looked at the eighty people on the field, and their faces immediately showed a hint of expectation.

Great Priest: "Then now I announce that the power conference attended by the eight universes at 157 o'clock on the 3,135.5 million 603 of the Wang calendar has officially begun!" After

the Great Priest finished speaking, the stone pillar on the competition platform of the Power Assembly sank, and the originally black sky turned green.

Sun Wutian and Sun Wukong stood in the center of the competition table, watching their other cosmic players.

Sun Wukong: "Then Gohan, let's act as we said before?"

Son Gohan nodded.

Before the competition, Sun Gohan and they discussed the battle plan for this competition.

Because Son Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza like to fight alone, the three of them act separately.

Then Sun Gohan, Bick, Tianjin Rice group, Klin, Lazili group, Sun Gohan, Artificial Man No. 21 group.

Although they acted separately, if one of them was in danger, the others would rush to support.

After speaking, Sun Wukong and they immediately scattered.


Bergueimo looked at the scattered Monkey King and said.

"Big brother, what should we do?"

Basil asked.

After the full conference, they have a certain understanding of the strength of the seventh universe.

This conference is related to the safety of the entire universe, and they, as the main force of the ninth universe, must be very cautious.

"Let's observe the strength of the rest of the seventh universe first, and then wait for the opportunity to act!"

"It's big brother!"


After Sun Wukong and Vic dispersed, they encountered two women blocking in front of them.

One woman has long green hair and blue eyes, while the other has long purple hair and red glasses on both eyes.

The two of them are warriors from the second universe, named Riburian and Roji.

After Sun Wukong saw the two, his hands immediately made a gesture.

Riburian chuckled, and his body suddenly made a very speechless posture and transformed.

Roji, who was standing on the side, also transformed.

After the transformation, the skin on Riburian's body turned light blue, and his body became extremely fat and ugly, which was almost the same as before.

After Luo Ji transformed, the skin on her body also turned light blue, but her figure was still very slim, a yellow martial arts uniform appeared on her body, and a purple hat appeared on her head.


After Sun Wukong saw the transformation of the two, he was immediately shocked to drop his jaw.

At this moment, Riburian and Luo Ji looked at each other and rushed towards Sun Wukong together.

Sun Wukong looked stunned and greeted him.


Soon, Sun Wukong came to the two and fought with the two.

To the left of the Monkey King, Vegeta came across a ghost-looking man with green skin and a white single ponytail tied to his head.

The man's name is Nink, and he is the premier power warrior of the fourth universe.


After Vegeta saw Ningk, he squeezed his hands hard, and his whole body exuded an incomparably amazing aura, and quickly ascended upward.


With an astonishing momentum, Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan.

Originally, according to Vegeta's personality, he usually used his full strength when he encountered enemies, but this time there were many people in the competition, and he also had to consider the problem of physical exertion.

For an opponent like Ningk, his transformation into a Super Saiyan is enough to solve the opponent.

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