Bang! !

Frieza raised his left hand and grabbed Piccolo's right fist.


Piccolo was startled.

Frieza sneered, feeling somewhat proud.

At this time, Piccolo's right knee pushed forward, and Frieza raised his left knee and pushed it hard with Piccolo's right knee.

Bang! !

With a loud noise, Frieza was pushed back hundreds of meters.

"Damn it!"

Frieza shouted angrily, and rushed towards Piccolo quickly.

Piccolo's figure flashed, and he also rushed towards Frieza.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, and their fists and feet were as fast as lightning, attacking each other.


Bang Bang Bang! !

The two punched hard together, and there were thunder-like sounds coming from their hands.

Bang! !

After the two fought for a while, Piccolo hit Frieza's face with his right fist and knocked him out.

And while knocking him out, Piccolo's right hand hit Frieza who was flying backwards with an energy wave.

Boom! !

With a huge explosion, Frieza was hit by the energy wave, and a lot of smoke from the explosion immediately appeared in the sky.

After a while, when the smoke dissipated, Frieza put his hands in a defensive posture, looking a little embarrassed.

"Oh, he's not dead!"

Piccolo said with a little surprise.

Although he didn't use his full strength in the energy wave just now, the power of that energy wave should be enough to destroy Frieza.

"You damn Namekian, I will never forgive you!"

Frieza said angrily.

Although Piccolo's energy wave just now didn't kill him, it did a lot of damage to him.

Piccolo is not Sun Wukong, he will not be soft-hearted to Frieza.

Frieza said, clenched his hands, and radiated an extremely amazing aura from his body, which quickly rose upwards.

Boom! !

The ground within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was affected by Frieza's aura, and the ground shook violently.

"What a strong aura!"

Krillin was shocked.

Although he felt that Frieza's aura had become stronger from the beginning, he did not expect that Frieza would become so much stronger.

Even Piccolo frowned after seeing it.


At this moment, Frieza roared loudly, and his skin turned golden except for the head, the lower part of the face, the palms, the soles of the feet, and the gem on the chest, and the parts of his body that did not turn into golden skin turned purple.

This is the golden Frieza.

After Frieza completed the transformation, he immediately released the aura gathered outside his body.

The sea immediately set off a huge wave.

Krillin: "What a strong aura! Piccolo is no match for him!"

Frieza sneered.

"Namek, is this scene the same as our original battle?"

"No... not the same!"

Although Piccolo's face was solemn, he was not afraid of Frieza in front of him.

Because he, like Frieza, also retained his strength.

Frieza smiled.

"What's the difference?"

"The gap between the two of us is not that big!"

Frieza smiled.

"You mean, you can fight me in the Golden Frieza state?"


Piccolo nodded.

"Really? In that case, let me see your strength!"

Frieza smiled.


"Uncle Piccolo!"

Although Piccolo's aura was strong, there was still a big gap between him and Golden Frieza.

"Damn it!"

When Piccolo saw Frieza laughing at him, he clenched his fists, exuding an extremely amazing aura from his whole body, and quickly rose up.

Boom! !

The surrounding islands shook violently under the influence of Piccolo's aura, and a large amount of sand and stones were lifted from the ground and flew into the air.


With a loud roar, Piccolo's body became bigger, his skin turned orange, and his eyes turned red.

This is exactly Orange Piccolo.

"Pi... Piccolo, he turned orange!"

Krillin was shocked.

Before, only Son Goku and his friends could transform on Earth, and now there is another Piccolo.

Son Goten nodded.

This Orange Piccolo was made so strong by Son Goten using the power of the Dark Dragon Ball. Otherwise, with Piccolo's qualifications, he would have to practice for at least a few years to become Orange Piccolo.

Son Gohan: "But judging from the aura, Uncle Piccolo's aura doesn't seem to be much weaker than Frieza's!"

"I didn't expect Uncle Piccolo's strength to have become so strong!"

Son Gohan said with a little emotion in his heart.

After hearing this, Jak, who was standing aside, immediatelyPiccolo takes a photo.

"It turns out that Namekians can also transform. If this news spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation!"

"Oh, it turns out that you also control the transformation. I was wondering why you are so confident!"

Frieza laughed.

Even if Piccolo becomes stronger, he is absolutely confident in his Golden Frieza.

Piccolo snorted coldly, and rushed towards Frieza as fast as light.

Soon, Piccolo came in front of Frieza, and his fists were as fast as light, attacking Frieza.

Frieza dodged while raising his fists to fight with Piccolo.

Bang bang bang! !

The two people's attacks continued to hit each other.

Suddenly, Piccolo shouted, and kicked Frieza's body with his right foot.

Frieza screamed and his body was kicked to the right.

"Damn it!"

Frieza shouted angrily, raised his right index finger, and fired several purple beams from his fingertips, attacking Piccolo.

Piccolo saw this and immediately dodged to the side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the purple beams fell on the island or in the sea, causing huge waves.


Bang! Boom! Boom!!

After Piccolo dodged, he immediately gathered a large amount of energy waves with his hands and attacked Frieza.

Frieza sneered and dodged to the side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

A large amount of energy waves exploded in the sky, producing huge smoke.

Frieza rushed to Piccolo from behind with the help of the smoke.

However, Piccolo could sense the air, so when Frieza attacked, he felt it.


Frieza swung his right fist at Piccolo, but Piccolo flashed, causing Frieza's punch to miss in midair.

Frieza was startled and looked around quickly.

At this moment, Piccolo appeared below Frieza and punched Frieza's abdomen with his right fist.

Bang! !

With a loud noise, Frieza's abdomen was hit hard, and he let out a loud scream.

"Damn it!"

Frieza gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his abdomen, and punched Piccolo.

Bang! !

Frieza hit Piccolo's abdomen with his right fist, and Piccolo, like Frieza, let out a loud scream.

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