Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 6: : Senior Perfumer

Song Jinan was stunned. He raised his head slightly, looking at the stalwart figure standing in front of him, the faint fragrance also slowly drifted into the tip of her nose, inexplicably causing silky ripples in her heart. .biquge

In the past, no matter what the situation, she basically rushed to the forefront. No one has ever pulled her behind her. This feeling is very subtle and a little weird, but there is a feeling that she can’t tell. , Indescribable.

"It seems that there is someone." Fu Jinheng murmured while looking at the situation outside, then straightened up and looked back at her: "You take a step back."

"What are you doing?" Song Jin looked at him puzzled.

"I am going to open the door and have a look."

"Then you drive, why did you make me back?"

"If there is a murderer outside, wouldn't you be in danger?"

"I, a policeman, still need your protection?" Song Jinan frowned and rolled him an unhappy look. The throbbing in his heart was also wiped out by his words, which also inspired her strong self-esteem and ambition. He stretched his hand aside, opened the door grandiosely, poked his head and glanced outside, and patrolled left and right. When he found no one, he pursed his lips in confusion: "I heard it wrong, no one."

Hearing, Fu Jinheng also went out and took a look. The entire corridor to the elevator door was empty, without a half-person shadow, and the two elevators did not look like people who had just gone up. He narrowed his eyes. Back in the room, she found that she was still poking her head around. He stretched out his hand and pulled her back, closed the door, and locked it: "Don't look, no one."

"What's the matter with the footsteps just now? I heard it very clearly." Song Jinan looked at him with a serious face, with some doubts.

Fu Jinheng nodded and responded, "Well, I obviously heard it just now." After thinking for a while, watching her locked face, slowly approached her, and suddenly said loudly, "Maybe it's a ghost."

Originally, Song Jinan was thinking about this matter. When he was so frightened, his body trembled. When he met his treacherous, smiling eyes, the expression on Song Jinan's face couldn't help sinking. Go over it fiercely.

The smile on Fu Jinheng’s face even worsened when she received the knife-eye flying over her. He raised his hand to prop up the neck of his neck, and walked in leisurely steps: "It’s getting late, rest early, Song Police officer, good night and good dreams."

Seeing his back in the bedroom, Song Jin'an's mouth twitched slightly, and he murmured, "Naive."

Outside the short corridor, after they entered, a black figure slowly walked out from the corner of the elevator side, staring at the house number with a sinister arc on his face, turning around and pressing the elevator and left directly.


Early the next morning, Song Jinan woke up as early as usual, but in order not to wake up Fu Qihan, he was very cautious when he got up. After finishing his clothes, he opened the door to wash, but just now When he walked out, the door of the opposite room was also opened. Song Jinan was taken aback and paused. The next second, a well-dressed handsome shadow was reflected in his sharp eyes.

Seeing her, Fu Jinheng was also stunned, then lifted a familiar arc: "Morning, Officer Song, did you have a good rest last night?"

Song Jinan came back to his senses, and calmly retracted his gaze, and closed the door: "Very good, I don't recognize the bed."

Fu Jinheng laughed, and when she looked over, she hurriedly smiled, pretending to be worried: "I was worried that Officer Song would not sleep well last night!"

"What do you mean?" Song Jinan looked at him, always feeling that every word he and himself had had a different meaning, but he couldn't figure it out. This feeling was very bad.

"No, it's meaningless. Officer Song is going to wash up?" Fu Jinheng shook his head gently, and asked aloud when she saw her pure plain face just waking up.

"You go first." Song Jin'an didn't answer his question either, just threw out these three words coldly.

"I've washed it, Officer Song, let's go!" Fu Jinheng looked at her indifferent eyebrows, smiled, and dropped one hand into her trouser pocket. He heard the door bell coming from outside, and opened his long legs and walked over: "I'll open the door."

Seeing his stalwart figure, Song Jinan pursed his lips, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash.

When Fu Jinheng opened the door, it happened to be Tao Qixun, who came over and brought breakfast by the way. When he saw Fu Jinheng, he smiled and said hello: "Fu Jian, good morning."

"Well, early." Fu Jinheng responded with raised eyebrows, turning his body sideways to let him in.

After Tao Qixun put breakfast on the dining table, he looked at the whole room except for Fu Jinheng, there was no one else, and asked curiously: "Fu Jian, are Song Team and Miss Fu yet to get up?"

"Police Officer Song is washing, and Hanhan hasn't woken up yet." Fu Jinheng walked to the living room and took his briefcase: "I'm leaving now. Today, Hanhan will trouble you."

"Fu Jian is polite. It is my task to protect Ms. Fu, but... will you leave without breakfast? I bought your share too." Tao Qixun replied politely, seeing Fu Jinheng about to leave. Aloud to retain the road.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Jinan came out of the bathroom to wash himself, and Fu Jinheng heard the footsteps, looked back at her, and narrowed his eyes and said, "In this case, it's better to be respectful, thank you."

"Song team, morning, I brought breakfast here, let's eat together!"

Song Jinan didn't say anything. He walked over, pulled the chair away and sat down. Upon seeing this, Tao Qixun also sat down, while Fu Jinheng's steps stopped a little, bypassing the front chair, and walked to the one next to Song Jinan. In front of the chair, put the briefcase behind the chair and sat down, Yu Guang glanced at her lightly.

When the three of them were about to start eating, Tao Qixun suddenly raised his head and asked, "Don't we have to wait for Miss Fu to get up?"

Fu Jinheng glanced at the time on his wrist: "Let her sleep more! Just leave a piece of bread for her."

"it is good."

After the two of them finished speaking, they found that Song Jinan was holding the sandwich in his hand and didn't mean to move, but kept looking at the sandwich in his hand with eyebrows. Tao Qixun remembered it and quickly said, "Team Song, when I went to buy it. Apart from sandwiches and pineapple buns, there are only two croissants left in that shop. One was bought, and one..." As he said, Tao Qixun looked at Fu Jin diagonally across from him. Heng body.

Hearing the words, Fu Jinheng glanced at the bread in his hand, squinted his eyes, and looked at Song Jin'an with profound meaning: "Police Officer Song likes to eat croissants?"

Song Jinan raised his eyes and looked at him sideways. Before answering, Tao Qixun said: "Team Song has never liked sandwiches and pineapple buns. Hearing Ming Cheng said yes, when the team was performing a secret mission, They have been eating sandwiches and pineapple buns for more than two months, and they vomit. So now, except for me and Tian Yan, they don’t seem to like these two things very much."

"That's it!" Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, reached out to take the sandwich in her hand, and stuffed the croissant in her hand: "Then change it! I'll have the sandwich Fortunately, I don't like it or hate it, I can eat it."

Looking at the bread he had exchanged for, Song Jinan glanced at him without saying a word. After Fu Jinheng ate two bites of sandwiches, he realized that time was too late, so he hurriedly got up: "The time is too late, I will go first. You eat slowly, Hanhan will have worked hard for you." After speaking, he hurried out with the briefcase behind him.

After Fu Jinheng took the elevator to the bottom of the parking lot, he threw the sandwich in his hand into the trash can. After getting in the car, he took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage box and rinsed his mouth. There was still that in his mouth. The smell of sandwiches made him look at his brows, and after taking two more sips, he felt that the taste had diminished.

He has always maintained an attitude of not disliking or disliking sandwiches, but basically he hasn’t eaten this thing much. He is more particular about eating. It’s the first time in his life that he has eaten a quick breakfast of sandwiches today. , The two bites that he ate was already the limit of his endurance.

After Fu Jinheng left here, Song Jinan and Tao Qixun did not leave in a hurry after having breakfast. Instead, the two discussed the whole case and Fu Qihan should participate in the cracking of the case together.

Tao Qixun also knows that Fu Qihan's participation in this process is of great help to them in solving the case, but he just doesn't know if Fu Qihan will agree, after all, what happened that night has already caused a lot of shadow in her heart. .

It was nine o'clock when Fu Qihan woke up, and it was not strange to see the two of them. Song Jinan told her all about her thoughts while she was eating breakfast.

"I will assist you in investigating the case?" Fu Qihan raised his beautiful and smart big eyes in surprise, his face filled with weirdness.

"I know this may be mentally stressful for you, but in order to solve the case as soon as possible, we hope you can consider..."

"Don't think about it, I agree." Before Song Jinan had finished speaking, Fu Qihan interrupted her with interest, and asked with a somewhat expectant tone: "When will we start?"

"You can leave when you have breakfast."

"Okay." Fu Qihan responded with a smile, and quickly finished eating the bread in his hands. He choked on the way. Tao Qixun quickly handed the milk to her hand and reminded her to eat slowly.

During Fu Qihan's breakfast, Song Jinan also assigned the task: "Qixun, you still protect Hanhan's safety as usual. Remember, she is now following us out to handle the case, which is equivalent to exposing the murderer’s vision. So you have to be more careful, you must follow inseparably, and you can’t make any mistakes."

"Okay, I understand." Tao Qixun nodded, and solemnly responded.

After Fu Qihan had breakfast, she went back to the room and changed her clothes. She felt very casual and fresh. Her smooth chestnut curly hair was also braided by her, which looked playful and cute.

After the three of them got out and entered the elevator, Fu Qihan's expression was stunned. He seemed to smell a familiar smell, and then smelt it with some uncertainty. Song Jinan saw this and asked, "What's the matter? ?"

"Did you smell a special fragrance?"

"Scent?" Tao Qixun also followed her to smell it hard, but he still didn't smell it, so he shook his head: "No! There is no smell at all!"

"Yes, it's very thick." Fu Qihan raised his head abruptly and retorted loudly.

Seeing her pale face, Song Jinan knew something was happening. He grasped Fu Qihan's little hand and asked in a calming tone: "Han Han, do you smell something? What kind of fragrance?"


The elevator reached the first floor and opened slowly, but the three people inside did not rush out. Tao Qixun stretched out his hand to block the door and prevented the elevator from closing, looking at Fu Qihan nervously.

"It's... that night... the scent that the man smelled when he was chasing me was very strong, really." Fu Qihan's eyes felt obvious fear, his lips trembled slightly, and his heart felt a little uneasy.

"Really? Are you sure it's the smell?"

Fu Qihan nodded firmly: "Yes, I won't smell it wrong, I will never forget the smell."

"Before the incident, did you smell this scent when you entered this elevator?"

"No, if there is, I will definitely remember."

"Qi Xun, immediately adjust the monitoring of this building and the surrounding area. If there is no before, then the murderer must have been there yesterday." Song Jinan said, suddenly thinking of something: "No... focus on the monitoring of last night. ."

"Yes." After Tao Qixun heard this, he immediately got out of the elevator to find the property in this community.

Song Jinan took Fu Qihan's little hand, walked out of it, and patted her on the back lightly: "Don't be afraid, we are here!"

Fu Qihan nodded and thought about the scent seriously, but still can't think of what kind of flower the scent comes from. When she was studying abroad, she made many perfumes, and she had seen more than a hundred flowers. Come plant it, and if she has seen or smelled a flower with such a strong fragrance, she will never forget it.

When she was in college, her parents wanted her to study law, but she preferred perfume and chose chemistry without hesitation. She also met several famous perfumers abroad and wanted to accept her as a disciple because of her sense of smell. Sensitive, with an almost unforgettable ability in smell, she thinks she is a genius in fragrance making.

But her mother was not optimistic about her, she wanted to let her study the Fa, and even wanted to change her major. She just wanted to escape her mother's "devil's claws" before choosing to return to China and ask her brother for help, but she didn't expect Now involved in a serial murder case.

Soon, the property in the community brought Tao Qixun, Song Jinan, and Fu Qihan to the monitoring room. Fu Qihan sat beside Tao Qixun, a little nervous.

"Let me take a look at the surveillance after 10:30 yesterday." Song Jinan was holding the tabletop with both hands, his sharp eyes fixed on the screen above.

There was no abnormality in the monitoring of this building before 11:12. At 11:12, Fu Jinheng appeared on the elevator screen. After that, residents of this building would appear scattered in the elevator. , And found nothing.

At about 12:18, a dark shadow appeared in the surveillance camera, still wearing a black hat, and unable to see his face. Song Jinan immediately said, "Stop, stop."

Tao Qixun also leaned over to look: "Yes, it's him, the same clothes we wore when we chased him last time."

Fu Qihan glanced at the screen for a while, saw the dark shadow, and suddenly remembered his smile to him that night in his mind. His back was dripping with cold sweat, and he pulled Tao Qixun's clothes in a panic, and raised his eyes in fear. Eyes looked at him.

Tao Qixun looked back at her horrified expression, grabbed her wrist subconsciously, gave her a reassuring look, and said to Song Jin, "Team Song, I will send Miss Fu upstairs first! You call Mingcheng brother over. !"

Song Jinan tilted his head and saw Fu Qihan's uneasy feeling, so he nodded: "Then you take her up! You accompany her on it, and I will go up to you with Mingcheng after watching the surveillance."

"Okay." Tao Qixun nodded and pulled Fu Qihan: "Let's go! I'll take you back."

Fu Qihan got up and glanced at Song Jin'an. He didn't dare to look at the screen on the surveillance anymore. He lowered his eyes and let Tao Qixun drag her out of the surveillance room.

After returning home, Tao Qixun poured her a glass of warm water: "Drink some water."

"Tao Qixun." Fu Qihan took it, looked at the water in the cup, and asked with his lips trembling lightly: "You said... That person suddenly appeared in the surveillance of our building, does he already know that I live here? , Want to kill me?"

"Don't be afraid, isn't I still there?" Knowing that she was panicking, Tao Qixun sat next to her, trying to eliminate her worries.

For Fu Qihan who was so scared and nervous, he was more willing to see Fu Qihan with a sweet smile on his face.

Fu Qihan listened to the words and slowly raised his head to stare at him. Somehow, his words gradually calmed her heart's worries, and asked aggrievedly: "Will you always be by my side to protect me?"

"Yes." Tao Qixun didn't hear the other meaning of Fu Qihan's sentence, he thought it was a literal meaning, and nodded very firmly.

But in fact, when Fu Qihan asked this sentence, he didn’t mean anything else. It was only after he had finished speaking that he realized that he was asking something wrong. Before he could react, he heard Tao Qixun’s answer so affirmatively, and he was shocked. Then he lifted up a sweet arc, lowered his eyes, took a small sip from the water glass, and the tension and anxiety in his heart gradually calmed down.

It seemed that as long as Tao Qixun stayed by her side, she wouldn't be so scared.

After Song Jinan on the other side called Zhang Mingcheng, the two began to check all the surveillance in the entire community, and found that all the front and back doors of the community did not have the entry and exit records of the man in black, so they appeared in Fu Jinheng’s residence out of thin air. That building.

He only took ten minutes from entering the elevator in the building to leaving midway, and he was never seen again. Song Jinan also inferred that it happened to be the time when she heard footsteps hovering outside the house yesterday. segment.

That's why the man already knew Fu Qihan's address and felt compassionate towards her.

"Mingcheng, we are going to act separately now. I'll go through all the monitoring here, and then copy the monitoring. You call Cao Wei and Tian Yan over to investigate all the residents in this community, as well as detailed lists and information. Remember, I'm talking about each household, including several people in a household, who are there, and what are the relationships, and the occupational age marriage must be investigated clearly."

"Yes." Zhang Mingcheng knew that this was an important clue, so he nodded and called Cao Wei when he left the monitoring room, asking him and Tian Yan to come over, and then under the leadership of the property, he started investigating one by one.

Song Jinan was not idle in the monitoring room. Not only did he copy the important monitoring from yesterday, he also called out all the monitorings of every building in the entire community. From the time of the first case to the current one. Can't fall.

At about two o’clock in the afternoon, several people made a clear investigation of all the residents in the entire community. They met at Fu Jinheng’s house. When several people entered, Tao Qixun opened the door. Seeing that Zhang Mingcheng was about to speak loudly, Tao Qixun quickly did something. 'Shhh' action: "Miss Fu just fell asleep, don't wake her up too loudly."

"How is Hanhan's mood?" Song Jinan frowned and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, but I just had a nightmare when I was sleeping, my pillow was soaked with sweat, I just ate something and fell asleep again." Tao Qixun thought about the situation just now, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed for this little girl.

"Then we should be quieter when we speak, and we should sort out and screen together."

"Did you find any clues for Team Song?" Tao Qixun followed them to the living room and sat down, looking at the notes and some photos in their hands, and asked curiously.

"Team Song suspects that the murderer lives in this community." Zhang Mingcheng answered.

Tao Qixun looked at them in surprise: "Really? Live in this community?"

"We went through visits and investigations, because some people were at work, Tian Yan and I also checked the information at the property. Several people echoed our previous profiles of the suspects, and we also printed their photos along the way." Wei said, winking at Tian Yan on the side.

After Tian Yan understood, he took out the first photo from his hand: "This man is called Tong Sheng, a psychiatrist. According to the property, this man has a weird personality and a perverted behavior. He is 1.82 meters tall and is going with us. The height of the suspect was the same when the police chased the suspect. He lived at 1402 on the 14th floor of Building 2, Building C. This is Wei Sen. He is a designer. I heard that the character is quite gentle, but the appearance of the suspect is also the same as the suspect we saw. Something similar..." Tian Yan put the photos on the table one by one, talking while looking at the notes in her notebook.

When he reached the penultimate one in his hand, Tian Yan pointed to the photo: "It is him that Cao Wei and I suspect most. His name is Jin Yishuo. He is a senior perfumer with a dull personality and a height of 1.5 meters. He just returned from the Netherlands and moved into this community two months ago. When we visited, he was about to go out. We also asked some questions. He answered fluently. Cao Wei said that he seemed to be mentally prepared. Every answer went through in our hearts, and we couldn't find any flaws. Just now, Cao Wei also called the team and asked him to investigate his details."

"You just said... he is a senior perfumer?" Song Jinan focused on his profession and asked suspiciously.

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