Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 19: : Alibi

"Tsk! It's really unsympathetic. Just as soon as my dad left, you asked me for a watch. Is it a human thing?" Qi Yue squinted at him with a look of contempt. .biquge

"Take what I deserve, it's normal, let's bring it!" Fu Jinheng was not in a hurry, and his extended hand didn't mean to retract.

Seeing his relaxed and contented expression, Qi Yue felt quite uncomfortable, and rolled his eyes helplessly: "Upstairs, I'll get it for you."

As it approached noon, the rain was getting heavier and stronger, accompanied by lightning and thunder. Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng also returned to the team after investigating Jin Yishuo. They just saw sitting on a chair in the main hall shaking their legs and drinking. Fu Qihan of milk tea.

The two looked at each other, walked over together, and asked curiously: "Miss Fu, why are you here?"

Hearingly, Fu Qihan raised his head and saw that the two of them came in. All of the trouser legs were wet and part of the jacket was wet. He put down the hot milk tea in his hand, smiled and waved to say hello: "Hi! Come back. Up."

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you stay at home?" Tao Qixun walked over and asked in wonder.

"Isn’t it said that there was another murder case today? Sister Jinan and Cao Wei went to the scene in Liudong District. I am not a relevant person. Of course, I can’t enter the scene of the crime and it rains so heavily. I’m afraid they will take me to the scene. It's a burden, so I just stay in the team and wait for Sister Jin An and the others to come back." Fu Qihan curled his lips and said with a sigh.

"Team Song haven't they come back?" Zhang Mingcheng asked, raising his wrist to check the time.

"No! I haven't come back since I went out in the morning!" Fu Qihan shook his head blankly, looking at a loss on his face, and looked up and down the two of them: "But... do you want to change another one? Clothes, it’s easy to catch a cold like this!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have any clothes to change, just go to the electric fan inside and sit down and bake it."

"Qixun, I'll go there first. I have to get the results as soon as possible." Zhang Mingcheng suddenly thought that he still had business affairs in his hand, shook the transparent bag in his hand, and walked into the hall as he spoke.

"Okay." After watching Zhang Mingcheng enter, Tao Qixun's gaze fell on Fu Qihan's little face again: "Are you sitting here cold?"

Fu Qihan curled his lips and smiled: "It's not cold. My feet are a little bit cold, and I'm a bit hungry. I came out with Sister Jinan without eating much breakfast in the morning, but I'm not blaming Jinan. Sister, even though I'm a little hungry, Jinan won't let me run around alone. I think they are so busy, and it's not too easy to trouble them."

Hearing, Tao Qixun looked down at her feet and found that she was wearing only a pair of ordinary white shoes. In this windy and rainy weather of only eleven or two degrees, she was still too thin, and noticed her fingers. Slightly flushed, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently touched her hand, and found that it was extremely cold, and the expression on her face became a little heavier.

Fu Qihan was a little surprised at his touch. He also felt that his hands were actually warm. He looked at him in surprise, "Your hands are so warm?"

"follow me."

"Ah? Why are you going?" Seeing that he had turned around and walked inside, Fu Qihan quickly took the cup of hot bubble tea on the table and quickly followed.

"There is an electric fan in it. Go and grill your feet."

"Bake the feet?" Fu Qihan listened to his words, feeling weird, and turned his back sideways: "Can you speak well? What is toasting the feet? Should it be eaten after it is cooked?"

Tao Qixun looked back at her, moved her lips flatly, and did not refute his words. He silently led her to the room with an electric fan and stood at the door: "I have something to do, you are the one. People stay here for a while, don’t run around, send me a message if you have something to do, and I’ll give you some takeaways to eat later."

"I want to eat spicy hot pot." Fu Qihan just sat down, and after hearing what he said, he immediately raised his hand and gave a report with a smile.

"Packed and eaten?"

Fu Qihan smiled and nodded: "Well, count me as a treat. If there are more people, you can pack two large portions. I will transfer the money to you later."

Tao Qixun twisted his eyebrows without saying anything. He turned around and planned to leave the house. When Fu Qihan saw this, he stopped him again: "Hey, Tao Qixun, wait a minute."


"How to open this? I haven't used it." Fu Qihan grinned and pointed to the electric fan in front.

Tao Qixun looked at the electric fan she was pointing at, and walked over to help her turn on the switch, and also adjusted the temperature: "If you have something to do, send me a message. If you don't want to do it, don't move it, you know?"

"I know!" Fu Qihan curled his lips and glared at him dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a kid, so I'm afraid I will break it? And... this thing is not worth a lot of money!"

"I mean..." Tao Qixun wanted to explain when he heard the words, but when he met her watery eyes, the words that came to her mouth instantly swallowed back into her stomach, and he thought about it for a while and said: "I do not mean that."

"what does that mean?"

"Forget it, you can sit here for a while! I'll get busy first." Tao Qixun looked at her curious pretty face, moved his lips, gave up the explanation, waved his hand, and turned around and walked out of the house. , And took the door.

Seeing him leaving, Fu Qihan squeezed her mouth. She originally wanted to say that his trouser legs were all wet, and she wanted to bake them before going to work, but before he could say anything, he had already left.

Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun found out that Jin Yishuo did go out last night, but they don’t know where they went. All the surveillance cameras in the past have seen Jin Yishuo’s car on Jiangying Road, Punan District, but they have to enter. When I was in the Liudong District section, I never saw the black car driven by Jin Yishuo again.

The two of them really wanted to call Jin Yishuo into the team for a good interrogation, but they didn't dare to act rashly without Song Jinan's consent.

The two looked at the footage from the surveillance cameras. Zhang Mingcheng put his hands on his chest and turned with a pen in his hand: "You said, why is there no trace of his car after Liudong District? Where did he go?"

"Call him over and ask, don’t you know?" Tao Qixun leaned back in his chair and looked at the picture above: "And the strangest thing is that I didn’t see the murderer’s transportation, which is really weird. No suspicious vehicles have been seen in the previous four cases. Could it be that... Jin Yishuo bought several cars and changed them for each case? But... this seems unrealistic too!"

"You think Jin Yishuo opened a 4s shop! And I checked it with the traffic police team before. You don't know, Jin Yishuo only has a black Maybach under his name, or he should buy the full amount after returning to China. In the four previous cases, three of Jin Yishuo’s cars were parked in his parking lot and research institute. In the third case, his car drove to a small flower garden in the suburbs. In the garden, I only came back at 8 o’clock the next morning. Didn’t you also check it? The flower garden did say that he had been there at night and he was still staying there. The surveillance cameras also showed him in his car all night. I haven't entered the city." Zhang Mingcheng also racked his brains and thought, and combined the clues of the previous cases, I always feel that this case is even more confusing.

Because in none of the cases, Jin Yishuo’s alibi was done too well, so they had to doubt. The most important thing was that he had left the scene of the crime yesterday after it rained so heavily, before entering the vicinity of Liudong District. On the road section, the car suddenly disappeared, and no trace of him can be found anymore, but two hours later, the car appeared near Yuhua Road.

"This Jin Yishuo is also a god-man! I really can't figure it out. He has such an elderly foster mother and even kills. What is it for?"

"You have to ask me, I don't know! Now wait for Team Song and Cao Wei and the others to come back before making a decision!" Zhang Mingcheng sighed, suddenly remembered and asked: "By the way, Tian Yan and Zhu Jing are not going there. Has the interpersonal relationship of the deceased Fan Xuan'er been investigated? Why haven't they come back?"

"Just now Tian Yan and I sent a message, saying that they were in the hospital because the mother of the deceased Fan Xuan'er was hospitalized because she couldn't accept this fact. She wanted to learn something from her family, but now the mother of the deceased hasn't woken up yet."

Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng were here to explore the clues and progress of the case. At about one and a half, Song Jinan and Cao Wei returned to the team. They were not wet, but their hair was dripping.

"Team Song, you are back, do you have any clues about the value of the survey?" Tao Qixun hurriedly got up and asked when he saw Song Jinan coming back.

"Don't mention it, the rain last night washed away the blood on the ground, let alone any clues of value." Cao Wei waved his hand and twisted the water on his hair with the other hand: "Also, that raincoat is not what I said. It is real water. It covers everything. Just the hair. Look at it. It's better to use an umbrella! If I knew I would bring some shampoo and wash my hair by the way. Come back again."

"Haha, this is a good idea, don't pay for money!" Zhang Mingcheng smiled and nodded, agreeing very much with what he said.

Song Jinan gave the two of them a glance, and then silenced the sound. Song Jinan asked, "What did you find?"

"Hey, let it out to Team Song." Zhang Mingcheng winked at Tao Qixun.

Tao Qixun put all the monitoring they transferred back to Song Jinan and Cao Wei to read it again, and then said, "You guys are not evil? Just when you entered the road near Liudong District, the car disappeared, and you won’t see him in the back. The car appeared on Yuhua Road again when I was more than two children. Although Yuhua Road and Jiangying Road are close, but because the section in front of Jiangying Road is under construction, we need to detour and can’t copy the short road. You have to drive past. About thirty or forty minutes."

"My brother Mingcheng and I were just calculating that the journey from Bauhinia Garden in Punan District to Liudong District is also 30 to 40 minutes. There are surveillance cameras on the road to the crime scene, but his black car Maybach never appeared in our vision from beginning to end."

"Where is Jin Yishuo now?"

"Working at the Rose Research Institute!" Tao Qixunyang said loudly: "Team Song, do you want to send Jin Yishuo to ask?"

"I'm going to apply for a custodial summons order, and Qixun will visit you and Mingcheng later.

"it is good."

"However, Team Song, you should go and dry your hair first! This is not good, your cold is not completely cured!"

"It's okay. I'll apply for a custody summons order first. This matter can't be delayed." Song Jinan waved his hand lightly, and planned to go to the office as he said, but suddenly remembered and looked around: "Right, have you seen it? Hanhan?"

Hearing, Tao Qixun was stunned, suddenly raised his eyes to look at Zhang Mingcheng, and Zhang Mingcheng was also stunned: "Qixun, did we forget that eldest lady?"

Tao Qixun held his forehead, patted his forehead, threw the contents in his hand on the table, and hurriedly ran into the room: "I'll go see."

He was very annoyed. After he got busy, he completely forgot about Fu Qihan's previous statement that he was hungry and would eat spicy hot pot. Had Song Jinan suddenly mentioned it, he would have forgotten that Fu Qihan was still caught. He was placed in the room with an electric fan, and he hadn't received a urging text from her for more than an hour, so he left when he was angry and willful!

Probably not!

With a worried heart, Tao Qixun came to the door of the house, gently pushed the door open, poked his head and looked in, and found that Fu Qihan was asleep on the sofa, the electric fan was grilling at her and holding the phone. With her hand hanging in the air, seeing that it was about to fall, Tao Qixun rushed over and steadily caught the phone, still dare not make a sound to wake her up.

Seeing her sound asleep, Tao Qixun gently put the phone aside, and there was no blanket or other things around, so he had to take off his coat and put it on her body. When he was about to straighten up, Fu Qi Han suddenly flapped his lower eyelashes and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw him, he rubbed his eyes and sat up: "Um... Tao Qixun."

"Are you awake?" Tao Qixun heard the words, his expression was unnatural, and he subconsciously stepped back two steps and sat on the single sofa next to him.

"Yeah." Fu Qihan nodded in a daze, turned his neck, and took a breath: "Ah! My neck hurts so much."

"It's so cold now, why did you fall asleep like this? You can catch a cold." Tao Qixun sighed helplessly while looking at her dazed look, and rebuked.

After being accused by him, Fu Qihan became sober, raised his eyes and stared at him, and retorted, "Isn't there an electric fan?"

"The electric fan can only provide heat on the surface, don't you say you are not cold?"

"I..." Fu Qihan dumbly, put his hands together and gathered his clothes, and found that he was covered with a black men's cotton-padded jacket, and when he looked at him, he wore a black pullover. He knew that the clothes were. The corners of his mouth were raised, and he was very happy, but he deliberately kept his face straight, pouted, and threw his clothes back on him in dissatisfaction: "It's not you yet, so I can wait here, you Give me some takeaways, but I didn’t wait for so long, and didn’t I wake up early in the morning? I fell asleep while playing with my mobile phone!"

Tao Qixun steadily caught the clothes she had thrown over, pursed her lips with a guilty conscience, raised his hand and scratched his head, and coughed slightly: "I was a bit busy just now... I just forgot when I was busy, I'm sorry, you Are you hungry now?"

"I'm too hungry."

"What do you want to eat? I'll give you some more, or the spicy hot pot?"

"Have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"Then what do you usually eat?"

"Boxed lunch." Tao Qixun said, looking at him curiously: "Do you want to eat boxed lunch with us?"

"Sister Jinan, are they back?"

"I'm back, and I am applying for a warrant."

"Then I will find Sister Jin An."

Seeing her getting up to leave, Tao Qixun grabbed her arm and stood up and said, "Team Song is busy, what are you doing in the past?"

"I want to eat too when I'm busy? I'm looking for her to eat together!"

"Didn't I tell you? What do you want to eat, I'll give you something."

"Humph." When Fu Qihan heard it, he snorted in disdain, and took his arm back from his hand by the way, and gave him a fierce look: "Are you embarrassed to say? A couple of hours ago you That’s what I told me. As a result, I haven’t waited until now. I knew I ordered by myself.”

Tao Qixun was dumb and couldn't refute her words, but he could only bite the bullet and explain: "Sorry, I was really busy at the time, so I forgot about it."

Fu Qihan looked at his guilty look and curled her lips. In fact, she understood their work, and there was another murder case last night. They must be eager to solve the case, and they didn’t even have a meal. In such cold weather, there was no time to take care of her wet pants, and it was understandable to forget her lunch.

Although her wayward eldest lady has a little temper, she is not arrogant and unreasonable. This understanding is still there. In addition, she is innocent in her mind. Seeing that they are sometimes so busy that they don’t even have time to eat, she still feels good. It's really hard to do any work for those who love them.

"Forget it, don’t apologize, I don’t mean to blame you. I know that you have worked hard, and that yesterday’s case was the fifth case. You definitely want to solve the case as soon as possible and catch the murderer. I will eat whatever you eat. !" Fu Qihan sighed, and did not intend to breathe with him over this matter, and sat back on the sofa again.

"Okay, wait here for a while, and I'll come right away." Tao Qixun smiled, turned to the door, and when she saw what she was going to say, he raised his hand and promised: "Don't worry, I will never forget this time. I will stay. I will bring you the meal."


After Tao Qixun went to Song Jinan’s office to ask her for instructions, he used his mobile phone to order the takeaway. When the takeout arrived, the detention order Song Jinan applied for was also down. Thinking that he didn’t eat at noon, he ate in her office. , And incidentally discussed all the details of this case.

Fu Qihan was also called in by Song Jinan to have dinner with them, but she couldn't get in what they said. She also knew that this matter was not trivial, so she ate silently without speaking to interrupt them.

After they finished the discussion, and their meal was finished, Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng were going out to take Jin Yishuo. Before leaving, Tao Qixun subconsciously glanced at Fu Qihan and moved his lips, but said nothing. left.

Cao Wei will also put down the tableware and said to go to the inspection department to ask about the test results. Song Jinan and Fu Qihan are left in the office. Seeing that Fu Qihan is still eating, the eating speed is not fast, Song Jinan asked. : "What's the matter? Is the food not to your appetite?"

Hearing, Fu Qihan raised his eyes to look at her, then glanced at the vegetarian dishes and braised fish nuggets on the table, leaned over, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Jinan, do you usually eat such dishes in the team?"

"It's busy today, so... uh, don't you like to eat?"

"It's not that I don't like eating! Hehe! I just think it's a bit too vegetarian, but it's okay." Fu Qihan smiled and waved his hands, and finished the remaining two bites of rice in the bowl as soon as possible.

Song Jin'an pursed his lips and thought for a while: "By the way, your brother...Is it all day off today?"


"Then can you give him a call and ask him to pick you up? We can't spare any time now. It's really not a way to keep you in the team. I will find time to go back in the evening. I will protect your safety, and I will let Qixun protect your safety during the day tomorrow."

Fu Qihan naturally understood that Song Jinan’s arrangement was reasonable and reasonable, and it was daytime, and Jin Yishuo had serious suspicions. She should be detained in the afternoon. She should be in no danger, but in order to be foolproof, she still needs Fu Jinheng to accompany her. of.

Song Jin'an thought this way. Although Fu Qihan is now their key witness, no one else can be drawn from the team. Moreover, she has met Fu Jinheng's hand and her thoughts are very profound. Unpredictable, she also loves Fu Qihan very much, let him stay with Fu Qihan, she is also assured that there will be no mistakes, but she is afraid that Fu Jinheng will use this as a handle to talk about things, so she will use the latter by the way. Make things clear.

Fu Qihan raised his eyebrows, suddenly laughed, and looked at her with his head tilted: "Then this call shouldn’t be made by Sister Jin’an to my brother? If my brother knew that I was coming out of the house, he would definitely scold him to death. Mine, I dare not call him."

Speaking of the back, Fu Qihan still wronged his hands together and twisted them together. Song Jinan pressed his lips tightly when he saw this. After thinking about it, he said, "I will have something to do later, and I will go to Yang Detachment later. If you don’t have time to report the case, please give him a call!"

"Don't! Sister Jinan, it doesn't take long to make a phone call. It doesn't take a minute or two. You can't get me wronged, right? You have to make this call. I don't want to be instructed by my brother."

Song Jinan got up and listened to her words. After listening to her words, he paused for a while, and felt a little dead in his heart. Then he walked to the desk, picked up the phone, and hesitated again and again, but did not dial the number that made her feel a little hot. .

At this time, Fu Jin Heng was staying with Qi Yue. The two were drinking coffee together. Fu Jin Heng was holding a black watch in his hand and rubbing it lightly. When the phone rang, Fu Jin Heng He glanced at the caller ID, saw the name on it, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised a shallow arc, revealing strands of deep meaning.

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