Outside the castle.

Roger, who was about to fly to the castle, looked at the castle in front of him and felt that it looked very familiar.

"This castle is……"

"What's wrong Roger?"


Roger said, letting the magic carpet land outside the castle gate.

Just as the magic carpet landed, Ash and Xiao Wu appeared with a spear and a rocket launcher.

Bulma saw the weapons in their hands and immediately hid behind Roger.

""Who are you? Hand over the dragon balls in your hands!"

Xiao Wu said to the two of them.

After hearing this, Roger smiled and said

"My name is Roger!"


"Yes, if you two don't want to get hurt, hand over the dragon balls in your hands!"

Xiao Wu snorted coldly.

"We should be the ones to say this!"

Xiao Wu said, and immediately shot a bullet at Roger's leg, trying to scare him.

Bulma was immediately frightened when she heard the sound of the bullet.

Although Roger was very strong, she was just a weak woman and was still very afraid of weapons like guns.

Roger shook his head after seeing this.

Then his figure flashed, and he knocked the two people unconscious in a blink of an eye.

"Let's go in!"


Bulma nodded.

"Damn, what a bunch of useless trash!"

In the castle, Pilaf saw Ash and the others being knocked down in an instant, and he couldn't help cursing at them. As soon as he finished speaking, the two figures were Bulma and Roger.

Pilaf was shocked when he saw them.

"How...how did you two get in here?"

"How else can you come in? Just come in as you see!"

Roger laughed.

""Damn it, I'll fight you!"

Pilaf said, throwing a universal capsule on the ground.


With a puff of white smoke, a metal robot controlled by a joystick appeared on the ground.

Pilaf jumped onto the robot and pressed a button, and a glass protective cover immediately appeared on the robot.

Roger chuckled, and his body suddenly became as big as the robot.


Pilaf was shocked.

At this time, Roger came to the robot and broke its arms and legs.

Pilaf was immediately shocked.

"So, are you willing to hand over the Dragon Ball?"

"I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!"

Pilaf said, and immediately got off the robot and handed the dragon ball to Roger.

"Then Bulma, let's go?"


After saying that, the two of them left the castle immediately.

"Damn it! Who are these two people?"

Pilaf was very unwilling and knelt on the ground and said


The next morning,

Roger and Bulma finally found the last dragon ball.

At this time, the two were standing on a grassy field, looking at the seven shining dragon balls on the ground.

"Bulma, have you thought of a wish?"

"Have you thought about it? Then I will call the dragon out now?"

Roger nodded.

"Come out, Shenron, and make my wish come true!"

Bulma said excitedly, raising her hands.

As soon as she finished speaking, the sky darkened and a long dragon appeared in the sky.

This long dragon was Shenron.

"Tell me your wish, any wish can come true, but only one!"

"Shenlong, I want to grow five centimeters taller!"

"No problem!"

Shenlong said, his eyes flashed red, and Bulma's body immediately grew a little taller.

"Your wish has come true, we will meet again!"

After the dragon finished speaking, it immediately turned back into seven stone dragon balls and scattered across the earth.

"Bulma, didn't you say before that you wanted to be prettier? How come you only grew five centimeters taller?"

"What, you think I'm not pretty enough?"

""No, no!"

Roger shook his head repeatedly after hearing this.

Bulma snorted coldly at this.

"I think I'm pretty enough, so I ask the dragon to make me taller!"

"Well, Bulma, since you've fulfilled your wish, let's go back?"

"Okay, okay, the summer vacation is so long, I want to travel around, you really don’t understand romance!"


Time flies, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this half year, Nappa found some treasure pearls on the seabed and made a fortune.

Vegeta took the money to find Roger and asked him to help repair and upgrade the gravity room.

Roger had to practice and had no time, so he asked Dr. Brief to go over and help repair and upgrade.

However, Vegeta often broke the gravity room because of practice, and Dr. Brief was not always free, so Roger found Pilaf and his gang and asked them to help with the repairs.

Pilaf was reluctant at first, but under Roger's coercion and inducement, he agreed to help with the repairs.

On a mountain outside Xidu, Roger was standing on a piece of grass at this time, looking up at the sky.

Suddenly, Roger clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose upwards.


With a huge roar, Roger transformed into Super Saiyan 2.

After Roger transformed into Super Saiyan 2, he did not stop improving his aura, but continued to improve it.



With an extremely amazing momentum, Roger's hair grew to his waist, his eyebrows disappeared and his brow bones were close to his eye sockets, dark green pupils appeared in his originally single light green eyeballs, and the golden flames turned into light and fixed.

This is the third stage of Super Saiyan.

After Roger saw himself transformed into the third stage of Super Saiyan, his clenched fists tightened, and his aura suddenly increased to the full power of the third stage of Super Saiyan.

At this time, Roger roared loudly, and the long golden hair around his waist slowly returned to the normal length of hair. The hair and eyebrows on his head turned rose red. Like the Super Saiyan, his eyes had no outline, and the color of the pupils and irises turned grayish white. Outside his body was wrapped in a flame-like rose red aura.

And this is Roger's Super Saiyan transformation beyond the Super Saiyan God, also known as Super Saiyan Rose Red.

As for why Roger's Super Saiyan transformation that surpasses Super Saiyan God is rose-red instead of blue, it is because Roger has cultivated to become a god, and his soul is already the soul of God, so his Super Saiyan transformation that surpasses Super Saiyan God has become a Super Saiyan Rose-red transformation that consumes less physical energy.

Unlike Black Goku's Super Saiyan Rose-red, the aura wrapped around Roger's body is only one color, that is, rose-red.

When Black Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Rose-red, the aura from the outside to the inside is three different colors: deep red, light red, and purple.

The reason for this is that they exchanged bodies, and Black Goku's soul is Zamasu, so the aura emitted by Black Goku also contains Zamasu's aura.

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