Roger smiled after hearing this

"What's wrong with being a candidate for the King of Kings? Is there anyone who says that a candidate for the King of Kings can't be that strong?"

After hearing this, Quitella snorted coldly, and suddenly appeared in front of Roger, punching forward with both fists.

Roger clenched his fists and fought with Quitella.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After the two fought for a while, their bodies flew into the air at the same time and fought together.

Because they moved so fast, from a distance, it seemed as if there were countless silver and purple flashes in the sky.

""Damn it!"

Quitla shouted angrily, and fired a large amount of purple destructive energy from both hands, attacking Roger.

After Roger saw this, he fired a large amount of golden energy waves from both hands, hitting together with Quitla's destructive energy.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the energy waves of the two hit each other and exploded in the sky.

For a moment, the sky was filled with thick smoke, flames, and huge explosions.

At this moment, Quetera suddenly stopped the destructive energy attack and appeared behind Roger.

Roger used his right elbow to hit Quetera's face hard.

Quetera screamed loudly and stepped back a few steps.

At this time, Roger turned around and attacked Quetera with his fists like a storm.

Quetera raised his hands forward, resisting Roger while retreating.

After watching, Roger pushed forward with his right knee and hit Quetera's chin hard.

Quetera immediately tilted his head upward.

Roger took this opportunity to go behind Quetera and hit Quetera's back with his two hammers.



With a loud bang, Quitla's body fell heavily to the ground in a straight line.

A large amount of sand and dust was immediately raised from the ground.

Quitla roared loudly, and a large amount of purple aura emanated from his body, blowing away the sand and dust around his body.

""Lord Quettra!"

After seeing this, Konik rushed to Quettra and stopped Quettra.

"Lord Quitla, stop fighting. Do you want to destroy the entire world of destruction?"

""Kenik, get out of my way! I must teach this arrogant guy a lesson!"

Quetla said angrily.

Since he became the God of Destruction, he had never suffered such a big loss at the hands of anyone.

"Lord Quitra, how about we fight in space?"

Roger suggested.


Quitla said, and his body immediately turned into a purple light and flew into the universe.

After Roger saw it, he also flew into the universe. In the fourth universe, in the realm of the God of Destruction.

The fourth universe's king god Kul had already felt the powerful aura emanating from Quitla.

"What…what’s going on? Lord Quitella is actually fighting someone now, and…that person’s aura is somewhat similar to the candidate for the Seventh Universe King God who visited before!"

"No, it's impossible. How can a candidate for the Supreme Kai fight the God of Destruction?"Universe 4, above the Realm of Destruction.

Quitella and Roger have already flown into the universe and are looking at each other.


With a loud shout, Quetera's body flashed like purple light, and in the blink of an eye he rushed to Roger's front, punching forward with his right fist.

Roger raised his left hand and blocked Quetera's right fist.

An invisible ripple spread towards the entire universe.

Quetera saw it and followed with his left fist.

Roger dodged to the side, raised his right foot and kicked forward, hitting Quetera's body hard.

Quetera immediately stepped back a few steps.

At this time, Roger appeared in front of Quetera, and his fists hit Quetera's face and body like a storm.

Under Roger's fierce attack, Quetera screamed loudly, and his body was constantly beaten back.

Roger shouted, and hit Quetera's face with his right fist, knocking him out with one punch.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said


A deep blue wave of energy condensed from Roger's hands and hit Quitla.

At this moment, Konik suddenly appeared, raised his right hand staff forward, and blocked Roger's Kamehameha-pai-chi-gong.


""Lord Quitla, is this the end of today's battle?"

Quitla gritted his teeth and was filled with reluctance.

After seeing this, Konik waved his staff forward with his right hand, and Roger's Kamehameha was immediately thrown aside.


With a huge explosion, the Kamehameha exploded in the universe.

An extremely huge blue storm appeared and swept around the universe.

After seeing this, Roger immediately changed his body back to normal.

Then, he returned to the Destroyer God Realm with Quitla and the others.

"Then, Master Quitla, if there is nothing else, I will leave first?"

Quitla nodded after hearing this.

Seeing this, Roger teleported away from the Destroyer God Realm of the Fourth Universe.

"Cornick, why are you trying to stop me from fighting him?"

"Lord Quitla, you must have used all your strength just now, right?"


Quitla denied it immediately.

Konik smiled and said

"Lord Quitla, it doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, but what I want to tell you is that Roger did not use his full strength!"

"He...didn't use his full strength!"

"Yes, he has the upper hand without using his full strength. Do you think you will have a chance of winning if he uses his full strength?"

Quetera remained silent after hearing this.

"Cornick, who is he?"

"I don’t know, but he was personally named by the High Priest. Do you think he will be simple?"

"That’s true!"


After leaving the Fourth Universe, Roger came to the Fifth Universe and visited the Fifth Universe's King of the Gods and Gods of Destruction, and then returned to the Seventh Universe.

The next morning, Roger visited the Eighth and Ninth Universes.

The Eighth Universe's King of the Gods and Gods of Destruction were okay with Roger, but the Ninth Universe's King of the Gods, Luo Er, was very arrogant to Roger, just like the Fourth Universe's King of the Gods.

Roger, who originally wanted to learn about the Ninth Universe, left after seeing how arrogant the Ninth Universe's King of the Gods was.

The Tenth Universe, the King of the Gods.

An old man with yellow skin and wearing a King of the Gods uniform was standing under a big tree, looking at the universe.

This man was the Tenth Universe's King of the Gods, Gervas.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Gervas.

This man was Roger

"Who are you?"

Gervas looked at Roger.

"Hello, my name is Roger, and I’m a candidate for the King of the Seventh Universe!"

"Candidate for the Seventh Universe Kaioshin?"


Roger nodded.

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