"King of the Realm?"


"I originally thought you couldn't do it, but you actually did it!"

After hearing this, Roger smiled without saying anything.

If he had a supernatural power, he would not be able to move this planet even if he died of exhaustion today.

"Then... Sister Bardos, what is my next training?"

Bardos smiled and said

"Can you please come back to Lord Xiangpa’s planet with me first?"


Roger nodded.

After that, Bardos pointed his staff in his right hand towards the void and took Roger back to the Destroyer Realm.

After returning to the Destroyer Realm, Bardos waved his staff in his right hand towards the ground.

With a loud bang, a set of yellow heavy-duty suits appeared on the ground.

This set of yellow heavy-duty suits is similar to the heavy-duty suits worn by Son Goku and Vegeta in the Dragon Ball Super anime.

""Roger, this is a weight-bearing suit. Put it on first, and then practice!"

Roger said, and immediately put on the weight-bearing suit.


After Roger put on the weight suit, he felt that his whole body was unstable. You can imagine how heavy the weight suit is.

After seeing this, Bardos waved his right staff forward again, and a huge stone lock immediately appeared on the ground.

"Roger, you lift this up and run it around the entire planet!"

"Bardos...Sister, how heavy is this?"

"It’s not that heavy, just a few tens of thousands of tons!"

"Several...tens of thousands!"

"Yes, and you have to do it without turning into a Super Saiyan!"

Bardos said with a smile.

After hearing this, Roger smiled bitterly.

He had just used up all his strength, so how could he have the strength to turn into a Super Saiyan?

"Okay, now quickly lift it up, otherwise the road behind you will disappear. If you accidentally fall into the other dimension, even I won’t be able to save you!"


After hearing this, Roger gritted his teeth, lifted the stone lock with both hands, and walked forward slowly.

As Roger moved forward, the purple ground behind him also disappeared.


At noon, Roger finally finished his training and lay on the grass with no strength left.


Roger's stomach started to growl.

Just then, Bardos flew down from the palace.

"Roger, it's time to eat!"



In the afternoon, after Roger woke up from his lunch break, he was immediately called by Bardos to practice on a patch of grass.

"Sister Bados, what are you going to practice this afternoon?"

"Actual combat!"

"Yes, but you have to wear weight-bearing gear to fight with me. Also, just like this morning, you cannot transform into a Super Saiyan!"

""Okay, no problem!"

Roger said, and immediately put on the weight-bearing suit beside him.

"So, sister Bados, can we start?"


Bardos nodded.

Roger roared loudly and rushed towards Bardos like the wind.

Bardos moved slightly and dodged easily.


After attacking for a while, Roger immediately gasped for breath and said

"No, Sister Bardos, I can't attack you at all!"

Roger couldn't attack Bardos even when he transformed into Super Saiyan 5, not to mention his normal state of wearing a heavy suit.

Bardos smiled and said

"If you could hit me now, you wouldn't have to practice anymore!"

"That's true!"

Roger said, and suddenly rushed towards Bardos.

Soon, Roger rushed in front of Bardos and attacked with his right fist.

Bardos dodged by moving sideways.


After Roger attacked for a long time, he could not hit Bardos, so he just lay on the ground to rest.

Bardos looked up and glanced at the sky.

"Roger, let’s stop practicing here for this afternoon!"

"Don’t you want to practice anymore?"

"Yes, it's getting late now!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately stood up from the grass.

"If it were Earth time, I think it would be five o'clock!"

"It's five o'clock already?"


"In that case, Sister Bados, I will go back first?"


Bardos nodded.

After seeing this, Roger immediately took off his weighted suit, teleported back to the Earth of the Seventh Universe.

In the following days, Roger would almost always go to the Sixth Universe to practice.

Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

After a year of practice, Roger's strength has improved a lot, and he has also mastered the perfect Ultra Instinct through the battle with Bardos.

A year later, the Super Dragon Balls were restored to use.

As agreed, Roger found two Super Dragon Balls in the Sixth Universe and gave them to Champa.

Because Bulma accidentally exposed the Super Dragon Ball Radar, Roger lent the Super Dragon Ball Radar to Champa.

Champa found seven Super Dragon Balls and restored the Earth of the Sixth Universe through the Super Shenlong.

The humans on Earth were resurrected and had the same civilization as the Earth of the Seventh Universe.

Earth, West Capital, Bulma's house.

Sun Wukong came to Bulma's house to find Roger because he hadn't seen Roger for a long time.

"Roger is not here?"


"Then where did he go?"

"Roger is now training with Lord Xiangpa!"

"Who is Lord Changpa?"

"He is the God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe!"

"The God of Destruction of Universe 6?"

Bulma nodded.

"So is this Lord Xiangpa very powerful?"

"Very impressive, but still a little bit inferior to my Roger!"

"If that’s the case, why does Roger still need to practice with Lord Xiangpa?"

"Although Lord Xiangpa is not very strong, his master is very powerful!"


"Yes, his master is called Bardos, and he is an angel!"

"What is an angel?"

Bulma saw that Sun Wukong didn't understand anything, so she had to explain it to him slowly.


"So that's how it is. Then when will Lord Xiangpa and the others come over?"

Sun Wukong also wants to go to the sixth universe to practice now.

"I'm not sure about this, maybe it will take some time!"

"If they come, can you please call and tell me?"

"Of course no problem!"

"Great, in that case, I'll take my leave, Bulma."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said goodbye to Bulma happily.


Bulma nodded.

After seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately used the Sky Dance Technique and flew into the sky.

"These Saiyans really love to practice!"


In the evening, Roger returned home.

Bulma told Roger that Sun Wukong came to their house.

"Goku is coming?"

"Yes, he said he also wanted to practice with Master Xiangpa!"

"Did you tell him about me?"

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

"I forgot to tell you, you can’t tell him about this!"


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