
Xiangpa was shocked and immediately became worried about Bodhama.

"Bados, has Bodham not practiced much in this year?"

"It seems to be like this, Lord Xiangpa!"

"Damn it, why didn't he practice? And he was hit by the same trick again!"

After hearing this, Bardos immediately laughed.

"I think it might be because he is as lazy as Lord Xiangpa!"

Xiangpa snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Nonsense, I have a good job too, okay?"

"Work hard? You mean, you sleep until noon every day?"

"It doesn't matter, and we are talking about the game now, what are you talking about?"

"We are just talking about the game!"

Bardos said with a smile


Xiangpa was speechless after hearing this.

If he had a choice, he would never choose Bados, the little ancestor who always offended others, as his master.

On the competition stage,

Bodamo saw that he might be defeated by Oren, so he immediately asked for help from Wotai Magheta.

"Maggetta, save me!"

After hearing this, Wotai Maggetta suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful aura, and red flames immediately ignited around his body and the lava in his body emitted bright light.

A large amount of hot gusts of wind immediately came out of his body.

Kulun, who was fighting with him, had to retreat because the hot wind from Wotai Maggetta's body was too hot. Wotai

Maggetta took this opportunity to spurt out a stream of hot magma from his mouth and attacked Oren.

Oren was startled and quickly stopped the attack with both hands and retreated.

Bodamo's body fell from mid-air.

The magma fell in front of Bodamo, and the ground immediately became charred.


Xiangpa was very happy when he saw that Bodham was rescued.

Wotai Magheta took this opportunity and quickly came to Bodham's side.


After seeing this, Bodamo immediately stood up from the ground.

Coolen:"I'm sorry brother, I let him run away!"

"It's okay, as long as we can beat them down!"

Coolen nodded.

After saying that, the two immediately looked at Bodamo and Wotai Magheta.

At this time, Bodamo suddenly smiled and said

"Oren, today I will show you the tricks we have mastered recently!"


"That’s right, this trick is fusion!"


Oren was shocked.

He thought that the fusion that Bodamo was talking about was similar to the fusion of Son Gohan and Luo Feng.

But in the next second, he knew that he was overthinking.

The fusion that Bodamo was talking about was that he let Wotai. Maggetta pick him up, and he sat on Wotai. Maggetta's shoulders.

In this way, Wotai. Maggetta's feet were equal to his feet.

"This... is the combination you mentioned?"

Oren said speechlessly.

"Yes, are you scared? The two of us combined are as strong as a copper wall and an iron wall."

Oren said after hearing this.

It is true that as Bodamo said, their strength may be enhanced after"combining".

But in this way, their weaknesses are also obvious. Because

Wotai. Maggetta"lost" his hands because he had to hug Bodamo, Bodamo sat on Wotai. Maggetta, so he could only rely on Wotai. Maggetta to move.

In this way, they can only communicate and fight at the same time.

""Magata, let's go!"

After hearing this, Wotai. Maggata grabbed Bodamo with both hands and rushed towards Oren.

Seeing this, Oren clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his whole body, and he quickly rose up.


With a huge roar, Oren's entire body, except for his chest, palms, soles of his feet, and head, grew a lot of red hair. His hair was long and slightly messy, his eyes turned golden, and his whole body exuded a lot of golden aura.

This is exactly what Super Saiyan 4 does.


Weimei was surprised.

He had been paying attention to the seventh universe from the beginning, and he knew everything from the Super Saiyan transformation to the Super Blue transformation.

So he also made a rough assessment of the Super Saiyan transformation.

He originally thought that Saiyans only had two transformations, Super Saiyan and Super Blue, but he didn't expect that a new transformation would appear now.

Just when Weimei was surprised, Wotai. Maggetta sprayed a stream of molten lava from his mouth and attacked Oren.

Oren's figure flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Bodham was startled.

At this moment, Bodham suddenly heard a sound coming from behind him.


Bodamo said to Wotai Maggetta.

After hearing this, Wotai Maggetta immediately turned around and saw Oren kicking hard with his right foot.

Because the distance was too close, Wotai Maggetta's body had no time to react before his right foot kicked Bodamo hard in the face.

Although Bodamo's body could transmit other people's attacks to another dimension, he really couldn't do anything about his face.

Bodamo screamed loudly, and his body was kicked out of Wotai Maggetta's body.

With a loud bang, Bodamo's body slammed heavily into the mountain behind him.

The mountain was immediately covered with a large amount of dust.

Wotai Maggetta, who was originally holding Bodamo with both hands, also retreated a distance.

Seeing this, Coolen clenched his hands hard, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose upwards


With a roar, Kulun transformed into Super Saiyan 3

"What is this?"

Weimei asked Makarita beside him.

"I don’t know, I think it might be some kind of transformation of the Saiyans!"

"The Saiyans of the seventh universe have so many transformations!"

Weimei complained.

Makarita smiled but said nothing.

"Ha! After

Coolen transformed, his body immediately came in front of Wotai Magheta and punched forward with both fists.

Because Wotai Magheta was a metal man, when Coolen punched him, there were clanging sounds.

After Oren knocked Bodamo away, his body quickly came in front of Bodamo, grabbed his arms with both hands, and threw him to the ground with his back shoulder.

Bodamo immediately felt a pain in his body.

At this time, Oren grabbed Bodamo's feet with both hands, rotated his whole body 360 degrees several times, and threw him out.


Xiangpa was shocked.

Oren put his hands together and fired a golden energy wave at Bodamo.


The golden energy wave hit Bodamo and pushed his body out of the competition stage.

"The contestant from Universe 6, Bodama, is out!"


After hearing this, the King immediately pressed the icon of Bodhisatta on the divine ipai.

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