Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 076: Listen to my sister, live for decades

The summer breeze at night is comfortable and pleasant, and the silver-white crescent shines brightly through the clouds and dust. .biqugev

"Thank you." Seeing the boss brought up a bowl of refreshing cold noodles, Fang Xin smiled warmly at her, took a pair of chopsticks and ate happily.

"Bang the file..."

There was a crisp sound of smashing a wine bottle from behind, followed by a noisy arguing and verbal abuse. Fang Xin looked back subconsciously and found that it was a group of young boys fighting and ignored it. He retracted his gaze and continued to eat.

Only halfway through her noodles, the broken glass of a wine bottle suddenly hit her feet. Fang Xin looked down and didn't care, but in the next instant, a plastic chair traveled perfectly in the air. The arc hit her back abruptly, Fang Xin gasped in pain, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

The expression on his face reached the point where he couldn't bear it. He turned his head and stared angrily at the few people who were pushing and pushing me, and there were bosses and passers-by who were arguing beside them.

She couldn’t stand her temper, she turned around and shouted: "You guys are all men when you talk about it. You can hit me if you want to. What good is it for me to push me like a girl? It hurts the innocent. I don’t want to fight, so I hurried back to each house, looking for each mother. What are you going to do here? I didn’t dare to do it one by one, did the boss call the police? My waist was almost called by their stool. Break it off."

"You have already reported to the police, are you okay!" Upon hearing this, the lady boss walked over and asked with concern.

Fang Xin waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not broken yet."

As soon as she finished saying this, a boy in a black t-shirt came over and pulled him like two to eighty thousand, "How old are you? Aunt, what's up with you? Less is here, more? Nosy, don't talk about calling your waist with a stool. If you dare to compare, the next stool might call your head."

Seeing that the boy was almost poking his face with his finger, Fang Xin looked at his brow, grabbed his finger and slammed it back. The pain caused the boy to yell, and instantly squatted down and shouted, "It hurts." Fang Xin stood up and bent down: "Who is calling the aunt? When the old lady was fighting at school, you were still wearing open crotch pants and sucking the baby bottle? Are you so terrible? Call my head, do you believe me now? Just break your finger off."

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts." Fang Xin's force, the boy screamed again in pain, but he refused to admit defeat: "You let me go, do you know who my dad is?"

"I don't know. I feel embarrassed for your dad if I know it. I gave birth to such a useless thing. Even my'aunt' is too big. I still say five and six packs of 13 here." Fang Xin looked very leisurely. , Did not put the boy's danger in his eyes.

"What are you guys doing standing there? I can't help." The boy squatted on the ground, the index finger of his right hand was held tightly by Fang Xin's wrist and smashed back. He didn't dare to move at all, for fear of an accident. It was broken.

The three boys who were with him immediately walked over when they saw this. One of the boys in a white T-shirt also pointed at her and said, "Hurry up and let him go."

Fang Xin stared at his brows, stared at the fingers he stretched, tilted his head and asked with a smile: "You...are you sure you want to point at me like this? I'll give you a chance."

Hearing this, the boy immediately withdrew his hand, and Fang Xin nodded in satisfaction: "You should still be students? Students should be like students, study hard and make progress every day. What's not good about learning? , Learn to fight, and so are you guys." As she said, she looked at the boys in the other group, and persuaded her with all her heart.

"What does it have to do with you, do it! Are so many of us still afraid of her being an old woman?" The boy who was grabbed by Fang Xin's fingers wanted to embrace revenge, and interrupted Fang Xin's brainwashing of the boys.

Hearing this, the boys came back to their senses, and directly punched Fang Xin. Fang Xin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He threw off the black boy's fingers and easily escaped their attacks. By the way, He grabbed another boy's clothes and put a foot on his ass.

There was a lot of enthusiasm here, Fang Xin beat four, completely gaining the upper hand, and another wave of people watched by the side: "Then those of us, do you want to help?"

"Help? Are you sure you were beaten in the past?"

"I won't go, the girl must be a practicing girl, let's slip away!"

"I also think that I slipped, slipped, and I can't provoke this big guy."

After a few back and forth, Fang Xin sat leisurely on a stool, and looked at the people lying on the floor lightly: "Are you coming? My old lady has a lot of time, and I am happy to accompany you to play with you, by the way. Educate you for your parents and them."

"No...not coming." A few of them sat on the ground embarrassedly. Although there were no obvious scars on their bodies, the poor thing was that each of them always had one of their fingers tilted upwards, and they still couldn't get it back. That kind, one after another shook their heads towards Fang Xin: "Sister, we were wrong, we were really wrong, let us go! We won't fight again next time, we also accidentally hit you just now."

"Hey, if you know you are wrong, you can be a good boy. I won't care about you anymore. Let's just withdraw!" Fang Xin didn't intend to embarrass them at first. It was the most unbearable that a stool flashed to her waist: "You should pay for the broken things, and let the boss and you count it together."

After the matter was over, Fang Xin turned around and took a pair of chopsticks again to finish eating the remaining cold noodles, but didn't want the black boy who was lying on the ground looking at her back, feeling very unconvinced. , Actually picked up the nearest beer bottle, got up and rushed towards Fang Xin.

When everyone did not react, seeing that the wine bottle was about to hit Fang Xin's head, a pair of powerful arms turned out, and they tightly grasped the boy's wrists.

Hearing the sound, Fang Xin turned his head and looked at the wine bottle in the boy's hand. He immediately understood what was going on. He shifted his eyes slightly and fell on the side of Jun Ying, who was wearing a white t-shirt, widening. Eyes: "Why are you... here?"

"Passing by, it just happened... I saw a scene of your fight." Zhai Jiaye replied faintly, the sentence behind it was very clear.

Fang Xin was dumb, curled his mouth, looked at the unwilling boy, and chuckled: "Why? Not convinced? You want to hit me with a wine bottle? Yes! Young man, young and not learning No way, just thinking about how to eat prison food, ambitious!"

Hearing this, Zhai Jiaye glanced at her without a trace, and silently let go of the boy's hand holding the wine bottle. Why did she sound so awkward to say this!

Obviously it is a very irritating thing. How can she still feel a little excited when she says that?

The boy turned his head unwillingly, after listening to her words, he clenched his fists, as if he had some feelings for her words.

"Brother, it's not my sister. I said you. You just smashed this wine bottle down. It's not a joke. It's very possible that you will be the next one to lie down on the ground." Fang Xin sighed and reached out to put her hand on the floor. On the boy's shoulder, he talked to him with a serious topic.

After listening to everyone, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly. After listening to her whole class, she originally thought she was going to pour him some spiritual chicken soup?

"Hey, listen to Sister's words, live for a few more decades!" Fang Xin smiled and touched the boy's head, trying to take the wine bottle in his hand, but the boy just refused to give it. Fang Xin was not a man. The good-tempered person saw him stubbornly, and the hand touching his head turned to pat his head heavily, threatening loudly, "Give it or not?"

The boy glared at her angrily, wrinkled unwillingly, raised his hand to touch the painful brain that was photographed by her, and silently gave her the wine bottle in his hand.

"Look, wouldn't it be over if you give it early? You have to be beaten, bear boy."

Zhai Jiaye watching from the side: "..."

This woman is really not half of a terrible creature, if you can stay away, you should stay away as much as possible!

Fang Xin put the wine bottle on the ground, and a pleasant siren sounded. Looking at the police car coming in the distance, Fang Xin curled his lips and sighed: "It's over, it seems that I can't finish the noodles."

"It's okay for me, let's go first." Seeing this, Zhai Jiaye decided to withdraw with the mentality that more is worse than less.

"Hey! Come back." Seeing Zhai Jiaye was about to leave, Fang Xin pulled his clothes over.

Zhai Jiaye frowned, then turned to look at her: "What are you doing?"

"Are you going to leave now?"

"if not?"

"No, I guess the police will ask me to do the transcript later, and you have to accompany me."


"Why?" Fang Xin thought for a while: "You did it just now."

"I did it? When did I do it?" Zhai Jiaye stared at her incredibly, then turned around and reasoned with her: "If it wasn't for me, your head would bloom, and now you still bite me back?"

"How can this be called a bite? I am here to thank you! Big deal, I will make a transcript later and I will come out and I will treat you to a supper! How?"

"Not very good, I don't need your midnight snack."

"No, you are missing."

"I said, I..."

"I said you need it." Fang Xin squinted her eyes, raised her hand to make a fist, and looked at him without a smile, with threats in her eyes.


Under Fang Xin's compulsion, Zhai Jiaye stayed, and after being checked by the police, she went to the police station along with the police.

It was 11:30 after finishing the transcripts one by one, and the boys were also taken away by their parents on bail, except for the more stubborn black boy without a parent.

Before Fang Xin left, he deliberately pulled a policeman in charge of their affairs to ask about the situation. The policeman also sighed helplessly: "This child is also stubborn enough. He refuses to say the number of his family. He didn’t say anything about his parents. We just called the teacher at their school, but the teacher said that he had been dropped out of school a long time ago and was not under the control of their school."

"Then how are you going to solve it now?"

"This child is also 18 years old this year. After all, he is an adult, but now there is no obligation to give him bail, and we cannot release him. According to the procedure, he will be detained for five days."

Fang Xin raised his eyebrows: "In this case, I will pay for his bail."



Zhai Jiaye was watching, and his brows were twisted together again, but without saying anything, Fang Xin followed the police to go through the procedures. After two steps out, he didn't forget to turn around and ask him: "Zhai Jiaye, you are not allowed to go, wait for me ."

Zhai Jiaye was dumb, looking at her back, standing quietly waiting for her.

After Fang Xin paid the bail fee, and after completing a series of procedures, Fang Xin was led by the police to the detention room and saw the boy squatting on the ground, with a young, frivolous, stubborn and dissatisfied expression on his face.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, the boy raised his head and took a look, then closed it back.

Fang Xin and the policeman smiled and nodded, then leaned against the door with their hands on their chests, tilted their heads and looked at him: "Let's go! Are you really planning to live here for nothing?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

"It was okay just now, but now it does."

"what relationship?"

"The relationship between debt and debt."

"When did I owe you money?"

"Just now." Fang Xin smiled: "I paid you the bail fee, you have to pay me back!"

"Whoever asked you to pay, take care of your business."

"I don't know what is good or bad, so are you beating or not going now?"

"Go, why don't you go?" The boy stood up from the ground, patted the ashes on his body, raised his head rebelliously, and walked out of it.

"Tsk!" Fang Xin watched him walk past him, smiled and shook his head, followed, and when he arrived outside the police station, his gaze began to patrol Zhai Jiaye's gaze, and finally saw him at the glass door of the police station. Trot over: "Let's go! It's over."

Zhai Jiaye tilted his head and glanced at the boy, indifferently withdrew his gaze, and raised his leg to walk outside.

After leaving the gate of the police station, Fang Xin asked aloud: "Have you thought about what to eat?"

"Hey, hey, stop." As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xin saw the boy walking straight ahead, and didn't want to say hello to her, so he called out, "Where are you going?"

"Come back home."

"Are you sure you are going home or not going to other places?"

"Really go home."

"Let's do it! Give me your phone number and WeChat."

"What are you doing?"

"What can you do? A debt!"

The boy glared at her impatiently, took the phone out of his trouser pocket, and clicked on WeChat to let her add it. Fang Xin raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the name? I'll note it."

"Ye Han."

"Very good." Fang Xin smiled and nodded, and directly typed a long string of ‘Ye Han who owed me money and fought with me’ on the remarks.

Ye Han glanced at her speechlessly, then put away the phone and continued to move forward.

"I'm telling you! You owe me money, don't stop answering my phone, or block me, otherwise if I find you, I will definitely not let you have good fruit."


"Why did you help him?" Zhai Jiaye tilted her head and asked after seeing Ye Han disappearing from her field of vision.

"Why?" Fang Xin raised his eyebrows, stroked his chin and thought for a while, then grinned: "Well! Maybe it's because of my kindness and integrity and sympathy, hey, are you satisfied if I say that? "

Zhai Jiaye looked at her speechlessly: "There is a night market selling crayfish in front of me."

"Want to eat crayfish?"

"Didn't you ask me to have supper?"

"Let's go! Let's go! I haven't eaten crayfish for a long time." Fang Xin nodded, looking like he had recognized, and went to the night market ahead with him.

There are quite a lot of people in the night market. Every table is full of people. When they see them coming, the shop enthusiastically asks a few people. After learning about the two, they move a small square table out for them to sit on. under.

Their restaurant mainly focuses on seafood. Fang Xin ordered two catties of crayfish and some clams. He wanted to order two crabs, but Zhai Jiaye stopped him.

"Would you like two bottles of beer, it's super comfortable to drink cold beer in this weather."

Seeing her cheerful look, Zhai Jiaye shook her head: "No, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"I also have work tomorrow. It doesn't matter if I drink two bottles! Anyway, I don't need to drive anyway, just take a taxi back." After saying that, Fang Xin beckoned to the boss and said two bottles of beer.

Zhai Jiaye pursed her lips and didn't say much.

Soon after the crayfish and clams were on the table, Fang Xin tasted the taste, then raised his glass and smiled: "In order to thank you for saving me tonight and not letting my head bloom, I respect you."

Hearing this, Zhai Jiaye also raised his glass to touch her gently, and took a leisurely sip: "Should I thank you for taking me to the police station for a day trip today?"

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Fang Xin put down the cup with a smile, put on gloves and started peeling the shrimp. After pulling out the shrimp head, Fang Xin began to fight the lobster shell.

However, Zhai Jiaye was able to peel off the shrimp with ease. After gently pulling the shrimp tail, the shrimp meat came out. He had eaten three or four, and Fang Xin only ate one in his mouth. In the end he couldn't stand it anymore and put her in his hand. The prawns that had not been peeled were snatched over, and the peeled ones were stuffed into her hands: "Eating a prawn is so hard."

Fang Xin was stunned, looking at the shrimp meat in her hand, raised her eyebrows, and ate happily, taking off the glove on her right hand by the way, and eating shrimp while drinking.

"Zhai Jiaye, you didn't drink much of that bottle of wine!"

"Do you think I'm free?"

Fang Xin watched him busy peeling shrimps for herself, raised his eyebrows with a smile, reached out and took his wine glass to his mouth: "Come on, I'll feed you."

"Let go, I'll come by myself later."

"Take a sip!"

"lay down."

"Drink." Fang Xin stared at him with squinting eyes. The tone that was a bit coquettish in his original tone suddenly became blunt, especially the end of the warning did not give him the slightest chance to refuse.

Zhai Jiaye was speechless and had to take a sip, but Fang Xin asked him to dry a glass of wine directly, and did not intend to take it away after he finished the sip.

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