"Goten, tell me honestly, how did you become a Super Saiyan God?"

"No... I just practiced seriously, maybe I'm a genius!"


Trunks snorted coldly.

"Goten, don't be too proud, I will also become a Super Saiyan God and surpass you in the future!"


After hearing this, Son Goten smiled faintly.

Trunks' current strength is only Super One, three levels lower than him.

When he becomes a Super Saiyan God, his strength is estimated to reach Super Six or Super Seven.


The underworld, Yama Hall.

At this time, Yama King was very busy looking at the ghost information to see whether to sentence him to hell or heaven.

"Go to heaven!"

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"


Just when Yama King was very busy, a little ghost brought a new little ghost to Yama King and said.

"Lord Yama, this is the new kid. How do you think he should be arranged for work?"

The King of Yama glanced at the kid casually and said.

"Let him be in charge of the soul cleaning machine!"

"Okay, Lord Yama!"

The kid said, and took the new kid to the place where the soul cleaning machine was.

All souls sentenced to hell in the underworld must be cleaned by the soul cleaning machine before they can be taken to hell.

"This is the soul cleaning machine. Your main job is to replace those jars that are about to be full in time!"

The kid said to the new kid.

The new kid was listening to music with headphones at this time and did not hear what the kid said.

"Did you hear that!"

The kid took off the new kid's headphones and said loudly to him.

"Listen... I heard it!"

The kid snorted coldly.

"And the gas in that jar is almost full. Remember to change it later!"

The new kid nodded.

"And don't slack off at work, or I'll report it to Lord Yama and have him deduct your salary!"

The new kid said nothing.

After the kid finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the stairs above.

Seeing this, the new kid immediately stuck out his tongue at him.

At this time, the kid suddenly turned around and reminded the new kid again.

"Don't forget to change the can!"


The new kid nodded.

Seeing this, the kid continued to walk up.

Seeing the kid leave, the new kid continued to put on headphones and listen to the song.

While listening to the song, the new kid danced along with the song, and had completely forgotten about changing the can.

Just when the kid was immersed in dancing, the can of the soul cleaning machine was full of gas, and the can began to expand outward.

Boom! !

With a huge explosion, the can exploded, and a large amount of gas appeared.

After the gas hit the open flame, it immediately burned the soul cleaning machine, causing it to explode.

The kid who was still listening to music heard the explosion and immediately took off his headphones, and saw that he was surrounded by a large amount of gas.

"It's over... It's over, all my wages are gone!"

The new kid said, picking up the fire extinguisher on the side, trying to put out the fire and make up for his mistake as much as possible.

At this time, the kid who had just arranged a job for him ran in in a hurry, and saw that there was gas everywhere, and said angrily in his heart.

"You kid, I just kept telling you to change the tank, but you ignored my words!"

After hearing this, the new kid was very regretful.

Because now he not only can't get his salary, but also has to pay a large sum of money to the underworld.

Boom! !

Just when the new kid was thinking about it, an explosion suddenly occurred beside him, and a large amount of gas was blown onto the new kid.

The new kid's body was quickly covered by a large amount of gas.

Then, under the influence of the gas, the new kid's body turned into a huge and fat yellow monster.

The yellow monster had short horns on both sides of its head, pointed ears, short hands and feet, arms slightly longer than legs, wearing light purple pants, light purple wrist guards on both hands, and a big and thick tail behind it.

"The... kid has transformed!"

The kid was shocked and ran forward.

"Evil thought wave!"

Just then, the yellow monster raised his hands forward, and a barrier appeared, spreading to the entire underworld.


On the earth.

Son Goten and Trunks were fighting at this time.

Suddenly, the two felt a lot of powerful energy appearing on the earth.

"Goten, do you feel it? It seems that the earth suddenlyMany strong auras appeared!"


Goten nodded.

"Why don't we go take a look?"


After the two finished speaking, they immediately flew towards the West City.


West City.

Gohan, who was studying at Orange Star High School, left the classroom immediately after feeling the aura of Frieza and his friends, and saw a large number of dead people with halos on their heads flying in the sky.

Some of these dead people were from Frieza's army, and some were enemies that Goku and his friends had destroyed.

Although Gohan didn't know what happened, they were all bad guys and posed a great threat to the city.

So he chose to destroy them.

At the same time.

The Dragon Ball Z warriors on Earth also felt the aura of Frieza and his friends, and rushed to West City to help.

Krillin: "Goku, what's going on? How come so many ghosts appeared on Earth?"

"I don't know either, I'll ask Lord Kai! "

Sun Wukong said, and then used telepathy to contact the North King.

"Lord Kai, what is going on? Why did the ghosts of Frieza and others appear on Earth?"

"The reason for this is mainly because the little ghost in charge of the soul cleaning machine failed to replace the tank of the soul cleaning machine in time, causing the tank to explode. The little ghost also became a monster called Evil Thought Wave because of the gas!"

"Evil Thought Wave?"

"Yes, the ghosts that appeared on Earth were summoned by him. Now King Yama and others are trapped in the barrier set by Evil Thought Wave!"

"Is that so? Lord Kai, do you have any way to make these ghosts disappear?"

"I am powerless about this. I think you can only defeat them now!"

"I understand. Then Krillin, let's all eliminate these ghosts!"

"Okay! "

Krillin nodded.

On a building in the Western Capital.

Goten and Trunks met Frieza and his Ginyu Force.

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like Goku?"

Frieza was surprised when he saw Goten's appearance.

"He is my father, my name is Goten!"


After hearing this, Frieza looked at Trunks and found that he looked like Future Trunks who had cut his body into several pieces.

"Who are you?"

Frieza asked Trunks.

"My name is Trunks!"

"Who is your father?"


"Vegeta turned out to be the traitor!"

"Do you know my father?"

"Of course, your father was my subordinate!"

"Subordinate? "

Trunks looked puzzled.

Frieza smiled and said.

"Didn't your father tell you about me? My name is Frieza!"

"Oh, so you are the bad guy Frieza!"

Vegeta did not mention Frieza to Trunks. It was Bulma who told him about Frieza.

After all... it was not a glorious thing for Vegeta to work under Frieza.


Frieza snorted coldly.

"Ginyu Force, get rid of them!"

"It's King Frieza!"

After hearing this, Geese and the others immediately rushed towards the two.

"Ha! "

Trunks shouted, rushed to Geese quickly, and punched through his body.


Because Geese was in the state of soul now, after Trunks punched him, Geese's body immediately dissipated like smoke.

Gudu and the others were shocked, but still attacked Trunks.

Trunks dodged to the side, and eliminated them one by one with a punch or one by one with a kick.

"Damn it!"

Frieza gritted his teeth and rushed towards Trunks.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared and kicked his body into two pieces.

This person was Son Goten.

Frieza saw that his body was kicked into two pieces, his face changed drastically, and then he also dissipated like smoke like Geese and the others.

Seeing this, Frieza's army behind Frieza fled backwards.

"Don't run! "

After seeing this, Trunks immediately chased after him.

Seeing this, Son Goten also chased after him.


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