Beerus nodded.

"Vegeta, we are here to find you for the Power Conference!"

"The Assembly of Force!"

"Yes, this is something that Pa has already told you, right?"

Vegeta nodded.

"Then are you willing to fight for our seventh universe?"

Vegeta was silent for a moment and nodded.

"So are you going back with us now? Or come back before the game starts?

Vegeta listened and glanced at them, and Gabe said to them.

"I'll go back in a few days!"

"Okay, thenavis, shall we go back?"

"Yes, Lord Beerus!"

Weiss said, the staff in his right hand pointed a little towards the ground, and a colorful light appeared at the feet of the three, leaving the planet Sharada with the three.

Vegeta watched the three leave, then continued to teach the three.


The next morning.

Sun Wukong, as usual, practiced in the back mountain at home.

Ves appeared in the back mountain with Beerus.

"Lord Beerus!"

Beerus nodded.

"Lord Beerus, why are you here?"

Without waiting for Beerus to speak, Vese, who was standing on the side, spoke first.

"Goku, Lord Quan Wang is looking for you and wants you to compete with the Ninth Universe!"

"Ninth universe? But isn't the Congress of Force still four days away?

"This is not a conference of power, just a simple competition, because the Lord of All Kings in the future time and space has not seen the competition between your two universes, so he let you compete with the ninth universe!"

"This way!"


Weiss nodded.

"In this competition, each side will send three people!"

"In this case, then Goten, do you want to participate in this competition?"

Sun Wukong asked Sun Wutian on the side.

"I guess not, this isn't an official match anyway, is it?"


Weiss nodded.

"Who are the other two looking for?"

Monkey King said.

"Dad, you can find Uncle Vic and Aunt 21 of the Cyborg!"

"That's what I said!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he immediately went to find Vic with Weis.


In the palace of the kings, there is a competition ring and many floating boulders.

This place is where the Monkey King and they are going to compete this time.

At this time, there were already a large number of people standing on the pumice stones, and these people were either the realm king gods of various universes, the gods of destruction, or the contestants.

However, one of the men is special, he is neither a contestant, nor a realm king god or a destroying god, this person is the candidate of the destroying god of the eleventh universe.

"Hasn't Goku arrived yet?"

Quan Wang, who was sitting on the throne, waited a little impatiently.

"I'll take a look!"

As soon as the words fell, Weiss arrived with Sun Wukong and them.

"Father, Lord Quanwang!"

Weiss saluted the two respectfully.

The Eastern King God also followed and bowed to the whole king.

The two kings nodded and happily said to Sun Wukong.

"Goku, you're here!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

"Yes, Ah Quan!"


The two kings nodded.

"Ah... Whole!

As soon as these words came out, the gods looked at Sun Wukong in great shock.

A mortal actually dared to call the whole king Ah Quan, and the whole king answered.

Seeing that the gods were looking at Sun Wukong, Beerus broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly covered Sun Wukong's mouth with his hand.

"Don't talk nonsense to me in front of Lord Quanwang!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

Seeing this, Beerus let go of his hand.

"Who is this person? Dare to call Lord Quan Wang like that?

A female Destroyer wearing a Destroyer uniform asked.

This goddess of destruction is named Helles, the god of destruction in the second universe.

"His name is Sun Wukong, he is a friend of Lord Quanwang, that is, he proposed the Assembly of Power!"

The Grand Priest said.

"What, it's that he caused us to participate in this competition, and if we lose, we will be eliminated by Lord Quanwang!"

The gods were talking.

At this moment, the Great Priest spoke again.

"In fact, if Sun Wukong hadn't proposed this competition, Lord Quan Wang would have originally planned to directly eliminate the eight universes with unqualified human survival levels!"

Helles: "Eight universes where the human survival level is substandard!"


"Who is the penultimate universe?"

Xiangpa asked.

"The bottom of the human survival level is the ninth universe, only 1.86!"

"Our universe is actually the first to last!"

Sitara, the destroyer of the ninth universe, was surprised.

"What about the penultimate one?"

Helles asked.

"The penultimate is the seventh universe, and the human survival level is only 3.18, so this competition is the ninth universe and the seventh universe are matched!"

"Then we also have to thank Sun Wukong!"

A clown-like destruction of Shinto.

This God of Destruction is named the God of Destruction of the Eleventh Universe.

And the reason why he said this is because he is full of confidence in the strength of their universe.

"Thanks to the Monkey King?"

The gods looked at the taste with a puzzled expression.

"If it weren't for Sun Wukong, our universe might not even have this chance!"

The gods nodded irrefutably.

"That Lord Great Priest, which universes are you talking about with an unqualified level of human existence?"

Xiangpa asked.

"The second universe, the third universe, the fourth universe, the sixth universe, the seventh universe, the ninth universe, the tenth universe, the eleventh universe, as for the universe I didn't read, it is the universe that doesn't have to participate in this power conference!"

"No need to participate!"

After hearing this, Beerus was full of envy for those universes that did not have to participate in the Assembly of Force.

"This competition is because the future king has not seen the competition of the sixth universe and the seventh universe, so this competition is mainly to let the future king understand the conference!

The seventh universe and the ninth universe, you two can now send your own players to the game separately, there are no rules in this game, as long as you don't kill people, let the whole king be satisfied! When

Beerus heard this, they immediately began to deliberate.

"So Goku, who are you going to play for the first game?"

"I'll take care of this first one!"

Sun Wukong said with a smile.


Beerus nodded.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately jumped onto the competition stage.

After Sun Wukong took the stage, a werewolf with blue hair and an extremely tall figure jumped off the stage.

His name is Bergueimo and he is a warrior of the ninth universe.

"Hello, my name is Monkey King!"

Monkey King politely greeted Bergueimo.

Bergueimo snorted coldly.

"My name is Bergueimo!"

"Goku, if you don't have any other problems, please start the match, right? The two lords of Quanwang are now looking forward to it for a long time! "Good


Sun Wukong said, making a gesture of battle with both hands.

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