Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 10: : Abnormal

That night, Song Jinan took Zhang Mingcheng, Cao Wei, and Tian Yan into this terrifying and unexpected murder. It was preliminarily determined that the same murderer was responsible for the four previous cases. They are very puzzled. .biqugev

Looking at the relationship diagram of the characters on the clue board, Cao Wei stopped pressing his pen, watching them without talking, and said: "Song Team, have we been in the wrong direction of investigation during this period of time?"

"Yeah! How could this be? In our opinion, there are all clues, including those provided by Ms. Fu. Jin Yishuo is the biggest suspect in this case. The murderer is definitely correct. We just didn't find evidence, but... …The people we watched for him didn’t withdraw. They also said that Jin Yishuo didn’t go home early after get off work today. Then this case...what the **** is going on? The murderer is someone else?" The thread was also broken because of Cao Wei's words, and he asked full questions.

Song Jinan looked at the autopsy report and materials brought from the Forensic Department in his hand, carefully clinging to it, and did not respond to them, after a long time, Tian Yan asked out aloud, "Song team, what do you think about this case? what should I do now?"

Hearing, Song Jinan raised his eyes to her, and said indifferently: "Take this case as a breakthrough, regardless of whether the murderer is Jin Yishuo or not, we must take precautions in case. You have also investigated the interpersonal relationship of the deceased Yu Fang. , Is there anything suspicious?"

"Team Song, there is no surveillance on that section of the Anxin community. The residents in the surrounding area know Yu Fang, but many people have the impression that her life is disorderly. It seems that there are several boyfriends. Cao Wei and I have been to her separately. At the home of those boyfriends, there were two boyfriends who came to the forensic department to recognize the corpse. They almost fought after they met. So far, the most suspicious one is one of Yu Fang’s three boyfriends. Called the same person, he couldn't tell his alibi tonight, but..."Zhang Mingcheng halfway through, looked at Cao Wei a little entangled, and then looked at Song Jinan more.

Song Jinan didn't interrupt either, but waited quietly for him to finish the rest.

Upon seeing this, Cao Wei rolled his eyes, Zhang Mingcheng, and said, "But the same is different from the profile of the suspect in our previous four cases. He is only 1.7 meters tall. He is the manager of the mall, and Miss Fu. The said fragrance has nothing to do with it."

"Let’s put down Jin Yishuo first, and focus on investigating the case of Yu Fang. Yu Fang’s case is the most suspicious of the previous cases, but Jin Yishuo will also send someone to monitor it secretly. The hospital can’t relax either. I’m going to work hard tonight. I’m going to work overnight with me.” Song Jin’an was silent and died for a while, synthesizing the clues they said and weaving it into a clue web in his brain. Soon after he sorted out his thoughts, he looked at them and moved his lips indifferently.

"Yes, we see, Team Song, you have worked hard too."

After the meeting, the few people went busy, and Song Jinan was also reorganizing all the key clues from the first case to the fifth case, for fear that there would be omissions, and some details would be missed.

However, a sentence from Fu Jinheng suddenly came to mind in her mind, saying that only when people are relaxed will they recall the things they had inadvertently. She agrees with this sentence.

So she was not in a hurry to find any clues quickly, but tried to calm her mind and re-organize the things in her mind.


For two days in a row, Song Jinan was busy with Yu Fang's murder case. He did not return to Fu Jinheng's house to change shifts with Tao Qixun at night. He has always lived in the team's office.

The strangeness of this case has gradually emerged, and it is different from the previous four cases. It seems to have deliberately imitated the killing methods of the last four cases, and has misled their investigative direction.

Song Jinan also thought of this. Everything was done in a two-pronged way. Cao Wei spent the longest time in the team and had the most experience in handling cases. So they split into two teams and asked Cao Wei to take Tian Yan to focus on Yufang’s case. Together with Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun, the three still focused on Jin Yishuo and separated the Yu Fang case from the four previous cases for investigation. This would also avoid extraneous branches and also greatly help the progress of the case.

Fu Jinheng also did not see Song Jin'an for two consecutive days. It was Tao Qixun who saw him at work every day, and he was the one who saw him when he came back from get off work. The point was that Tao Qixun did not come to take over at Song Jinan because of the task of protecting Fu Qihan. Under the circumstances, he lives in Fu Jinheng's house. Although he is only sleeping on the sofa, Fu Jinheng is still a little dissatisfied.

"Your Song team still won't be able to take over today?" Fu Jinheng opened the door and walked in. He saw Tao Qixun sitting in the living room, his eyebrows tightened, his low tone was a little bit of displeasure.

Hearing this, Tao Qixun turned his head: "It seems to be that Yu Fang's case seems to have made new progress, and Team Song is too busy to start."

Fu Jinheng looked at his brows, said nothing, and walked into his room.

Tao Qixun looked at Fu Jinheng's back and scratched his head inexplicably. He didn't understand how Fu Jian's attitude towards him was always hot and cold in the past two days. He even showed him his face for no reason. Why did it not do well? Did you offend him?

"What's the matter?" Fu Qihan walked out of the room, looked at Fu Jin Heng's room, and then looked at Tao Qixun suspiciously.

Tao Qixun shrugged: "It's okay! Why are you still up?"

"As soon as I was about to sleep, I heard my brother's voice."

"sleep early!"


After Fu Qihan returned to the room, Tao Qixun also turned off the TV in the living room and was about to rest.

At two o'clock in the morning, Tao Qixun dumbly heard the sound of opening the door. He opened his eyes suddenly with great vigilance, gently lifted the quilt and got up from the sofa, hiding to the side of the wall.

When the light in the living room was turned on, Tao Qixun made a surprise move. Song Jinan who had just entered was also taken aback, but he quickly reacted, evading his attack, and instinctively used his elbow to counterattack.

It took two moves for the two to see each other clearly. Tao Qixun was stunned and looked at her in surprise: "Team Song."

Song Jin frowned, slowly retracted his hand, and walked into the room.

"Team Song, is that case over?" Tao Qixun asked curiously, following her pace.

"No." Song Jinan raised his hand to cover his nose and coughed twice.

"Team Song, have you caught a cold?" Tao Qixun looked at her expression and felt something was wrong. He noticed that she was wearing a thin shirt and jacket, and he cared: "Team Song, have been playing for the past few days. Rain, the temperature drops, why do you only wear so much?"

Song Jinan went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of warm water, took a sip, and walked out: "It's okay. Last night I went out to investigate and got soaked in the rain. There are no thick clothes in the team. I can only take a look. Mingcheng is now alone. The same is squatting around the house, you can go! Let me give it to me first."

"Okay." When Tao Qixun heard that he was finally able to go out on a mission, don't mention how happy he was. After going to the bathroom and washing his face, he planned to leave, not forgetting to remind him: "Team Song, if you catch a cold It’s better to take some medicine."

"Yeah." Song Jinan responded faintly. After watching him leave, he heard movement behind him, and subconsciously turned to look over. He saw Fu Jinheng wearing a gray pullover sweater and black casual sweatpants with his hands in his pockets. Zhong leaned on the door frame and looked at herself.

I haven't seen him for three days. Song Jinan didn't know why. When he saw his familiar handsome face, somewhere in his chest beat fiercely, and soon calmed down again, but his hands rubbed unnaturally twice. Tighten your lips: "It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I heard a sound outside, come out and have a look." Fu Jinheng straightened up and walked over: "I just heard Tao Qixun say you have a cold?"

"Yeah, kind of." Feeling his approach, Song Jinan responded lightly, turning his body sideways and not looking at him.

Fu Jinheng lowered his eyes, looked at her thin clothes, and frowned, "Why do you wear them like this?"

When Song Jinan heard the words, he glanced at him, thinking that he had just explained it to Tao Qixun, and now he didn’t want to say it. He put the water cup in his hand on the coffee table in the living room: “I’m going to take a shower. I'm sorry to wake you up."

Fu Jinheng stood there, watching her enter Fu Qihan’s room, took out a set of clothes, and walked into the bathroom. He did not look at him the whole time. His black eyes could not help but narrowed, and he walked to the living room TV. In front of the cabinet, take out the medicine box inside and take a careful look at the medicine inside.

In about twenty minutes, Song Jinan took a shower and walked out of the bathroom. He always felt that he was a lot lighter. When he passed the living room, he found that Fu Jinheng was sitting on the sofa in the living room with his legs up and the TV turned on.

"What are you doing? Watching TV at this late hour?" Song Jinan didn't want to bother at first, but he didn't take any steps, his mouth was faster than his feet, and he asked directly.

"Come here." Fu Jinheng turned around and stared at her, his mouth raised with an arc of a smile but a smile, and his tone was extraordinarily gentle.

Song Jinan's hair was terrifying, and he was not used to his tone. He touched the goose bumps on his arm, curled his eyebrows and squinted at him: "What are you doing?"

"Come here." The smile on Fu Jinheng's face remained unchanged, and he repeated what he said just now.

"If something happens directly, it's late, I'm going to bed." Song Jinan is not a person who can compromise easily, especially when he is in such an abnormal state, plus, she really hasn't been in the team these days. How to rest well, you will be awakened when you sleep for three or four hours a day, and then there is a high-density and intense work process. Now there is a chance to sleep peacefully. Of course she is not willing to give up.

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