Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 23: : Threatening mail

The two rushed into the room together, and saw Fu Qihan's pupils dilated, and his face was full of horror and fear. He looked forward blankly, curled up and hugged the pillow tightly, but his hands were holding the pillow. Shaking constantly, the phone was dropped on the ground far away. .

Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan looked at Fu Qihan, then at the mobile phone on the ground, and hurriedly walked over and asked the situation: "Hanhan, what's the matter? What's wrong?"

"Brother... I was scared to death, I was scared to death." Fu Qihan shook his mind and looked up blankly. When he saw Fu Jin Heng clearly, the tears in his eyes could no longer stop flowing down and let go. Kneeling directly on the bed with the pillow in his hand, he threw into Fu Jinheng's arms and buried his face in his arms.

Feeling her body trembling violently, Fu Jinheng stroked her shoulders, patted gently, and looked at Song Jinan. Song Jinan received his gaze, and walked to the phone, and found that the phone was black. A password is needed to open it again. Or fingerprints, turn around and look at Fu Jin Heng, and show him the phone.


Fu Qihan’s password Fu Jinheng knows best. The passwords she uses are only those few. He also said about her before that, whether it’s a bank password or a password, she uses the same password, and I don’t know. Change.

After listening to Fu Jinheng’s words, Song Jinan quickly unlocked the password of her mobile phone’s lock screen. What dazzled her eyes was a private message in email format, which contained a black message similar to a short video with blood stains, skeletons, and There is a doll that looks like a corpse and smiles at her. The most dazzling thing is the text below, "Fu Qihan, your death date is up, I will kill you."

Song Jinan was also taken aback after reading it, and her body trembled severely. She almost didn't throw her phone out, but fortunately, she worked for criminal investigation all year round, and finally stabilized, just moved the phone away. .

Upon seeing this, Fu Jinheng stretched out his long arms and grabbed the phone in Song Jinan's hand. When he saw the contents inside, he suddenly opened his eyes, staring at his brows, and holding the phone with heavier force, he directly withdrew. The private message found that this was Fu Qihan's personal blog.

Song Jinan also quickly recovered, walked to Fu Jinheng's side, poked his head and read the blog, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called the technicians in the team, and added Fu Qihan's blog website by the way. I sent it to him and asked them to immediately track down the ip address that sent this private message to Fu Qihan.

"Why are you going?" Seeing that Song Jin'an was about to leave the house after the phone call, Fu Jinheng grabbed her arm and asked with eyebrows.

"I'm going to the team. The person who sent this email to Hanhan must be the murderer. This is an important clue." Song Jinan looked back at her with a serious expression on his face. He grabbed his arm again. , I suddenly remembered the kiss in my mind, and the light under his eyes flickered subconsciously: "Let go."

Fu Jinheng's eyelids drooped slightly, he glanced at his hand, and then glanced at Fu Qihan, who was crying in his arms. After hesitating, he withdrew his hand: "Didn't you have someone to check?" It’s useless for you to use the past until you find it out, and... I just said that you still have a fever and have not taken any medicine."

"My own body has a sense of measure, and you don't need to worry about it." Song Jinan seemed to be dissatisfied with his caring tone of speaking to himself, and retorted displeasedly: "Now that the murderer dares to send such intimidating emails to Hanhan so blatantly, it is all right prove……."

"I understand what you said, but I don't worry about your body. If you want to go, drink the medicine before you leave." Fu Jinheng looked at her pale face, his tone was a little tough, and he didn't give her the slightest refusal. the meaning of.

Song Jinan was dumb, looking at his firm eyes, and inexplicably compromised: "I know, I will drink the medicine before leaving." After speaking, his eyes fell on Fu Qihan again, winking him.

After the meeting, Fu Jinheng nodded: "But I have a court session tomorrow, and I will go out very early."

"I know, I will let Qixun come over tomorrow."

"If you drink the medicine, you have to take the rest of the medicine. Don't hold on if you feel uncomfortable. You must go to the hospital to see it, or you can call me directly." Song Jinan just started. While taking the steps, Fu Jinheng couldn't help but exhorted a few more words.

Hearing this, Song Jinan paused for the steps under his feet, but did not turn back to look at him, and continued to walk outside the door, but only faintly replied, "I see."

After Song Jinan left Fu Qihan’s room, he noticed that there was a white bag on the kitchen counter. It was the medicine bag they had brought when they came out of the hospital yesterday at noon. He walked to the coffee table in the living room and looked at the two on the table. A glass cup that was exactly the same, the extended hand paused for a while, and according to my memory, he hesitantly picked up the cup on the right and walked to the kitchen counter. After drinking all the medicine according to the doctor’s instructions, he put the white bag again. He left Fu Jinheng's house.

After Song Jinan left, Fu Jinheng lowered his eyes and looked at Fu Qihan, who was sobbing in his arms. He sat on the edge of the bed and asked softly: "Han Han, didn't you go to bed long ago? Why did you start visiting the blog again? coming?"

"I... I can't sleep. I didn't fall asleep after tossing around for more than an hour, and finally I was so bored that I thought about it and went to the blog."

"Then what's the matter with this private message blog?"

"I don't know. I usually receive private messages every day, so I just clicked on it without taking it seriously. I didn't expect the content to suddenly...Woo, brother, I'm so scared, what should I do?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm by your side!" Knowing that Fu Qihan's heart was traumatized, Fu Jinheng calmed down softly: "Then do you know the person who sent you the email?"

Fu Qihan shook his head and nestled in Fu Jinheng’s arms. His face was still full of panic: "That id seems to be me who just followed me some time ago. Only three people followed me that day, so I have an impression, but he This is the first time you emailed me, brother..."

"Don't be afraid, don't post the blog in the future. The police will take care of this matter. You can sleep well now. Don't think too much. I'm right across from you. You can open the door to sleep. You can call me."

"But, brother, I'm still afraid."

"Silly girl, what's to be afraid of, you are at home now, and I'm still there, go to bed and be obedient." Fu Qihan smiled softly, raised his hand and knocked her head gently, and caressed her lying on the bed.


"Hush!" Fu Jinheng made a silent gesture, stopped her, tucked the quilt for her, got up and turned off the light in the room: "Go to sleep! Don't be afraid."

Fu Qihan nodded anxiously. When he was about to turn off the lamp and leave, Fu Qihan suddenly said: "Brother, don't turn off the lamp, I'm afraid, and you also close the door, okay? ?"

"Well, it's not closed, it's not closed, and my door isn't closed either."


"good night."

"Well, go to sleep!"

After watching her close his eyes, Fu Jinheng left the room lightly. When he walked to the living room, he subconsciously looked at the white bag on the kitchen counter and found that it was gone, only a glass with only a half glass of water left. Cup, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the cup on the coffee table, squinted slightly, and noticed something was wrong, then looked back at the cup on the table, and the smile that evoked the corner of the mouth gradually deepened.

But I was a little melancholy in my heart, thinking about the private message from Fu Qihan's blog just now, the smile on his face slowly subsided and slowly became serious.

That night, Song Jinan returned to the team and called Cao Wei and Tian Yan by the way. Because Tao Qixun will take on the task of protecting Fu Qihan tomorrow, Song Jinan did not notify him. He learned from the technician and gave it to Fu Qi. The ip address of the person who sent the email is protected by a password, and there is no way to find it.

Including the other party's account information is also protected. According to the technician, the other party is likely to be a computer expert who is good at concealing his own network news. Song Jinan asked Tian Yan to recheck all relevant news about Jin Yishuo.

This was an all-night job. Until the early morning, no clues of value were traced, and people in the technical department have been trying their best to crack the password and all information of that person's protected ip address.

"Team Song, are you okay?" Tian Yan looked at Song Jin'an's face and looked at her worriedly.

Song Jinan raised his eyes, rubbed some heads that were beginning to faint, and shook his head: "It's okay."

"But your complexion is really terrible! Team Song, you just caught a cold and fever the day before yesterday, and it's still not quite complete. It rained again last morning and you didn't sleep last night. It's no good to go on like this, let's go! You go back to the office for a break first, will you leave the investigation here to me?" Tian Yan still felt uneasy about her, and directly reached out and grabbed the booklet in her hand.

Song Jinan pursed his lips, thought for a while, and slowly got up: "Then I will go back to the office for a short break, and if you have any clues, just call me."

"it is good."

Song Jinan returned to the office, walked to the sofa, looked at the white bag on the table, suddenly remembered Fu Jinheng's instructions to him last night, and thought of the sudden kiss, and subconsciously raised his hand to stroke his upper lip.

When his thoughts were about to drift away, the door of the office was suddenly opened. Song Jin panicked in his heart. He immediately put down his hand and turned his head to look over. Zhang Mingcheng was standing at the door and said, "Team Song, Detachment Yang is looking for you. ."

"Find me?"

Zhang Mingcheng nodded: "Well, go and take a look!"

"Okay, I see." Song Jinan was a little confused, but didn't think much about it, so he left the house again, walked through the corridor in the hall, and came to the office on the second floor of another building, and knocked on the office with his fingers. She opened the door and walked out until there was an'in' inside.

"Yang Detachment, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Yang Detachment heard this, he raised his head and nodded: "Yes, I heard that your case has made new progress. What kind of threatening message did the murderer send to witness Fu Qihan, what is going on, and..." With that, the Yang Detachment suddenly stopped and noticed Song Jinan’s face: "Jinan, why is your face so bad? I also heard Cao Wei say that when you went to survey the scene yesterday morning, you got caught in the rain. I have a cold and a fever. Why is it raining again?"

"I'm okay, Yang Detachment." Song Jinan shook his head lightly, and said in a serious tone: "I have asked the technical department to speed up the cracking of his ip address password. It should be solved soon."

"It's good if there is progress. There are already five victims in this case. There cannot be a sixth one. You must solve the case as soon as possible. The Director and others also attach great importance to this case." Yang Detachment nodded, and deliberately ordered: "Also, you have to pay special attention to your own body. Did your team all go all night yesterday? Taking advantage of the time now, go back to the rest meeting as soon as possible. I don't want to have the same situation again."

Song Jin'an pursed his lips, naturally knowing what the Yang Detachment meant last time, and nodded seriously: "I know, let Yang Detachment bother me. I will pay attention to it, and I will never try my best."

"Well, then you go and rest now!"


Song Jinan responded softly, turned and left Yang Detachment's office. On the way back to his office, his head felt dizzy and heavy. He raised his hand and touched his forehead, and found that it was a bit hot. The expression on his face was stunned and he quickened his pace. Back at the office, I poured myself a cup of warm water, and after drinking the medicine on the table, I lay on the sofa, covered with a small blanket to rest.

On the other hand, in the morning, Fu Qihan did not sleep well in the morning. She was awakened by nightmares two or three times. Fu Jinheng called out softly at 7 o'clock in the morning, but she was still sleepy, and she did not want to get up in bed. meaning.

Fu Jinheng raised his wrist to check the time, and it was almost time for him to go to work, but Tao Qixun hadn't come yet, and was about to call for inquiries, when the door of the apartment opened with a'ding'.

Fu Jinheng went out and saw that it was Tao Qixun. He nodded and said hello: "You came just right, I was about to go to work, and Hanhan will leave it to you. In addition, she must have received a threatening email last night. You should have heard that she is not in a stable mood, please help me comfort her."

Tao Qixun nodded earnestly: "Okay, Fu Jian rest assured." He was actually told by Zhang Mingcheng in the morning.

"Well, then I'll go first."

"Okay, Jian Fu, go slowly."

After watching Fu Jinheng leave, Tao Qixun took the breakfast in his hand and went into Fu Qihan’s room. He looked at Fu Qihan lying on the bed and was not very energetic. He leaned over and whispered, "Miss Fu, you are okay. Right?"

Fu Qihan slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he saw his handsome appearance, he remembered what they said when they called last night, and he became angry. He turned over and covered his head with the quilt: "Why are you? Didn't I tell Sister Jin An that she should replace someone to protect me?"

When Tao Qixun heard this, he was a little confused, and put the breakfast in his hand on the bedside table: "Miss Fu, what's wrong with me...?"

"What's wrong with you?" Fu Qihan angrily opened the quilt covering his head and stared at him angrily, with tears in his eyes: "I will be angry when I see you now, you give me out, I don't want to see you."

Tao Qixun didn’t understand how he had offended her. He was at a loss and found his own voice after a long time: "I heard that Ming Cheng said that you received a threatening email from the murderer last night, so I came here non-stop. Yes, I also bought your favorite breakfast pastries, Miss Fu, if I did not do well, you can point it out directly."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been awake last night, wouldn't have gone to blog if I didn't sleep, wouldn't have read that private message if I hadn't been on the blog, and I wouldn't have read that private message if I didn't... Huh." After speaking, Fu Qihan couldn't help it anymore, and wailed aggrievedly.

Seeing her suddenly crying, Tao Qixun became even more panicked, and quickly waved his hand: "You...Don't cry! I..." Although he still didn't know what he did wrong to make her angry, but at this time, he I also had to soften my attitude: "Then I'm wrong, I apologize to you, don't be angry, and don't cry anymore."

"What do you mean is wrong? You were wrong." Fu Qihan cried more and more fiercely. He didn't mean to stop at all. He cried more fiercely than when he threw himself into Fu Jinheng's arms last night.

"Well, my fault, my fault, can you stop crying?"

As soon as Fu Qihan heard it, the crying slowly subsided. Tao Qixun quickly drew two tissues and handed her to wipe her tears, but when Fu Qihan's temper came up, he was very willful and arrogant, his head deflected. He didn't pay attention to Tao Qixun at all, and didn't accept his affection at all.

Tao Qixun couldn't help but sighed helplessly. He had to reach out and gently wipe the tears off her face with a tissue. Fu Qihan didn't resist, so he turned his head and let him wipe it.

"Are you hungry? Would you like to get up and eat something? While breakfast is still hot." Tao Qixun asked softly after drying the tears on her little face.


"Then get up quickly, wash and eat!"

Fu Qihan sat up with his body supported, and inadvertently scanned the phone on the bedside table. The email appeared in his mind again, and his heart trembled, and he suddenly opened his eyes: "Take my phone away, I don't want to See it."

Tao Qixun looked at the thin red mobile phone and understood, and quickly reached out and put it in the pocket of his coat: "Okay, don't look, don't look."

"I don't feel much strength now, you help me."


"What's the matter?" Fu Qihan was displeased when he saw him react so much, and glared at him with his cheeks bulging: "Isn't it happy for you to help you? Or let you help me to wrong you?"

"I didn't mean that...I thought..."

"What do you think?" Fu Qihan blocked his words back: "You even hugged me in the flower garden last time. This time I asked you to help me. Will you lose a piece of meat or kill you?"

"That was not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I..." Tao Qixun couldn't say anything when she was forced to ask, so she stretched out her hand to support her arm: "Let's go! I'll help you go to wash."

Looking at his helpless expression, Fu Qihan lowered his eyes, turned his head away, and began to reflect on whether he was too powerful and unreasonable.

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