Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 52: : Framed

Seeing that she was about to faint, Fan Jingshu quickly reached out to help her: "My child, are you okay?" After finishing speaking, when he wanted to blame the old man, he suddenly noticed the figure coming not far away and the words to his lips. He swallowed back again, and looked back at Wen Shugen, who was crying with tears, the gaze in the bottom of his eyes also changed, and the hand holding her was retracted. .

Only a woman understands a woman, knows whether she is acting or serious.

At this moment, Wen Shurou's crying appearance was indeed pitiful, but when she saw her son walking up, she couldn't help but think deeply. The timing of fainting was so well grasped, and she happened to be the face. Toward the direction where Lu Yiyang came.

"Grandpa, mom." Lu Yiyang walked over, first greeted the old man and Fan Jingshu, then nodded to Jin Shengyan beside him, and finally turned his gaze on Wen Shurou, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and looked at him. Eyebrows said: "What's the matter?"

"Shurou has been back from Canada for so long, so I asked Lao Jin to pick her up and drink tea." The old man deserved it, just like a okay person, his majestic gaze glanced lightly and cried. Gentle and gentle.

Lu Yiyang glanced at his eyebrows, Ying Falcon's eyes hovered over the old man and Wen Shurou, and asked in a cold voice, "What are you crying for?"

Wen Shu gently raised those water eyes, his beautiful face was full of tears, and it was really distressing to look at. He pretended to be a trembling Mo Yang and glanced at the old man, then whispered back: "Grandpa Lu just said... …Ms. Qiao received some threatening package a few days ago, saying it was related to me, but…I really don’t know about this, and I just heard about it. How could I admit to something I haven’t done before? Yes... Grandpa... Grandpa Lu asked me when I would return to Canada and said... Tell me to stay away from you." At the end, Wen Shurou cried again aggrieved.

After Lu Yiyang heard this, his eyebrows were getting deeper and deeper, and he looked at the old man: "Grandpa, how do you know about the package?" After speaking, he suddenly thought that Qiao Yuwei had come to the old house the day before yesterday and asked with a cold face. : "Qiao Yuwei told you?"

The father's majestic gaze refracted to Wen Shurou's side. Although all she stated were facts, the tone of her speech was a bit uncomfortable, and there was always a feeling of provoking discord.

"What? Are you questioning me now?" The old man's face turned dark, and he glanced at Lu Yiyang with a bit of anger.

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, and nodded with a calm face: "Don't dare."

Upon seeing this, Fan Jingshu stared at Wen Shurou displeasedly with a frown. The affection for Wen Shurou just now was completely defeated. Seeing that the atmosphere between the old man and her son became tense again, she hurriedly said: " Have something to say, Ah Yang, have you ever investigated Weiwei’s parcel collection? This matter can’t be delayed. Her identity is very difficult to report to the police, but this matter can’t be left alone, there may be a case. Three times, don't be careless, Wei Wei is your own wife."

Speaking of the words'wife', Fan Jingshu deliberately took a look at Wen Shu's gentle face, and found that her pupils were obviously shrunk, and her head dropped, and the expression on her face looked even more aggrieved and pitiful. Thought about it.

In other words, she has also lived in a prestigious family like the Lu family for so many years, and she can find out the thoughts of a young girl like Wen Shurou with just a little test.

"I've checked it and haven't found anything out. Grandpa doesn't bother about this matter. Qiao Yuwei is my wife. I will deal with it naturally. There will never be a third time of that kind of express delivery." Lu Yiyang answered faintly, but there was a bit of firmness and affirmation in his tone, and Yu Guang glanced at Wen Shurou lightly: "It has nothing to do with her."

"Since you said it doesn't matter if you checked it, what happened to the scandals these days?" Listening to his determined tone, the unhappy face on the old man's face became even more unhappy, and his tone became a bit heavier.

"The outside media is out of nothing."

Hearing, the old man raised his eyes and stared at Lu Yiyang, before speaking for a long time: "It shouldn't be accidental that you came back today! I usually call you and never see you come back once."

"I should do it to come and see Grandpa." Lu Yiyang stared directly at the old man, his face was calm, without any ups and downs, and what he said from his cold lips was sonorous and powerful.

Wen Shurou, who was sobbing quietly, heard him say this, knowing that he was deliberately defending her, and couldn't help feeling a little apart, but she was trying her best to conceal it so that she would not show it so joyously.

"Heh." The old man smiled mockingly, and got up from the chair: "The time is almost up, I am tired too, so I will go to bed first, Shu Rou, you can chat and drink tea with your Aunt Lu here! When you want to go away Just ask the driver at home to take you back, but...what I said before, I hope you can keep it in your heart and don’t forget.” After speaking, the old man didn’t look at Lu Yiyang much, and walked directly past him: “Old Jin, you send me back to my room!"

"Yes." Jin Shengyan nodded, then stepped forward and helped the old man out of the backyard.

Wen Shurou slowly raised his eyes to look at the old man's departed back, and his hands tightened again, softly answering the words ‘yes’, and finally refracted the expected gaze to Lu Yiyang.

Fan Jingshu saw that the old man was gone, she also glanced at the gentle book and stood up a little displeased: "A Yang, do you want to stay for dinner tonight?"

"No." Lu Yiyang replied faintly, after thinking for a while, and then added: "I made an appointment with Qiao Yuwei for dinner."

"Okay, I won't keep you anymore. I won't drink this tea anymore. In the afternoon, I made an appointment with your Aunt Wan to go shopping. I almost forgot about it, so I just left." Yin Luo, Yu Guang fell on Wen Shurou indifferently, and his tone was much more alienated than before: "Shurou, your Grandpa Lu's temperament is like this, don't worry about it, just remember what he said. You can sit here for a while. ! I'll just ask someone to take you back later."

Wen Shurou was still immersed in Lu Yiyang's words that he was going to have dinner with Qiao Yuwei in the evening, and when he heard Fan Jingshu's words, she was also stunned, and her lips moved and moved: "Auntie..."

But Fan Jingshu left without looking back, completely ignoring her intention.

Wen Shurou knew that what she had just said must have offended her, and felt a little regretful in her heart. She shouldn't have been so urgent just now. Fan Jingshu's impression of her should have been good, but now it is a pity.

But at that time, she would offend one of them no matter what, if she didn't say that, she wouldn't be able to arouse Lu Yiyang's sympathy and the guilt she already had.

"Brother Yiyang, is Aunt Lu angry with me?" Wen Shurou concealed her thoughts, got up from the chair, moved to Lu Yiyang's side, and looked at him pitifully with tears in her eyes. Meaning: "I just said that...I didn't deliberately let you and Grandpa Lu quarrel for me, I just told the truth... I'm sorry, I was too insightful to see, Brother Yi Yang..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Lu Yiyang interrupted her coldly, staring at her: "Let the driver take you back later."

Seeing Lu Yiyang turning around to leave, Wen Shurou quickly grabbed her with her hands, flashing those delicate eyes: "Brother Yiyang, do you want to leave?"

"Something?" Lu Yiyang glanced at the jade hand where she was holding her arm, and looked at her brows again. As he said, he pulled his arm back from her hand, and the gloomy handsome face was somewhat obvious. Displeased.

Wen Shurou saw his displeasure. Knowing that he didn't like his touch, she quickly withdrew her hand, lowered her eyes, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, but when I was in a hurry..."

"Just talk about it."

"I want to go now, can you send me back?" After asking, Wen Shurou was afraid that Lu Yiyang would disagree, and deliberately added: "I feel a little boring in my chest, and I forgot to bring it when Uncle Jin came to pick me up. It's medicine, so..."

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, and the light in his cold eyes gradually condensed together, but the expression on his face was unpredictable.

Wen Shurou still looked at him with a weak gaze, trying to show her most vulnerable side. She knew that as long as she mentioned her illness, Lu Yiyang had no reason to refuse her at all.

For a long time, Lu Yiyang turned around and left without speaking. Wen Shurou saw it, tears were about to fall from his eye sockets, and he whispered, "Brother Yiyang..."


Wen Shurou listened to the words, the corners of his mouth raised, the tears in his eyes were immediately retracted, and he quickly followed up: "Okay."

However, due to Lu Yiyang’s long legs, coupled with his vigorous pace, his gentle body was already weak, and he couldn’t keep up with Lu Yiyang at all. He could only trot after two steps, and the throbbing of his chest became more and more obvious. At that time, he couldn't help saying: "Brother Yiyang, you go slower, I...I can't keep up."

Lu Yiyang paused, glanced at her with his head tilted, and withdrew indifferently, and walked out again with his long legs, the same pace as before, and he didn't mean to stop and wait for her.

"Brother Yi Yang."

"Stay if you don't want to leave, and wait for the driver to deliver it."

Hearing this, the words that were so gentle to the lips also stopped abruptly, holding his hands together against his chest, and had to keep his pace and slowly follow him.

When he got to the front of the car, Lu Yiyang was already in the car, looking at the quiet man sitting in the cab, he softly lowered his head and reached out to pull the door of the passenger cabin, but as soon as he touched the doorknob, he heard the sound of the lock falling. Wen Shu softly opened his eyes in surprise, and looked up at her: "Brother Yiyang..."

"Sit back." Lu Yiyang looked forward without squinting, and gently twitched his cold lips.

"Behind...?" Wen Shurou was a little puzzled. She glanced at the back seat, her lips moved, and when she refracted to him again, she suddenly noticed a brand-name lipstick placed in front of the dashboard in the front of the passenger cabin, and also attached it. A pink label with the words'exclusive sitting' written on it, and the pattern on the corner of the label is Qiao Yuwei's playful portrait.

It turned out that the place next to him was reserved for Qiao Yuwei, and no one else could sit, including her.

The strength of holding the doorknob is getting heavier and heavier, and finally let go of it silently, turn around and walk to the back seat, pull the door to sit in, and after the car starts, Wen Shurou smiles and asks: "Brother Yiyang, you and Joe The sentiment of the young lady is really good. Is the lipstick in front of hers? It seems to be a diyo brand lipstick. The color number is still out of print!"

Lu Yiyang glanced at the lipstick, pursed his lips and asked, "Are you concerned about this too?"

Wen Shu was taken aback, and quickly smiled, and said with a bit of regret: "Although I am a sick child, I don't usually like makeup, but I am also a girl. It is the nature of every girl to love lipstick. Naturally I will pay more attention to this aspect, but I can only look at the pictures of Miss Qiao’s lipstick on the Internet. After all, it is a limited edition out of print."

Lu Yiyang listened to her, but did not answer, but drove the car silently.

Seeing that Lu Yiyang stopped talking, Wen Shurou didn't say much anymore, looking far away, as if thinking about something.

And the old man who had been standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the second floor room watching the two of them leave together in the car narrowed his old eyes, and when the car left his field of vision, he directly closed the curtains, put his hands behind him, and hummed softly: " After living abroad for so many years, that girl still can't learn to be honest."

Jin Shengyan on the side nodded and said: "She finally failed your expectations of her."

"This girl has too much vanity. Now that Ah Yang is married, she still thinks about being with Ah Yang. It's really whimsical. How could our Lu family want someone like her to be unpredictable."

"What you said is that this girl has a snack machine. Just in front of you, she dared to pretend to show the young master. It seems that she is placing the bet on the young master and concludes that the young master will not ignore her. "Jin Shengyan agreed, halfway through, and paused, showing the look of the old man: "It's just... the matter of the young lady."

"You can check it for me, you must check it out."


"In addition, finding two medical staff to live in her apartment is said to be convenient for her condition."

Jin Shengyan hesitated, realizing that this was an excuse for people to monitor Wen Shu's every move, and nodded and said, "Yes, I will arrange it later."

"It's been nine years, she'd better know the current affairs, otherwise it's not as simple as sending her abroad." The old man hummed softly, turned and walked to the sofa to sit down.

"I believe that my father, your painstaking efforts, that girl will understand."

The old man waved his hand: "Understood? She hasn't understood for nine years in Canada. Do you expect her to understand now? It's impossible, and you don't want to think, where can she get better for someone who even hates her father? After your father died, you heard what she said. How could I let her stay with Ah Yang for such a person, and our Lu family can't tolerate her either."

After Jin Shengyan heard this, he lowered his eyes and pursed his lips. Half a month after Wen Shurou’s father died to save Lu Yiyang, the old man sent Jin Shengyan to school to pick up Wen Shurou that day, but he happened to hear Wen Shurou’s classmates say I will be the wife of the Lu family from now on, so they all flattered her, saying that her useless father played a role in death. If they hadn’t given birth to her, how could she have a heart attack, and how could she fall To the point where there is no money and no mother, she is full of hatred for her parents.

After Jin Shengyan told the old man what he said, the old man decided to send Wen Shurou abroad so that she wouldn't have any extravagances with Lu Yiyang, but in order to give Wen Shurou the opportunity and face to change, he has never told the truth, including and Lu Yiyang didn't tell the truth when he quarreled.

"We still have to say hello to Canada."


"Okay, you can do it! I'm old and can't stand the toss. I can't take care of their young people for long. I will lie down for a while." The old man got up from the sofa and waved to Jin Shengyan. , Walked slowly towards the bed.

"Then you rest first, and I retire first."


After Jin Shengyan exited the room, he quickly took out his mobile phone and started to do what the half-old man had ordered.

On the other side, Lu Yiyang parked the car at the door of the apartment, and then faintly swept to the back seat of the car, feeling his gaze, Wen Shu gently raised his head and looked out of the car window, pursing pink lips, his eyes have obvious nostalgia, hands Twisted together, whispered softly: "Brother Yiyang, are you going to sit up there for a while? I will ask Aunt Liu to cook a few more dishes in the evening..."

"No, get out of the car." Lu Yiyang answered indifferently, and even gave an order to dismiss the guests.

Wen Shurou opened his lips slightly, with a little grievance on his face, and laughed low, retreating as advancement. It was also looking for a step for himself: "Excuse me, I forgot. You said that you had an appointment with Miss Qiao for dinner tonight. Yes, look at my memory. In this case, I won’t waste your time. Thank you for sending me back today, and... I didn’t tell Grandpa Lu that I asked Aunt Liu to call you."

After that, Wen Shurou deliberately observed Lu Yiyang’s expression carefully, but his moody and icy appearance was completely unpredictable, so she had to explain: "Brother Yiyang, don’t get me wrong, I’m just scared. ..., I'm afraid that if I talk to Grandpa Lu, Grandpa Lu will be angry."

"I'll take care of the grandfather's affairs." Lu Yiyang's face was sullen, his slender hands tapped gently on the steering wheel, and he continued to speak after being silent for a while: "Qiao Yuwei's affairs are not allowed to go out. It's best to talk to you. It doesn't matter."

"I... this matter really has nothing to do with me." As he said, Wen Shurou raised his hand and wiped away tears, seeming to have suffered some great grievances: "Why on earth is Miss Qiao wronging me like this? How did Sick Yangzi offend her?"

Xu was a little annoyed by her crying, Lu Yiyang frowned, and asked, "How do you know that Qiao Yuwei said it?"

Wen Shurou lowered his eyes, a gleam of light flashed under his eyes, and sobbed: "Grandpa Lu and I said this. I don't know why Miss Qiao said that I did it. The intimidating express delivery. I feel that when I look at it. I'm afraid, how could I send it to Miss Qiao! Miss Qiao framed me like this, I can't tell if I have ten mouths."

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