Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Yin Shifan 070: Promise to be my girlfriend!

Ying Xiaoyang was lying on the bed, with a coat on his body, hands on his forehead to block his eyes, hearing the sound, tilted his head to look over, moved his hands, propped up from the bed, his face raised. Wiping a smirk: "What's the matter? Miss me?"

Yin Shi heard the words, the expression on his face instantly cooled down, and gave him an angry look: "Are you having a fever?"

"No, it's just a little dizzy..." Ying Xiaoyang smiled, and the evil peachy eyes stared at her tightly, before covering her lips and coughing slightly.

Seeing something wrong on his face, Yin Shi scowled at his brows, subconsciously reached out and stroked his forehead, then opened his eyes in surprise: "Ying Xiaoyang, it's so hot, you still say no."

Feeling the softness and coolness in her hands, Ying Xiaoyang squinted his eyes, raised his hand and touched his forehead with a smile, and asked, "Is it hot? Why don't I feel it?"

"I'm going to get a thermometer." With a cold face, he left the room calmly, leaving these words indifferently.

As soon as Yin Shi walked out, Grandma Tan came over worriedly and asked, "Miss Yin, how is Xiaoying? Is it serious? There is a clinic in our village. If it doesn't work, just wait for him to see it!"

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll take him temperature first, don't worry about this, you can take Niuniu for dinner first! Don't wait for us." Yin Shi took out a pure white from the suitcase in the room The electronic thermometer, while returning to Grandma Tan's words, walked to Ying Xiaoyang's room.

When Grandma Tan heard her say this, she nodded her head. She knew in her heart that the child Xiaoying was from a wealthy family, and Xiaoying would probably not listen to her words. Seeing that the relationship between Xiaoying and Miss Yin is also very good, Miss Yin. The words of her are better than those of her old lady.

Looking at Yin Shi's return, Ying Xiaoyang looked at the thermometer in her hand and squinted, "Where did you come from?"

"Bring your own."

"You still bring this?"

"Don't move." Seeing that Ying Xiaoyang poked his head to think about the electronic thermometer in his hand, Yin Shi angrily pulled him to sit down, pointed him at his ear and pressed it, and then looked at the temperature displayed on it. The eyes were stained with surprise again: "Thirty-nine degrees one, you still look indifferent when you burn it so high, aren't you afraid of burning your brain?"

Ying Xiaoyang looked at her not so calm expression and some urgent tone, the corners of her mouth rose again, she also stretched her head and glanced at the number on the thermometer, smiled, and asked profoundly, "What about now? What to do? There is no medicine here."

Listening to Ying Xiaoyang's somewhat ridiculous tone, Yin Shi folded his hands on his chest and looked at him: "Ying Xiaoyang, you have a fever now, can you not look like it's irrelevant?"

"I know! Isn't you still there?" Ying Xiaoyang's smile deepened, and when he said this, the expression on his face was very serious.

"It's up to you, burn it to death." Ying Xiaoyang's attitude made Yin Shi a little angry, and he decided to be too lazy to take care of it. He turned around and planned to walk outside.

Ying Xiaoyang quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled down her handsome face, with a fragile and pitiful look: "I believe you won't have the heart. Let me go to the village clinic with me!"

Yin Shi looked back at him dumbly and took his hand out of his palm: "Take your coat and go."

"Okay." Ying Xiaoyang smiled and nodded, picked up the coat on the side, got up and followed Yin Shi out of the room.

Yin Shi greeted Grandma Tan and walked towards the village clinic by the light of the mobile phone.

It was a bit cold at night as in the morning. Ying Xiaoyang gathered his coat together, touched his nose and coughed twice. Yin Shi tilted his head and asked, "How did you catch a cold?"

Upon hearing this, Ying Xiaoyang watched her look away a little bit, and said dissatisfied: "I recognize the bed, I don't like the quilt, and I didn't cover it."

Yin Shi just wanted to say, ‘Why didn’t you freeze him to death last night? ’

The temperature at night was only ten degrees Celsius, especially in the early morning when there was cold air. He didn't cover the quilt. It was a blessing that he didn't freeze to death.

When the two walked to the village clinic, the clinic’s lights were turned off. The village doctor’s house was next to the clinic. Yin Shi also met him, so after talking to him about the situation, the village doctor went He took them to the clinic next door, turned on the light, and gave Ying Xiaoyang a glass thermometer to take his temperature first.

Ying Xiaoyang took the thermometer, looked at it again, and finally raised his head and asked, "How can this be used?"

Yin Shi and the village doctor looked at him in surprise. Yin Shi walked up to him and asked, "Have you never used it?"


"Just leave it here for about five minutes." The village doctor smiled, pointed to his armpit, and gave him a five sign.

Ying Xiao Yang looked at Yin Shi with a slightly disgusted brow after hearing this, "Where is your electronic thermometer?"

"I didn't take it."

"Is it calculated before I came here? Thirty-nine degrees two."

"Electronic body temperature measurement is not as accurate as this measurement. After measuring it again, I will be able to prescribe the right medicine for you."

Looking at his dissatisfaction, Yin Shi stretched out his hand and pushed him: "Hurry up, let you measure it, where is there so much nonsense?"

Ying Xiaoyang looked at her obviously angry face, and very reluctantly put the glass thermometer under her armpit and held it under her arm. The expression on her face also sank, and she felt a sense of innocence.

Yin Shi sat in a chair and waited with him for five or six minutes. The village doctor walked over and asked for a thermometer. Ying Xiaoyang took out the thermometer and handed it to him. The village doctor glanced at him, “Thirty-nine degrees, three, burn. It’s quite high, let’s get some water! Then take some medicine, the fever will go down faster, and keep warm these days, the temperature difference between morning and night here is big, it’s not easy for people who have been used to living here for many years to catch a cold. So you have to wear more sooner or later."

While talking, the village doctor wrote on the list: "What is your name and how old are you?"

"Ying Xiaoyang, twenty-eight." Upon hearing the injection, Ying Xiaoyang's face became very ugly. He didn't want to answer the village doctor's question, but found that Yin Shi had been staring at him with his eyes tight, so he had to stop. Reluctantly answer.

After the village doctor wrote the list, he got up and went to a glass cabinet to get the medicine for him.

"Come here to fight!" After the village doctor got the medicine, he waved to Ying Xiaoyang at the door and let the chair in the room outside hang water.

When Ying Xiaoyang glanced at Yin, he got up and walked out.

When the needle was being injected, Ying Xiaoyang wrinkled his face and looked evasive, closing his eyes tightly not to look at his hands.

"This medicine will be given to him later. There is a quilt here. If it is cold, you can cover him." When the village doctor handed the pills wrapped in white square paper to Yin, he ordered a few more words: "That pot There is hot water in it, and the cups on it are all cleaned. Call me whenever you want to, and I’m right next door."

"Okay, I have work." Yin Shi took it with a smile. After watching the village doctor leave the house, he turned to look at Ying Xiaoyang and stuffed the medicine into his hand: "I'll pour you water."

Ying Xiaoyang, who was forcibly received the pill, frowned. He has lived for 28 years and has not had any cold injections and medicines. He broke the record on the first day when he came to this ghost place. The cold injections and medicines were all available. Up.

Yin Shi poured the water and handed it to him, motioning to him with his eyes: "Drink it."

Ying Xiaoyang glanced at the water in the cup and found it was still steaming. He raised his head and asked, "Is the water hot?"

"I don't know, you'll know if you drink it."

"Yin Shi, are you trying to murder me in this ravine?"

Yin Shi was dumb, rolled his eyes, and subconsciously raised the glass of water in his hand and put it on his lips to test the temperature, and found that it was a little hot, so he blew it gently.

Ying Xiaoyang watched her unconscious behavior, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, her eyes grew deeper and deeper, and her brows frivolous, just reluctant to look away.

When the water in the cup was about the same temperature, Yin Shi handed the water to him again: "It's not hot, drink it."

"Okay." Ying Xiaoyang responded with a smile, pouring the pills into her palms, putting them all in her mouth, taking the glass of water in her hand, and deliberately turning to the one she had just tried the temperature, with a deep smile. Swallow all the pills in the mouth.

After watching him drink the medicine, Yin Shi put the quilt aside and sat next to him, without intending to speak.

Ying Xiaoyang sat there, raised his eyes and glanced at the three bottles of potion hanging on it: "There are only three bottles?"

"How many more bottles do you want?"

"I'm hungry."

"Well, so what?"

Ying Xiaoyang tilted his head and looked at her: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry." Yin Shi nodded affirmatively for a very long time: "I came here with you without even having dinner, but what's the point of being hungry now? Is it possible that I should go back for dinner and come back?"

"It's so dark outside, I don't worry about you going back alone."



Yin Shi hummed softly, curled his lips, took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat. Ying Xiaoyang tilted his head and glanced at him and asked, "Is there a signal?"

"Yes, but the signal is poor and the message cannot be sent."

The two of them chatted without a word. Sometimes Yin Shi didn't want to talk to him. Ying Xiaoyang tried to find a word for her to talk to herself. If she couldn't, he deliberately approached her, but they were both pushed away by Yin Shi. He sent him a very serious sentence: "Stay away from me, can you not tease me?"

"Uncomprehensible style."

"Naturally, Mr. Ying doesn't understand styles so much anymore."

By the time Ying Xiaoyang finished his injection, it was ten o'clock in the night. After the village doctor had pulled out the injection for him, Yin Shi said to him a little apologetically: "Sorry, I'm bothering you so late, thank you."

"It's okay, it's okay, Miss Yin is polite, this illness is also a sudden thing, who can predict it, go back tonight to sleep well, keep warm, don't catch cold anymore."

"Well, then we'll leave first, and I won't disturb you to rest."

"It's dark outside, do you want a flashlight?"

"No, we have cellphones, thank you." Yin Shichao the village doctor smiled slightly and left the village doctor's house with Ying Xiaoyang.

The night in the country is not half bright, the cyan curtain is dotted with a few residual stars, but there is no silver-white crescent. A cold wind hits, Yin Shi can not help but shudder, watching this all Around the black, my heart is still a little frustrated.

Yin Shi turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to illuminate it. Seeing that Ying Xiaoyang did not move, he urged: "You also turn on the flashlight of your mobile phone."

"Isn't yours on?"

"Open two brighter."

"Are you scared?"

"Can't you drive?"

"Open." Ying Xiaoyang chose to compromise, took out the phone from his trouser pocket and turned on the flashlight, then tilted his head and looked at her: "Is that satisfied?"

Yin Shi retracted his gaze and continued to move forward.

There were potholes and many small stones on the road between the mountains. Yin Shi was careful with every step, but on the slightly steep slope, because it was too dark, the light of the mobile phone did not allow her to see too much. Qing, accidentally stepped on a rock and slipped a step down, and instantly leaned back, making Yin Shi yelled in fright: "Ah!"

Ying Xiaoyang stunned, reacted quickly, strode over, grabbed her waist and looked down at her, "Is it okay?"

Under the faint light, Yin Shi stared blankly at Ying Xiaoyang's handsome silhouette. He was startled with a cold sweat behind his back, and the sound of his heartbeat that had been accelerating became faster.

"What's the matter? Frightened silly?" Ying Xiaoyang looked at her somewhat silly expression, couldn't help but laughed, with a smirk in her eyes, she leaned in and slowly approached her with a warm breath. In her ear: "Or say...reluctant to leave my arms?"

After being ridiculed by him, Yin Shi quickly recovered, and the thoughts after the fright were gathered back. His beautiful appearance was a little unnatural, he withdrew from his embrace, directly stretched out his hand to push him away, and turned around to move forward. go.

But as soon as he stepped out, Yin Shi stepped on the stone that had just been slid on again, his feet were unstable again, he staggered a few steps and fell to the side.

Ying Xiaoyang stretched out his hand again and grabbed her wrist and dragged her in front of her. His other hand just wrapped her around her waist, encircled her in his arms, bowed his head and stared at her, with a very ambiguous attitude. He said in a deep tone: "If you don't behave well, if you are injured by a fall, I will feel distressed."

"Ying Xiaoyang." Yin Shi looked up at him angrily, struggling hard, trying to free himself from his arms.

But after she was caught off guard and pushed away, Ying Xiaoyang was mentally prepared. He just refused to let her go, and smiled and said, "Yin Shi, are you trying to get rid of me?"

"If you want your head, let me go." Yin Shi frowned, shouting very unhappy.

"Yin Shi, I'm serious."


"Promise to be my girlfriend!"

"No." Yin Shi didn't open his face, and answered very simply, without any hesitation.


"Don't just don't. Why are there so many? And, I have never meant to talk about boyfriends. Now I have answered your question. Are you satisfied? Can you let me go?" Yin Shi patiently talked to him. After explaining it again, there was an indifferent dark glow in his eyes, and the expression on his face was frosty.

"Not satisfied."

"Then what do you want?"

Ying Xiaoyang pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes: "Promise me."

"Do you not understand human language? I have said it. I didn't want to... Um..." Yin Shi was obviously forced to become a little impatient by him. As soon as he raised his eyes to refute his words halfway through, Ying Xiaoyang suddenly He lowered his head and kissed her lips, and the big palm that was holding her wrist slowly moved up and grabbed the back of her head, continuing to deepen the kiss.

Yin Shi's pupils dilated, and his whole body froze. The calm and clear brain instantly became blank, and nothing could be turned on.

There was a faint medicinal scent circulating in his mouth, and there was also a unique scent that was exclusive to Ying Xiaoyang. Yin Shi stood there blankly, letting him kiss without any reaction.

It wasn't until the mobile phone in his hand suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp sound that Yin Shi's tense nerve was suddenly disconnected, and the consciousness in his mind slowly returned, looking at the person close at hand. Junrong, Yin Shi subconsciously raised his hand to push him away.

Ying Xiaoyang was enjoying her share of sweetness, and had no intention of letting go of her like this. The force holding her head has also increased a bit, a little bit of the fortress she has built.

Yin Shi couldn't push him away, and finally became a little anxious. He bit his tongue hard, and the pain was so painful that Xiao Yang's entire face was deformed, and he immediately left her lips and gasped. : "Yin Shi, you..."

"Are you sick? Ying Xiaoyang, what do you take me for?" Yin Shi pushed away angrily while he was slack, raising his voice to interrupt him, raising his hand to hit him.

But fortunately, Ying Xiaoyang reacted swiftly. When her slap was about to fall, she caught her eyebrows and said, "I slapped you yesterday, and you want to hit me again today? Yin Shi, you said. How many times have you hit me?"

Yin Shi wanted to withdraw his hand angrily. He was holding on tightly. He didn't mean to let go. In the end, Yin Shi became so angry that he raised his leg and kicked his lower abdomen without mercy: "I warn. You, you'd better keep me two meters away in the future, and don't get close to me, otherwise I will see you hit you once and break your roots."

Ying Xiaoyang bent his body, the expression on his face was very painful, and his entire Junrong was suffocated. Looking at Yin Shi's angrily leaving his back, he forcibly squeezed out four words from his teeth: "Okay, count you. ruthless."

Yin Shi walked towards the house angrily, completely forgetting the fear of being in the dark.

When they arrived home, Grandma Tan and Niuniu had already fallen asleep, and Yin Shi didn't have any feeling of wanting to eat. They went straight back to the room, wiped their faces with a wet tissue, and went to bed.

A few minutes later, Yin Shi heard the sound of opening the door, knowing that Ying Xiaoyang had returned, and turned around, sulking alone. After hearing that the door next door was closed, Yin Shi closed his eyes and went to sleep.

But over and over again, one hour later, Yin Shi just couldn't sleep and was completely insomnia.

I was tossing and tossing in my mind. It was the scene of Xiao Yang just kissing himself. Finally, Yin Shi sat up impatiently and patted his head: "Sleep, sleep, I'm so annoyed."

After speaking, he lay down again, covered the quilt, closed his eyes, and muttered ‘sleep, sleep, sleep’ in my heart.

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