Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 79: Signal

   Chapter 79 Signals

   "Like Teacher, there are really too few archmages who don't look at dragons with colored eyes and treat dragons with no ethnic color."

   A sunny day.

  The ship that had been in place for several days finally left the Green Dragon Island.

   "Goodbye" with the old mage, and reiterated that he would definitely keep his promise. Once Aiduo did something, he would come back quickly, and Isaac finally fell on one of the ships.

   Watching the Star Ring Islands gradually getting smaller, he couldn't help feeling a little bit more.

   "The Archmage is indeed the pillar of the Star Ring Alliance." Green on the side naturally agreed with him.

  The two large ships, apart from a few northern merchants and a small number of guards, only had to pay a lot of money to hire sailors reluctantly.

   After all, the average sailor team really dare not control such a ship.

   It's not that the ships are difficult to navigate, it's the "passengers" that make them too difficult.

  Let's not talk about the green dragon, the terrifying big bugs are even denser on the ship, and there are just as many flying in the sky.

   This has no courage, no gold coins to stimulate, who will come to find this sin!

   Finally, the green dragon is still kind, and the bugs also listen to the green dragon.

   "So, help me pay attention to the situation here, and if Aiduo has any new actions, let me know as soon as possible." Isaac asked his friend solemnly.

  Although he has some plans, if Aiduo's execution is too poor and doesn't cooperate, then there is nothing he can do. After all, it is impossible for him to venture into that jungle.

  Please keep an eye on the northern merchants, this is another way for him to protect the teacher's inheritance and further develop it in case Aiduo can't cooperate.

   has already boarded this ship, so Green, Carasso and the others naturally won’t shake their heads.

  According to the planned route, they first sailed to the northwest of the Boltan Peninsula.

  Two days later, a huge port city appeared in Isaac's field of vision.

  A steady stream of merchant ships, giant warships, towering obelisks, grand temples...

   The breath of civilization blowing towards his face, Isaac couldn't help but soar into the sky, trying to see everything there more clearly.

   His children in the sky naturally followed him.

  Immediately, over the port, a siren sounded.

  The battleships quickly converged and pointed straight here.

   Several figures appeared in the sky.

   In a hurry, Green shouted from below: "Lord Isaac, don't get me wrong, this is the city guard's normal response to unknown situations."

   "Relax your heart, and the principle of peace is the most important thing. The teacher taught me. You continue to complete the supplies. I will be waiting for you outside."

As Isaac spoke, he greeted the people in the air, revealed a little bit about his intentions, and stated that he was a student of Archmage Dunlo, and those people seemed to have some understanding of him, so they each pressed down on the atmosphere. .

  Then the northern merchant entered the port to supply supplies, and he took the children and returned to another ship.

   has its own channel, and in just a few hours, the northern merchants completed the supply.

   After the two ships met, they headed north again.

   "Green Dragon! Dragonfly!"

   looked at the direction where the ship disappeared, in the dark part of the harbor, with a thoughtful gaze.


   "The Cursed Desert is said to have been formed in the last century and has something to do with the vanished Snake Man Empire, but it's just a rumor, and we don't have any basis for it."

   "In the desert, the cursed mummy is the most typical monster. It is said that there is a legendary mummy lord in a certain underground tomb, which makes the Tethyr kingdom reluctant to easily set foot in this cursed land."

   "Hidden under the sand and dust, there are countless undead, such as the ghost Naga and the ghost corpse, such as high-level undead, also appear from time to time."

"Although no high-level undead have been found in this tomb for the time being, it is difficult to say whether there will be anything strange in its depths. In addition, our earlier research was also negligent, whether it has been cleared by people, these It is difficult to say whether the undead will regroup later."

   A few days later, Isaac and the others have entered the strait between the Cursed Desert and the Io Islands.

   Along the way, the fighting strength of the Dragon Flies Army, especially the degree of ferocity, made the merchants and sailors in the north both fearful and excited.

   A few gangs of free pirates have been cleared.

   This war is simply too simple.

   The distance was still far away, the naval guns hadn't even fired, the green dragon here only roared, and the dragon flies on the boat immediately settled everything over there, and it was too late to escape.

   Apart from some bones, there was not even a trace of blood left on the pirate ship, so there was no need to clean it up.

   Moreover, after several harvests, the green dragon has not eaten alone. Not only did the merchants in the north enjoy the spoils, but even the sailors were rewarded.

   Naturally, Green and Carasso also had to think more about their green dragon friends.

   Before the next target, Green was explaining to the green dragon for his "negligence".

   This is a tomb on the edge of the cursed desert, and an obstacle they encountered the last time they took the temporary route.

  Isaac naturally knew why they were "negligence", nothing more than borrowing external force to solve his own troubles.

   However, being able to admit that it was his "negligence" means that they are now on his boat, and at least one foot has come this way!

   As if he didn't hear it, he nodded slightly: "Since the situation is unclear, let's put it aside for the time being. We mainly focus on the sea target, and wait until the Rift Mountains go ashore."

The    Rift Mountains, the dividing point between the kingdom of Tethyr and the Forest of Wells, and through which the trade route also passes.

  According to the introduction of the two of Green, this was the territory of a red dragon many years ago.

   But red dragons, as everyone knows, are born with eyes higher than the top and look down on anyone, even dragons.

  The kingdom of Tethyr is her target of conquest and plunder, and the wood elves of Wells Forest are her favorite food. The northern merchants are also ignored by her, and they wantonly slaughter and plunder.

  Under the anger of the public, the mighty red dragon can only be tragic.

   However, her servants have not been cleaned up. The kobold mines there have been dug all the way to the Underdark, and the dark monsters that come out and sneak around from time to time are the fundamental reason why the three parties did not eventually occupy the mountains.

  This is also his preferred target!

  An island has long been unable to meet his needs.

   He needs a larger territory, a territory with more resources.

   The Fissure Mountains with numerous mine caves undoubtedly satisfy this condition.

   Adjacent to the ocean, leading to the dark area, there is a great space for advance and retreat.

   In addition, the trade route also passes through here, the exchange of resources is extremely convenient.

   The most important thing, he is not a red dragon with eyes higher than the top. He has always valued peace, and has his own human friends as agents, which does not affect the order there at all.

   Even with the same evil camp, he can also have some connections with the Underdark through his future loyal servants.

   "After inheriting the teacher's inheritance, I will grow there with peace of mind and bring out the Dragon Beast Legion."

   Along the coastline all the way north, apart from clearing up some free pirates and occasionally destroying pirate groups with island bases, Isaac and the others did not do too much.

   If they encounter a pirate ship with a "blue-green wave flag", they will pretend that they have not seen it, and they will pass by the pirate ship that is also blind.

   That is the flag of the Io pirates.

  As believers of the "Ocean Goddess", they are the most powerful forces in this sea area. The northern business groups pass through here and have to pay daily tolls.

   For the small pirates, the green dragon whose mission is to fight evil, naturally has to strike hard.

   But for the believers of the "Ocean Goddess"... everyone is of the evil camp, Isaac felt that when he fell on the Rift Mountains, maybe it was time to see if there was a possibility of forming a hidden alliance.


   outside of a target pirate island.

   is directing the children, punching the evil.

   A fleet suddenly appeared on the distant sea.

While    pointed directly to this side, he issued a warning to this side from a distance with the sound of a horn.

   Thanks for the 200-coin reward for "Degenerate Marshmallow", and the 100-coin reward for "xiaotang246", thank you brothers for your support!



   (end of this chapter)

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