Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 081: What's your answer?

Fang Xin looked at him with a gloomy look on his face, the anger in his heart disappeared instantly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he took the initiative to hold his hand. .biquge

Any girl, whether savage or careless, will become a little girl in the face of love. No matter how high her combat value is, she will hope that she can be guarded and cared by the man she likes. .

For example, at this time, Zhai Jiaye's unconscious maintenance made Fang Xin, a carefree girl, feel the unique sense of security that she had done before. That sense of security was not given to her by herself, but given to her by others.

Feeling a slippery little hand in the palm of her hand, Zhai Jiaye retracted her gaze and looked down. The gloom on her face disappeared completely. She lifted her eyelids and scanned the center of her eyes, her gaze gradually softened, and she held her back. Her hand tightened slightly.

The sturdy man glanced at Zhai Jiaye, then at Fang Xin, carrying the basket in his hand, and went to pay the bill.

After Zhai Jiaye and Fang Xin finished buying the bill, they drove back to the apartment where Zhai Jiaye lived. When Zhai Jiaye put on the apron, Fang Xin stepped forward to help him tie the rope, and asked, "I will Do you want to buy a set of kitchen utensils in the next two days? I feel a little bit sad after always eating and drinking at your house..."

Halfway through, Fang Xin found that Zhai Jiaye was staring at him with burning eyes, and the rest of the words came to an abrupt end. He asked inexplicably: "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this? There is something on my face. Something?"

"You don't need to buy it. You will move in sooner or later. Buying is a waste." Zhai Jiaye pressed her lips lightly and looked at her very seriously and seriously to explain. After speaking, Xu was a little bit embarrassed and turned her head quickly. Don't go to see her: "If you want to eat in the future, you just need to come anytime. The code for the door is 85730."

Fang Xin didn't mean anything when he heard what he said, and raised his eyebrows. He seemed to have made it clear that he would marry her.

However, she was very happy to hear this.

"Do you want me to help? Even though I can't do it, I still know how to wash vegetables." Fang Xin smiled and looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

Zhai Jiaye looked at the smile on her face and nodded: "Yeah."

The two of them worked together in the kitchen in an orderly manner. Usually Zhai Jiaye asked Fang Xin to wash whatever Fang Xin would wash. After the wash, he told him, and then waited for something to be washed.

After all the side dishes were washed, there was nothing for Fang Xin. Zhai Jiaye didn't let her leave the kitchen. Fang Xin lay on the bar and watched him chopping and cooking. Suddenly he felt that Zhai Jiaye was not as handsome as Lu Yiyang. It's infuriated by people and gods, but it's also a handsome guy, and it's very interesting. She is also called a school grass in the school. The most important thing is that the cooking is good and the temper is good. I always feel that I have picked up something like a big bargain. Suddenly he smirked twice.

Hearing the laughter coming from her, Zhai Jiaye, who was cooking, turned her head and glanced, and doubts were drawn across her handsome outline: "What is the laugh?"

Fang Xin shook his head and immediately suppressed his smile: "It's okay, if there is no place where I can help, then I will go to watch TV."


Fang Xin took a small step and sat down on the sofa in the living room. He picked up the remote control and turned on the TV to watch. Zhai Jiaye was looking at her in the kitchen, and a different feeling came up in her heart. Normally, there is only oneself in this house, whether it is watching TV. Still cooking, he was the only one, and now there was one more person. This feeling became particularly strange, and it seemed that he no longer wanted to return to the time when he was alone.

Soon, Zhai Jiaye made the sauerkraut fish, fried another seasonal vegetable, placed the bowls and chopsticks, and called Fang Xin over for dinner.

Fang Xin walked over, smelling the food, looking at the fish, swallowing continuously, and vowed: "I think I can't leave this table if I haven't eaten enough three bowls of rice for this meal today."

After hearing the words, Zhai Jiaye chuckled lightly, and pulled the chair away to sit down: "Be careful when you eat. There will be thorns."

"Okay." Fang Xin picked up the chopsticks and smiled: "Then I will start."


After lunch, Fang Xin helped Zhai Jiaye wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen. After a short sitting in the living room, he went out and drove to Fang Xin’s parents’ house. When it was almost there, Zhai Jiaye became nervous inexplicably and looked at him. When he looked nervous, Fang Xin couldn't help but laughed: "What are you nervous about? My parents can't eat you. If they know that I took my boyfriend back, they will definitely burn a high incense and thank God."

"Not nervous."

"It's still hard. With the air conditioner in the car, you sweat so much." Fang Xin gave him a scornful look, and pulled out a tissue to help him wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Zhai Jiaye pressed her lips, glanced at her, and her nervous heart gradually calmed down.

After another five minutes or so, the car finally arrived at Fang Xin's parents' house. Fang Xin got out of the car and walked to the door. She found that Zhai Jiaye hadn't gotten down, so she went to knock on the car window and hooked his hand to let him down.

Zhai Jiaye took a deep breath in the car, pushed the door down, and walked into the courtyard of the villa with Fang Xin in the trunk with the gifts prepared in advance.

It was not Fang Xin's parents who went out to greet Fang Xin's parents, but the nanny of the villa. When Fang Xin was back, he smiled and said hello: "Miss, you are back." His eyes fell on Zhai Jiaye again: "This is...? "

"My boyfriend." Fang Xin introduced with a smile: "This is my aunt, Aunt Xiang who takes care of my mother's diet."

Zhai Jiaye nodded at her slightly, and nodded quickly when she saw her aunt. Her eyes were filled with relief. After working here for so many years, it was not easy to finally see her lady bring her boyfriend back.

"Aunt Xiang, where are my parents?"

"The old man and wife went shopping in the morning."

"Go shopping?" Fang Xin looked at Aunt Xiang in surprise: "What about potatoes and potatoes?"

"It's in the house!" Aunt Xiang looked at Fang Xin's surprised expression, then looked at Zhai Jiaye: "Why don't I call my wife and Mr. and ask them to come back now!"

"No, no, let them go shopping!" Fang Xin waved his hand, took Zhai Jiaye into the house, handed the things in his hand to Aunt Xiang, and motioned to the side of the sofa: "Go there and sit there first. Yes, I will look for potatoes and yams."

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye nodded and walked to the living room alone to sit down.

After a while, Aunt Xiang brought a glass of ice juice to him, Zhai Jiaye took it with both hands, nodded and said, "Thank you."

After a while, Fang Xin came in from the backyard with two dogs. Zhai Jiaye turned to look at her, her pupils dilated slightly, and the expression on her face was a little horrified. She quickly put down the cup in her hand and moved it aside: "This ...These are the two dogs you are talking about?"

Fang Xin looked down at the white Samoyed and Golden Retriever, and nodded: "Yes! What's wrong?"

Zhai Jiaye raised her hand to cover her lips, don't start saying: "No...nothing."

Samoyed and Golden Retriever are also very spiritual and intelligent. They would walk over to smell the smell when they saw strangers. When they approached Zhai Jiaye, Zhai Jiaye leaned back subconsciously, and his brows became deeper and deeper.

Seeing that something was wrong with Zhai Jiaye, Fang Xin squinted, "Potatoes, potatoes, come here."

When the two dogs heard it, they walked over very obediently, Fang Xin bent over and touched them, and smiled: "Go and play first! I'll call you when Mommy leaves!"

After the two dogs walked away, Fang Xin walked to Zhai Jiaye and sat down, staring at him profoundly, "Tell me honestly, are you a little afraid of dogs?"

"No." Zhai Jiaye didn't look away and retorted without thinking.

"Really not?" Fang Xin leaned closer, seeing that he was afraid to look at him directly, so he simply reached out and broke his head to make him look at him: "To be honest, why are you afraid of dogs?"

"Ah, you let go first." Zhai Jiaye looked at her so affectionate behavior, a little unnatural, let alone her home!

"You speak first, and then I decide not to let it go."

Aunt Xiang in the kitchen saw this scene, showing a smile of her aunt, and quickly took out her mobile phone to take pictures and sent it to his wife via WeChat, congratulated her by the way, and liked to mention a handsome son-in-law.

Zhai Jiaye's gaze swept around in circles, her lips tightened, and her voice unnaturally lowered: "I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, and I was a little afraid of a big dog."

"Puff ha ha ha ha!" Fang Xin laughed ruthlessly after hearing this. Seeing Zhai Jiaye's dazed and embarrassed expression, she laughed even harder and couldn't hold back: "Haha! Although...I know It's impolite to laugh like this, but... I'm sorry, I really can't hold it back, haha, let me laugh, and laugh me to death."


Zhai Jiaye was dumb, the expression on her face became more and more embarrassed, reached out her hand to pinch her cheek, and approached her: "Don't laugh." After that, she kissed her red lips softly.

Fang Xin was taken aback, and immediately stopped smiling, raised her eyebrows happily, and said to him seriously: "You Fang Xin, potatoes and yams are very gentle and don't bite, and they are very clingy."

Hearing that Zhai Jiaye didn't answer the conversation, she was still a little bit conflicted in her heart.

Upon seeing this, Fang Xin raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, raised his voice and called the two dogs. As soon as the dogs came, Zhai Jiaye consciously moved aside, but Fang Xin suddenly grabbed him and prevented him from fleeing. , He also sternly warned and asked: "You are associating with me now. These two dogs are raised by me. Would you tell me to give up one of you?"

Zhai Jiaye raised her eyes and looked at her silently.

Fang Xin put his arm around his arm: "How long have we been together? It only takes a few hours, so let's try! Really, although potatoes and yams are big, they are really docile."

The two dogs stood there looking at Zhai Jiaye eagerly, and tried to get close to Zhai Jiaye.

After Zhai Jiaye struggled in his heart, he stretched out his hand to touch the Samoyed, and Samoyed also seemed to enjoy it, and she looked forward to rubbing in front of him.

Zhai Jiaye was stunned. This kind of fear of crossing his heart is actually not that difficult. It just lacks a reason for you to overcome, and his current reason is Fang Xin.

Moreover, these two dogs do look very well-behaved and docile. After repeated contact, Zhai Jiaye slowly took off his defenses, but still seemed a little cautious in getting along with them. Fang Xin knew that it was not easy for him to do this step. I was also very happy and relieved in my heart.

After sitting for a while in the villa again, Fang Xin saw that the time was almost up, so he told Zhai Jiaye to leave, and Zhai Jiaye asked in return, "Don't you need to wait for your parents to come back?"

"I don't know when they will come back! No need to wait, come again next time! Let's go!" After speaking, after taking the leash in Aunt Xiang's hand and putting on the two dogs, he said to Aunt Xiang: "Xiang Auntie, let’s go first, and we will bring potatoes and yams to get vaccinated later. If my parents come back later, you can just tell them."

"Okay, please go slowly, Miss." Xiang Auntie nodded, thinking that Mrs. WeChat did not reply, so she had to watch them drive away.

The two got into the car and after starting the car, Zhai Jiaye looked at the two dogs sitting in the back row from the rearview mirror, and suddenly asked curiously: "Why are they called potatoes and potatoes? Are these two names not the same product?"

"I know! It's okay if the characters are different anyway, the others don't matter." Fang Xin smiled, stretched out his hand to tease them, and looked up at Zhai Jiaye: "Zhai Jiaye, let me ask you a question!"

"Well, you ask."

"do you like me?"

Zhai Jiaye paused for a moment, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't answer Fang Xin's question immediately.

In fact, Fang Xin wanted to ask this question since she went to the mall to buy things to her house, but she was a little nervous and uncertain, which made her feel melancholy, which made her very uncomfortable. So, I want to ask questions on a more harmonious topic just now, and I won't appear too serious and intentional.

"Why don't you speak? Seeing him not speaking, Fang felt a little bit disappointed in his heart.

I always feel that they are getting together too fast, and there are many uncertainties in it. In the final analysis, it is because of that unexpected night. If it weren't for that night, they would not be together now.

"No... I'm just a little surprised that you will suddenly ask like that."

"What about everything?" Fang Xin squinted at him, "What about your answer?"


"What is it?"


After getting a satisfactory answer, Fang Xin’s expression on Fang Xin’s face gradually became more cheerful, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth slowly rose: "Then from today, you, your heart are mine, you can only think I'm alone, have you heard me."


They got along very happily here. On the other side, just after they walked for seven or eight minutes, Fang's mother and her husband rushed home. They looked around and grabbed Aunt Xiang and asked, "Where is the heart-hearted person? Her boyfriend. What about people?"

"Madam, gentlemen, you are back..."

"Come on, where are they? Are they upstairs?"

"The young lady and his boyfriend have already left with potatoes and yams. It didn't take long, but only a few minutes."

"Gone?" Mother Fang sighed very disappointed when she heard it: "Why don't you keep them for dinner?"

"The lady said that she would bring potatoes and yams to get vaccinated, so..."

"Doesn't this vaccine have to be given today? Can't it be given tomorrow?" Mother Fang had the words'Unfortunate' written all over her face. She took out her phone and looked at the two photos she had sent to her aunt. After zooming in, he turned his head and glared at Father Fang: "It's all to blame, you have to take me out to go shopping today, look! The prospective son-in-law is gone."

Father Fang: "..."

Already guessed the result, knowing that he should be blamed for the matter, he was carrying this pot.

"What do you think of that man?" Fang's mother asked the aunt again after she finished talking about Fang's father.

"I think it's pretty good, polite and modest. Madam, you can ask the lady about his specific situation. I am not easy to ask this afternoon."

Mother Fang thought, nodded, and immediately retrieved Fang Xin's number from her address book with her mobile phone: "Then I will call her now and ask about the situation. If possible, wait for them to bring potatoes later. After the injection with the potato, I’ll be fine when I come back for dinner at night."

After speaking, the phone dialed directly. Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye on the other end of the phone had just arrived at the pet hospital. When they heard the phone ringing, they handed the leash to Zhai Jiaye. As soon as Zhai Jiaye got the leash The whole body became stiff, and he looked at the two dogs, then silently moved away from them, not looking at them.

"Hey, mom..." Fang Xin answered the phone and shouted.

"Where are you?"

"I just arrived at the pet hospital, what's wrong?"

"I heard Sister Xiang said, you brought your boyfriend back, when did you talk about the boyfriend? It won't be a fake, bring it back to lie to us!" Mother Fang deliberately said casually in a tentative tone.

Fang Xin knew everything about Fang's routines and rolled his eyes: "Mom, your tactics won't work for me, and I'm not my dad. If you don't believe it, just forget it."

"Then I asked you to go on a blind date two days ago, why did you go back?"

"This matter is a bit complicated. Anyway, the relationship between me and him was confirmed today."

"Today's confirmed concern you brought people back?"

"I asked him to take me back to pick up the dog! Can't it?"

"Okay, then you somehow let me meet your dad before leaving!"

"I want to vaccinate the dog! I have made an appointment with the doctor."

"Then you bring him back for dinner after you get the vaccine, I want to see."

"Next time."

"When will next time."


"Fang Xin, if you don't bring people back today, I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you."

"Am I talking about you? You sever the mother-daughter relationship with me at every turn. If I don't go on a blind date, you also sever ties with me, and now you sever ties with me? Tell me, how many times have you been severed when you grow up? "

"Then do you return or not?"

"I'm not alone in this matter! I have to ask him, we have already returned to it once, besides, don't scare others, I'm only with him, you are like this, what will I do with him in the future? What? Mom, do you want others to think that you are rushing to marry your daughter? Do you still want your daughter to marry?"

"miss you."

"Just wait if you want."


"Finally, I'm hanging up. I'm going to vaccinate potatoes and potatoes." Fang Xin hung up the phone without mercy.

And Fang's mother was holding the phone in a trap, and Fang's father, who was sitting in the living room watching, couldn't help but shook her head. It seemed that his wife had been brainwashed by her daughter again.

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