Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 70 Opening the Mountain Gate

It's another night, with the cold moonlight shining down.

In the wasteland, a small earth bag stands alone. There is no tombstone, no incense, and only a thin layer of soil. From the degree of renovation of the soil, it can be seen that this was just dug. No one would have thought that the human bear Yang Yongli was buried here. .

With a crash, the weeds half a man deep were pushed aside, and under the silver moonlight, a black dog jumped out, and behind it was a figure whose whole body was shrouded in a black robe, making it difficult to see the face.

Woo~, a low roar came from his throat, his claws flew, and the black dog dug open the little dirt bag at an extremely fast speed, exposing Yang Yongli's headless body wrapped in a tattered straw mat.

"Oh, heart-picking and head-cutting. I didn't expect that the man-bear who had killed countless people would end up like this."

In the moonlight, looking at Yang Yongli's headless corpse, the black-robed figure chuckled. There was unforgettable hatred and indescribable joy in it.

"I dreamed back at midnight that I wanted to drink your blood and eat your flesh more than once."

The laughter gradually turned cold. The figure in black robe squatted down, then stretched out his hand to Yang Yongli's empty chest. Under the silver moonlight, his palm was too pale.

With force, he tore off a piece of flesh and blood and fed it into his mouth. The figure in black robe chewed it slowly.

Vomiting, acidity in the stomach, and strong physical discomfort occurred, the figure in black robe opened his mouth to vomit, but at the critical moment he stretched out his palm to cover his mouth.

His expression remained unchanged, his eyes revealed a chilling ferocity, and the figure in black robe just swallowed the flesh and blood in his mouth.

"It tastes worse than I expected, but my heart is happier than I've ever been."

"Xiao Hei, you should eat some too, don't waste it."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the black-robed figure spoke again.

Hearing this, saliva dripped from his mouth, and he opened his mouth wide, revealing his sharp white teeth. The black dog that had been waiting aside immediately pounced on him.

Sparse gnawing sounds resounded in the silent wilderness. Under the moonlight, the black dog tore off the flesh and blood from Yang Yongli's corpse one by one, and then swallowed it into his stomach. His tail was raised high and kept swinging, eating. Very enjoyable.

After a while, most of the flesh and blood on Yang Yongli's body was swallowed by the black dog. The white bones reflected in the moonlight, there was no trace of meat at all, and the food was very clean.

But at this moment, a breeze blew, and his nose moved slightly. He noticed something, and the black dog immediately stopped eating.

Roar, a low growl came from his throat, he lowered his body, his ferocious gaze locked on a deep forest not far away, and the black dog blocked the black-robed figure.

Seeing Hei Quan's behavior, he understood something. The face of the black-robed figure changed slightly. He didn't expect that someone would hide it from Xiao Hei's nose and approach him silently.


After glancing at the dense forest where no one was visible, the black-robed figure gave the order.

Hearing this, the figure of the black dog quickly grew in size, from a small dog to the size of a horse.

Turning over, the black-robed figure rode on the back of the black dog. After he was imprisoned, the black dog exerted force under his feet, causing the wind to roar, and after a few leaps, he ran deep into the forest and disappeared.

After they left, a faint mist filled the air, and the figures of Zhang Chunyi, Hongyun, and Bai Yuan walked out of the dense forest.

"Dog demon?"

Looking at the direction where the black dog and the black-robed figure disappeared, Zhang Chunyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The reason why he had Yang Yongli's headless body buried was to use it as bait to see if the person behind the scenes could show up. After all, judging from various traces, there should be a connection between the person behind the scenes and Yang Yongli. Deep hatred exists.

However, although the people behind the scenes appeared, their vigilance exceeded his expectations. After getting close to a certain distance, they were still discovered even though Hong Yun's invisibility and breath were used as cover.

"It has excellent investigative abilities, seems to have a sense of smell, and can also grow in size. Who does this black dog demon belong to?"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhang Chunyi withdrew his gaze.

"Just deal with him."

Glancing at the headless corpse that had been chewed into a state of disgrace, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly.

Sensing Zhang Chunyi's thoughts, the wind roared, and Hongyun activated the power of Thousand Swords to completely lift Yang Yongli's body.

After taking another look, Zhang Chunyi turned and left.


The sky is clear and it’s another sunny day.

With the news of the execution of the second master of the Blood Eagle Bandit, Longhu Mountain's reputation in Changhe County has become even more prominent, and it has gradually begun to overtake other companies.

At this stall, news came out that Longhu Mountain was recruiting disciples, which aroused people's hearts for a while. Many people wanted to take this opportunity to worship at Longhu Mountain.

However, this time Longhu Mountain mainly recruits disciples from children around ten years old, because children at this age are already able to take care of themselves and are mentally undecided, which is a good time to cultivate a sense of belonging to the sect.

Moreover, they cannot directly enter Longhu Mountain after passing the screening. They need to first receive three years of basic education from the Yaowang Gang, which includes reading and writing, identifying materials and herbs, and exercising.

These three years are destined to be three years of depression and three years of hardship. The weak will be eliminated and the strong will advance. Only the real jade can truly step into the gate of Longhu Mountain.

Although this selection mechanism is not perfect, it is still generally appropriate. In order to give other people who are not of the right age a chance, Zhang Chunyi also set up a simple question-and-answer array at the foot of Longhu Mountain. As long as those who pass are also You can break the rules and visit Longhu Mountain.

The main function of this formation is to test aptitude and character. Even if it is a simplified version, it is not easy to pass. Good aptitude and perseverance in character are indispensable.

Faced with Zhang Chunyi's actions, the county government and Baiyou's family did not react much, let alone stop them, because they were not optimistic at all, and as Zhang Chunyi killed the killer Yang Yongli again, they were even more unwilling to offend him easily. .

Not everyone has the qualifications to cultivate immortality. One in a hundred is pretty good, but there are even fewer people who can truly immobilize their spiritual light and embark on the path to immortality. Zhang Chunyi's two senior brothers are the most obvious examples.

The most important thing is that cultivating an immortal cultivator not only takes a long time but also requires a lot of resources. Blind expansion is most likely to bring down oneself. Immortal cultivators often say that the law should not be taught lightly, and a large part of the reason is because of resources.

All in all, Changhe County is too small, and neither the population nor the resources can support a real sect. In the past years, the other sects had not thought about expansion, but they all gave it up in the end. It was really too much to bear. rise.

And the fact is indeed as expected by several families. After Longhu Mountain provided room and board and paid a sum of money to settle down, many families sent their children of school age to the Yaowang Gang.

But even so, after some screening, only dozens of people from the Yaowang Gang were left. Among them, those who had the qualifications to cultivate immortals were not enough to have two palms, and even fewer could finally embark on the path to immortality.

But no matter what, after this experience, the name of Longhu Mountain has resounded throughout Changhe County, and Changqing Temple has become a thing of the past.

I once watched a TV series, the name of which I forgot, in which there was a dog demon who could follow the world for thousands of miles. It was very interesting.

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