Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 66: : Some love...a long stream

Qiao Yuwei was a little angry about his deliberate sell-off, and after questioning it several times, Lu Yiyang either didn't speak or changed the subject calmly, and was about to sell it to the end. .biqugev

When he was about to go out after eating breakfast, Qiao Yuwei still grabbed him and asked unwillingly, "Are you really not going to tell me? Where are you going?"

Lu Yiyang looked at her very anxious expression, her expression moved slightly, her cold lips squirmed slightly, and she was about to speak, and finally chose to be silent. This tone suffocated Qiao Yu slightly, and almost didn't stop herself. Engaged in suffocation.

"Be honest, I will pick you up at night." Lu Yiyang raised his hand and gently squeezed her cheek, changed his shoes at the door and drove out of the villa.

The corners of Qiao Yuwei's mouth twitched fiercely, and he put his hands on his chest, and vomited unhappily: "I don't know where I learned it. I have learned how to sell it. Really, isn't this deliberately haunting my appetite? Where? The most is to go to which restaurant to have a meal, to make up for the loneliness and vacancy in my heart these days, huh, it must be so, don’t think I don’t know your careful thinking, my sharp eyes and shrewd brain have long been See through everything."

Uncle Chen, who was clearing the tableware, watched her standing in the middle of the room and muttered to himself, a little funny and a little helpless, swollen, I think the husband took his wife from a trip and came back. The wife’s IQ seems to have dropped a lot. What?

Are you going abroad to play, did you forget your mind abroad when you came back?

Because, these days, Qiao Yuwei doesn’t do stupid things less, such as holding a mobile phone in his hand, and then searching for mobile phones all over the world. For example, he goes downstairs to pour water, and when he gets to the kitchen, he forgets what he is going to do, and then he goes upstairs. When I saw the cup, I remembered that I wanted to drink water. For another example, yesterday he bought a piece of fruit cake and put it in the refrigerator. She ate it, and then asked him who gave her the cake during dinner at night.

There are so many things like this, and Uncle Chen feels that he can't give an example, only deeply helpless!

Although Qiao Yu said in his mouth that he had guessed Lu Yiyang's thoughts, in this long wait, she still couldn't satisfy her curiosity. She looked at the time from time to time, and the first reaction after taking a nap was to look at the time. , I found that it was less than three o'clock, and my eyes were full of disappointment. I started to count the time later, and I didn't even have the mood to chase the drama.

In the end, she messed up herself, and screamed to the sky: "Lu Yiyang, you bastard, if you don't take me to eat tonight, if you don't extinguish the anger that has accumulated in my stomach today, you will give it to you in the future. I sleep in the study room."

After finally getting through to around six o'clock in the evening, Qiao Yuwei, who was originally stunned, seemed to smoke opium in an instant. It was a spirited person, holding his cell phone and waiting for Lu Yiyang's call.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, even before Lu Yiyang’s call, the whole person was over-excited and slowly became wilted, until he heard the sound of the engine of the car outside the villa, Qiao Yuwei straightened his eyes. He flicked off the sofa and sat up, grabbed the bag that had been prepared on the side and quickly flew to the door, and said: "Uncle Chen, I'm going out!"

Here Lu Yiyang just got out of the car, and before he could close the door, he saw a petite figure rushing out of the room and reflected in his tunnel, and then a warm and bright smile bloomed, sweet. His voice floated into his cochlea like very beautiful notes: "Ah! Husband, you are back! See how spiritual we are!"


Lu Yiyang looked at her speechlessly, and seeing her reacting so quickly, it was estimated that he had been waiting at home for a day, and he couldn't help feeling a little funny.

"Laughing, let's go! Hurry up." Qiao Yu smiled slightly as he watched him, without any surprise or happiness at all, but a little angry. He walked over and gave him a stern look and opened the passenger compartment. He sat in the car door and fastened his seat belt obediently. Seeing that he was still standing there, he urged loudly, "Lu Yiyang, what are you doing? Mo Ji died, do you want to leave?"

She waited for a day, but wanted to see where he would take her to eat. She deliberately kept her belly, and she resisted eating the afternoon snack that Uncle Chen made in the afternoon.

Lu Yiyang returned to his senses, turned around and looked at Qiao Yuwei who was sitting upright in the car, the corners of his mouth curled up again, he got in the car again, fastened the seat belt, turned the front of the car, and drove out of the villa complex.

When the car drove into the city center, Qiao Yuwei looked left and right out of the car window, and finally found that Lu Yiyang didn’t mean to stop. He curled his lips and asked in dissatisfaction: "Hey, we are going to go. where?"

Lu Yiyang took a look at her, then took her gaze back, thought for a while, and replied indifferently: "Eat."

After listening to Qiao Yu, he rolled his eyes and folded his arms around his chest: "You can sell me a meal. Do you know how hard I have been waiting for today? Really, I don't care, I will be at night You want to eat lobster and hairy crabs. If you don’t, you will not be allowed to sleep in the bedroom for the next week, and you will not even be allowed to enter the bedroom door."

Lu Yiyang listened, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to stare at her deeply, his cold lips were also pressed into a line, and he did not answer her words aloud.

After driving for another seven or eight minutes, the car finally stopped in the parking lot near a restaurant called aheart. Qiao Yuwei unlocked the safety belt and got out of the car to look up and down the restaurant, and asked, "There are lobsters in this restaurant." With hairy crabs?"

"Xiao Yang's restaurant, you can go and see if there is any." Lu Yiyang walked behind her and answered the conversation as if nothing had happened.

"This restaurant is owned by Ying Xiaoyang Company?"


"I'm going, you won't be here to charge the bill again! Lu Yiyang, is this a bit too much for you?"

"Go in." Lu Yiyang gave her a sideways glance, without explaining too much, pulling her and walking inside.

The entire atmosphere and layout of the restaurant are very romantic. The decoration style is also more French. The dining area is all open-air. While visiting, Qiao Yuwei was taken to the restaurant on the second floor by Lu Yiyang. After taking his seat, Qiao Yu Wei Wei asked curiously: "Hey, is this restaurant newly opened? Why are we the two? The restaurant under the Ying's Group, the business shouldn't be so bad! How can I say that it is now the point of dining."

"I have wrapped it." Lu Yiyang calmly opened the napkin, and said calmly.

"You...wrapped it?" Qiao Yu widened his eyes in surprise, and almost didn't bite his tongue: "Don't you just have a meal? Why would you want to wrap it?"

Lu Yiyang calmly retracted his gaze, calmly and Junrong did not speak.

"Mr. Lu, are you serving food now?" A waiter walked over and asked softly.

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang answered faintly.

After receiving Lu Yiyang's words, the waiter straightened up and snapped his fingers to the waiter who was not far away. Soon a row of waiters came over with the dishes, put all the dishes on the table, and nodded. After saying "I wish Mrs. Lu a happy meal", he retreated.

Looking at the dishes above, Qiao Yuwei wondered why Lu Yiyang had such a big battle after eating a meal. Is it true that he feels guilty or sorry for not being with him these days?

"Lu Yiyang."

"Huh?" Lu Yiyang responded, helping her cut the steak.

"Do you think that you ignored me during this period of time, so you didn't want to go to the restaurant? Actually, I told you that you don't need to do this. You know, I'm a good person, so you can even give it to me. I can be happy to buy an ice cream for a night. It’s too extravagant to cover the entire restaurant like this, and it’s too eye-catching. Although I have withdrawn from the entertainment circle, I am also a celebrity in the music industry! You are also a dignified Lu family. The president of the group! I think..."

"I'm thinking too much." Lu Yiyang looked at her, and when she was talking vigorously, he mercilessly interrupted her, and exchanged the steak that had already been cut with the plate in front of her: "Cut Okay, eat."

What Qiao Yu said slightly to his lips was swallowed back abruptly by his words, and stared at him flatly. Why is this guy's brain so breathless?

She has said everything for this reason, a normal person will follow her words!

He was fine, so he said to her directly, "I think too much." A man with no sense of humanity and taste, huh, she is ready to be moved.

Qiao Yuwei swept away all the steaks he had chopped for her with a sulking anger. When the food on the table was almost wiped out by her, Lu Yiyang suddenly put down the knife and fork in his hand and gave it to the waiter in the distance. Wink.

After the waiter in the distance understood it, he immediately greeted the other waiters. A beautiful and romantic violin melody sounded in the restaurant. Qiao Yu looked back subconsciously and saw a waiter pushing a cart with cakes. When the money came towards them, the waiter next to him was holding a bouquet of fruit-flavored lollipops, decorated with two circles of roses around it.

Qiao Yu was so surprised that he couldn't speak at all, until the cake was pushed in front of him, Lu Yiyang also stood up and took the rose from the waiter's hand, walked slowly to her, and passed the rose in his hand to her. Before her eyes, her cold lips twitched lightly, and her lonely black eyes were stained with a rare softness: "Happy birthday, this is... the first birthday we have given you after we got married."

"I... my birthday today?" Qiao Yu was stunned for a long time before reacting. He took the bouquet he handed over and looked at him in a daze.

Lu Yiyang was speechless: "You really don't remember?"

"I... I really don't know." Qiao Yu shook his head slightly, still a little curious: "No, how did you know... I had my birthday today? My parents and my sister did not have it today. Call me."

"There is a date on the marriage certificate. I told them yesterday that I would not let you call you."

"Lu Yiyang." Qiao Yu's mouth closed slightly, tears rolling in his eyes: "You guy...when did you become so affectionate, you will actually prepare for me to be surprised. I thought I would never May receive any surprises you prepared for me!"

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips and stood silent.

Seeing that he was not speaking, Qiao Yu blew his nose slightly and looked down at the bouquet in his hand: "Why are there so many lollipops?"

"you like to eat."

"I will be very unhappy if you say that."


Qiao Yu slightly wiped the tears from his cheeks: "Forget it, I won't care about you for the surprise of today! Thank you, this is one of the happiest birthdays in my life."

When he was about to turn around and sit back on the chair, Lu Yiyang suddenly stretched out his hand in front of her with a round box in his hand. Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, seeing that it was a ring box, and looked at it in disbelief. He: "This is...?"

"birthday present."

"For me?"


Qiao Yuwei's gaze swept back and forth between his handsome face and the ring box. He hurriedly placed the rose lollipop bouquet in his arms on the ground, and gently opened the ring box. There was a ring box lying in it. Beautiful diamond ring.

"Why...send me a ring?" Qiao Yu looked up at him in confusion, and she wore a ring from their wedding on her right ring finger.

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, took the ring out of the box, raised her white and slender hand, took off the original ring on her ring finger, put on the new one he bought for her, and said coldly, "It's different. There was no emotion before that ring was worn, but now this one is suitable.

Qiao Yuwei was stunned, and the tears that had just been put away fell again, and he opened his hands and threw into his arms: "You said you are usually as dull as a gourd. One set, one set, you say, who you learned from, and if I don’t beat that person to death, you will be ruined."

"Don't like it?"

"I like it, I really like it." Qiao Yuwei wiped all his tears and nose onto Lu Yiyang's body, and nodded heavily in his arms.

Lu Yiyang had a slight smile in his eyes and held her tightly in his arms. The feeling at this moment is something he has never had before. It is very special, with a slight sweetness, which will make him unforgettable in this life.

"By the way, what should I do with the ring that I took off? I have worn it for so long, and you helped me put it on when I got married. It also makes a lot of sense to me! I can't throw it away. Come on! It's a one-carat diamond ring anyway!" When the two were warm and warm, Qiao Yuwei's weird brain gave birth to a worrisome thought.

When Lu Yiyang heard the words, his smiling eyes instantly became cold, and his expression sank. He thought for a while and said, "I will buy you a necklace when I look back, and you will hang the ring on it."

"Hey, there can be." Qiao Yu smiled sweetly, raised his eyes and asked: "What about your ring?"

Lu Yiyang squinted his eyes. Actually, he didn’t have the habit of wearing a ring. Since they got married, he had kept the wedding ring in the locker and had not taken it out. Now she asked, he couldn’t help being silent. Aloud: "Waiting for you to buy me."

"Okay, I'll buy you one tomorrow." When Qiao Yu listened to it, he was startled at first, and then he returned without thinking.

"Lu Yiyang."


"I love you, it's nice to marry you."

Lu Yiyang lowered his eyes, met her with a big smile, lowered his head and kissed her pink lips: "Well, marry you too."


The general planning meeting of Lu's Group's new project.

There was a young man standing on the stage talking endlessly to the projector. Everyone in the room listened very seriously, and the expression on his face looked very serious and careful.

Only Lu Yiyang, with his legs folded and sliding left and right with a tablet in his hand, seemed to have little interest in what the person on the stage said.

Standing next to him, Zhai Jiaye remembered what the person said, and inadvertently saw Lu Yiyang feel a little absent-minded, and found that he had a considerable interest in the tablet. , Tilted his head and wanted to take a look, but what he didn't want to see was that the screen was full of vowel products, which made his eyes widened in surprise.

He knew that Qiao Yuwei was pregnant now and was still twins, but it was quite rare to see the well-known President Lu being distracted at work because of this incident.

Xu Ye noticed his gaze, and Lu Yiyang glanced up at him indifferently, scared Zhai Jiaye stood up straight and retracted his gaze, pretending to know nothing, touched his nose, and lowered his head to slide the tablet in his hand .

He didn't know anything, he didn't dare to ask anything.

In the middle of the meeting, a crisp ringtone suddenly rang the entire meeting room. Everyone looked at Lu Yiyang. Lu Yiyang raised his eyelids calmly and looked at the caller ID on the phone. , With the word'Uncle Chen' written on it, his face turned black for an instant, immediately put down the overlapping legs, picked up the phone and picked up: "Say, what's the matter?"

"Sir, Madam is going to give birth and was just sent to an ambulance. I am still helping Ms. Zhang and I prepare things for the hospital." Uncle Chen's voice on the other end of the phone was more anxious and panicked.

When Lu Yiyang heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, dropped the tablet in his hand on the table, and suddenly got up, and the person who left the house walked to the door: "What's the matter? Isn't the due date for next Saturday?"

"I'm not very clear, just now the wife suddenly called out that her stomach hurts."

As soon as Uncle Chen's words were over, Lu Yiyang directly hung up the phone and walked towards the elevator without stopping.

The executives in a room knew what he said before he left. It is estimated that Mrs. Lu Shao is about to give birth, but what do they do?

This project is still waiting for Landing to nod the start-up funds!

Zhai Jiaye was also very dazed, but he still said: "Madam is about to give birth. This meeting is postponed. I will ask Mr. Lu for instructions. Let's get out of here!" After that, she hugged him quickly. The documents on the table and the tablet that Lu Yiyang had just dropped left the meeting room in a hurry.

Lu Yiyang called Lu Jingyan as he drove to the hospital, but Lu Jingyan happened to be in the operating room at that time during the operation and had no time to answer the phone.

After arriving at the hospital, Lu Yiyang went straight to the delivery room. After confirming with the doctor, he entered the delivery room. Looking at Qiao Yuwei who was lying on the bed yelling in pain, Lu Yiyang's eyes were distressed.

As soon as Qiao Yuwei saw Lu Yiyang, he felt aggrieved and couldn't help crying: "Lu Yiyang, it hurts me so much. You can count it. I thought I would never see you again."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lu Yiyang reprimanded as soon as she finished.

"Um...ah...it hurts." Qiao Yu grabbed his arm slightly and yelled again in pain, "Lu Yiyang, you have to promise me to love me for the rest of my life. From now on... you won't change your heart."

"Okay, I promise you."

After more than two hours of hard work, Qiao Yuwei finally gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes. Lu Yiyang listened to the baby's crying, his whole brain was confused, and when the nurse's voice echoed in his ears, he was completely confused. He couldn't get back to his senses: "The boy was born first, weighing five catties and two, followed by a girl, a little lighter than the boy, only five catties and one tael."

When the nurse held the two children in front of him, Lu Yiyang's whole body recovered, but when he saw the two pink and tender babies, Lu Yiyang became a little at a loss again, and his lips became too. It became dry, and his stiff body slowly stretched out a trembling hand to hug it.

Seeing him like that, the exhausted Qiao Yu couldn't help but smile when he watched it, and specifically asked: "The child is so small, you should be gentle and don't fall to the ground."

When she said that, Lu Yiyang didn't even dare to hold him. He froze and raised both hands. He didn't hold him or he didn't know what to do.

The two midwifery nurses looked at them and laughed. They gently placed the two children in his arms: "Mr. Lu, just hold it gently like this. The baby is just born, and he has a special body. Soft, don't use too much force."

"Oh..." Lu Yiyang swallowed his saliva. When the two children were placed in the arms on either side of him, his body became more rigid, but the two little guys in his arms did not stop crying, Lu Yiyang sighed. Asked: "They cry like this... okay?"

"President Lu can rest assured that it is a good thing for newborns to cry like this. This proves that they are tenacious in their lives, and I am afraid that they will not cry! You can go out with your baby first."

"What about my wife?"

"Mrs. Lu has something to deal with here, and she has to go out later."

"Then I will wait for her to go out together."

The doctor was a little surprised, but he smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Qiao Yu tilted her head slightly, watching him standing upright, holding two babies in his hands, with a bewildered expression, and a knowing smile, she thought, Lu Yiyang had never thought that she would have this day in her life!

After the doctor took care of the follow-up matters, Qiao Yuwei smiled and joked: "Lu Yiyang, I didn't expect your first fame to be planted on two children!"

Hearing this, Lu Yiyang looked at her, pursing his cold lips, and a soft glow crossed his eyes. All the pictures of Qiao Yuwei who had been with Qiao Yuwei appeared in his mind. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was muttering The words are like telling a happy and sweet story: "No, my fame has been planted in your hands long ago, starting from the day I married you."

Later, Lu Yiyang named the two children, the boy was Lu Mingqiao and the girl was Lu Siqiao.

He let him remember his longing for Qiao Yuwei at this moment. Only with her, these two children will arrive.

When Qiao Yuwei heard the origin of the two children's names, he cried again, and finally was blocked by Lu Yiyang with a kiss of action.

Some love... a long stream.

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