Videl gritted her teeth and rushed towards Spobiki again.

Videl stepped hard with her left foot and kicked with her right foot towards Spobiki.

Spobiki had already prepared for this after "eating" several of Videl's kicks.

So when Videl kicked this time, he directly grabbed Videl's right foot with his left hand.


Videl was shocked to see her right foot being grabbed.

Spobiki chuckled and smashed Videl to the ground with his left hand.


Son Gohan was shocked.

At this moment, Spobiki's body suddenly stopped.

Although Videl didn't know what happened, she still broke free from Spobiki's hand and fell to the ground.

East Kai King God glanced at the audience and saw Son Goten using his superpowers on Spobiki.

Goten didn't want to attack, but Videl was his future sister-in-law after all, so he helped her.


At this time, Gohan in the audience also understood that it was Goten who attacked.

"Lord Kaioshin, that kid seems to have the ability to control people, what should we do?"

"I'll compete with him!"

East Kaioshin said.

Jebit nodded slightly.

After that, East Kaioshin immediately used his superpowers on Goten, making him unable to move.

"My body... I can't move!"

Goten said, and Spobiki on the stage immediately resumed his actions.

However, because of Goten's control just now, Spobiki's body recovered, but was swept to the ground by Videl who attacked.


At this time, East Kaioshin lost control of Goten because of the great power on him.

"Lord Kaioshin!"

Jebit was shocked.

"No, Goten is too strong, I can't control him at all!"

"Then Lord Kai, what should we do next?"

"It seems that we can only change the original plan!"

East Kai said, and took Jebit to find Goku and the others.

"Give up?"

Goten felt that the control of East Kai disappeared, and immediately used his superpowers to make Spobiki's body unable to move.

On the competition stage.

At this time, Videl had already knocked Spobiki to the ground.

"Spobiki has fallen to the ground, and now we will start counting down ten, nine, eight..."


Just then, a bald man with an M on his head shouted at Spobiki.

The man's name was Yamu, and he was Spobiki's companion.

"Zero, Spobiki has fallen to the ground and cannot stand up, and Videl has won!"

Seeing this, Goten immediately released his control over Spobiki.

"I don't accept it, she cheated!"

Spobiki stood up from the ground with an angry face.

After hearing this, Son Gohan immediately jumped onto the competition stage and protected Videl.

"What cheating? I think you are the one who cheated!"

Seeing this, Yamu also jumped onto the competition stage and said.

"Forget it, Spobiki, losing is losing!"

After hearing this, Spobiki walked down the competition stage with Yamu with an unwilling look on his face.


Just then, Sharp and others in the audience recognized Son Gohan, who was wearing a white headscarf and sunglasses.


Son Gohan was shocked when he heard that he was recognized.

In order to conceal his identity before, he deliberately got a Super Saiyan Superman's clothes.

As a result... he was easily recognized because he didn't wear a helmet in the competition today.

But since he had been recognized, he had to take off his sunglasses and waved to Sharp and others with a smile.

"It's really Gohan!"

Sharp, who was not sure that the person on the stage was Son Gohan, was shocked to sit back in his seat after seeing Son Gohan take off his sunglasses and wave to them.

He could never have imagined that Son Gohan, a "nerd", would be a Super Saiyan Superman.

"I said he was Gohan!"

Eliza laughed.

Sharp nodded.

Even if he didn't believe it now, the facts were in front of him.

On the stage.

Because the fourth game was between Son Gohan and Jebit, Son Gohan didn't have to leave the stage.

Videl: "Gohan, the next game is yours, you must do your best!"

Son Gohan nodded.

Seeing this, Videl immediately jumped off the stage.

At this time, Jebit walked onto the stage.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere around them became a little solemn for a while.

"Excuse me, are you Jebit?"

The referee asked.

Before the game begins, the referee will usually confirm the identity of the players.


Jebit nodded.

"Then Super Saiyan"Chao Ren and Jebit, if there are no other questions, please start the game?"

The two nodded.

Seeing this, the referee immediately walked down the stage.

At this time, Jebit suddenly said to Son Gohan.

"Hello, your name is Son Gohan, right? I want to see your true strength!"

"Real strength?"

"Yes, because if you do this, it will be of great help to us!"

"But why should I help you?"

After listening, Jebit glanced at the audience.

At this time, Piccolo suddenly sent a voice message to Son Gohan.

"Gohan, just do what he said!"

"Uncle Piccolo!"

After listening, Son Gohan had some doubts in his heart, but looking at Piccolo who was closer to him than his own father, he chose to believe Piccolo in his heart.

"I understand!"

Son Gohan said, clenched his hands hard, and an extremely amazing breath emanated from his body, and he quickly rose up.

"Ah! "

With a roar, the bricks on the ground of the competition arena were blown up.

The audience sitting in the audience seats were all surprised when they saw this scene.

At this moment, Son Gohan's hair and eyebrows turned golden, his eyes turned light green, and all his hair except the bangs stood up, and a golden aura rose from his body.

This is Super Saiyan 2.

"Go... Gohan!"

Videl was shocked when she saw Son Gohan's appearance.

Because Son Gohan's current appearance is the same as the golden warrior who appeared in Xidu before.

"It turns out... It turns out that Gohan is the golden warrior!"

Sharp said in surprise.

It was surprising enough for him that Son Gohan was a Super Saiyan Superman, but he didn't expect that Son Gohan was actually a golden warrior.

"Is this a dream? If it is a dream, let me wake up as soon as possible! "

Sharp said to himself, feeling a little bit hard to accept the reality.

Under the stage.

Mr. Satan looked at Son Gohan who had transformed into a Super Saiyan, and immediately recalled the blond weirdo who defeated Cell seven years ago.

"Could it be... could it be that this guy is the same guy from seven years ago!"

Mr. Satan thought with a cold sweat on his forehead.

In the distance from Mr. Satan, Spobiki was holding the energy collector given to him by Babidi and aiming it at Son Gohan to see how much energy he had.

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