Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 45: :accident

After eating, Qiao Yuwei sat with Fan Jingshu in the living room for a while and ate some fruit. At about 7:30, Qiao Yuwei was about to leave, but when he remembered what Lu Yiyang had said to him at noon, he borrowed it. I called him when I was going to the bathroom, but the phone rang a lot, but there was no sign of answering. .biquge

Qiao Yu glanced at his brows slightly, and made another call. There was still no one to answer. Qiao Yu curled his lips slightly, and did not continue to call. After leaving the bathroom, he said goodbye to Fan Jingshu and the old man.

Knowing that Qiao Yuwei had work tomorrow and had to go back to pack her luggage, Fan Jingshu didn't leave her too much, and specifically asked the driver at home to send her back.

Before leaving, Qiao Yuwei still held the old man's arm and acted like a baby, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, although you have never played chess today, you can rest assured that I will still bring you a gift."

The old man smiled heartily, raised his hand and gently squeezed her cheek, and looked at her pettingly: "Okay, I'll wait for you to bring me a gift back."

"Okay, hehe, then I'll go first! Grandpa, mom, you have to take care of your body." Qiao Yu smiled and nodded, waved with them and left the Lujia villa.

When I returned to my home, it was past eight o’clock. After greeting Uncle Chen, Qiao Yuwei went directly to the room and went to the cloakroom to pack his luggage. He also deliberately Baidu what kind of clothes are suitable for the temperature over there. .

"Madam, I bought these things for you at the pharmacy today, and you take them with you in case you need them." Qiao Yuwei sat on the floor and swiped his phone, and then uncle Chen knocked. Knocked on the open door, walked in slowly, looked at Qiao Yuwei, and handed her what was in his hands.

Qiao Yuwei looked at the big bag wrapped in gray cloth. Qiao Yuwei put down the phone, took it curiously, opened it and found that it was full of cold medicine bandage gauze and anti-mosquito spray. Qiao Yuwei was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Uncle Chen with some emotion: "Uncle Chen, thank you, or you are more thoughtful."

"Madam is too acclaimed, I was just thinking that I was afraid that you could not find these things when you need them there, so I prepared them for you." Chen Shuci smiled peacefully and looked at the pink box on the ground. He asked, "Madam, what are you..."

Hearing that, Qiao Yu sighed slightly, put the things in his hands away and put aside: "I checked the weather over there, and I was hesitant to take what clothes to bring!"

"The temperature difference between city s and our city t is quite big. You can bring some light clothes and two more coats. Even if it gets cold, it will be fine."

Qiao Yu nodded slightly and got up from the ground with a smile: "Okay, I know what to do."

"Then I will go down first, and you should rest earlier."

"it is good."

Qiao Yuwei packed her luggage silently. She was very particular about dressing. Each set was packed in bags and marked with a big pen. However, most of the things she brought were casual. Brought three pairs of sneakers.

After organizing the box, Qiao Yuwei let out a long sigh of relief, took a set of pajamas and went to take a bath.

Half an hour later, Qiao Yuwei came out of the bathroom, but suddenly found Lu Yiyang sitting on the edge of the bed with a surprised expression on his face: "Hey...when did you come back?"

"I just came back." Lu Yiyang stared at her quietly, and answered calmly.

Seeing the tiredness of his handsome appearance, Qiao Yu walked over, gently stroked his eyebrows, which he was staring tightly, smiled and asked, "I called you at night, why didn't you answer?"

"The phone is muted."

"Oh!" Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "I plan to go to bed. The plane will leave at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, so I have to get up early tomorrow."

Lu Yiyang raised his eyelids slightly, and did not answer her words.

Qiao Yuwei was also accustomed to his silence and didn't take it to heart. He went around the end of the bed to the side where she usually sleeps, opened the quilt and lay in, closed his eyes and started to sleep.

It should be said that she has slept so long during the day for a nap, and now she is not so sleepy, but she is naturally optimistic, and she can never sleep too much like what she eats.

Lu Yiyang looked at her with his head tilted, his lips pressed tightly, this girl was really heartless, so she left him to sleep.


In the afternoon, Qiao Yuwei got off the plane, and the people from the program team were waiting outside. They formally entered the early shooting period, but Yin Shi did not tell her clearly, so when he saw the photographer and staff, Qiao Yu Wei was completely stunned, and blinked innocently: "This...Is it the beginning of the shooting? Doesn't it mean that the genius is the day for the official shooting?"

After speaking, I suddenly realized something, and quickly raised my hand to cover my face: "Don't shoot, can I put on makeup and shoot? You are too much to make a surprise attack like this."

Seeing the photographer shook his head, Qiao Yu wrinkled his face slightly, and after saying "relentless", he pushed his suitcase and walked out.

After getting in a black business car, a staff member said to her: "We have a task that needs to be completed by you. Team up with other guests and pair with them."

Hearing that, Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, took the card in her hand, and suddenly remembered that Qu Ruoxi had also participated in the show, and then curiously asked: "Does this team choose by themselves or...?"

"Random." After the staff answered, they asked again: "Who do you want to team up with Weiwei the most?"

"Well...I want to." Qiao Yu smiled and said in his heart, "As long as it's not Qu Ruoxi, it's fine", but this is going to be broadcast, and she can't say something: "As long as they don't dislike it. I'll do it, haha!"

After arriving all the way to the designated place for shooting, Qiao Yuwei also knew the rules of the game, three doors, free to choose, and the person who chose the same door as her was her teammate in the first mission.

Qiao Yuwei came to the door and looked at the photographers on the left and right for help. He didn't mean to pay attention to her at all, so he walked in nervously, opened the door gently, and whispered hello: "Hey... "When I saw the people inside, my heart sank.

I really don't want to see anyone, so I just met someone first, unfortunately.

Qu Ruoxi, who was sitting inside, was stunned when she saw her, and she was not very happy. She didn't want to team up with Qiao Yuwei, but she still had to smile and wave enthusiastically: "Hi, Weiwei, long time no see ."

Qiao Yu smiled perfunctorily, walked in, and asked casually: "Why are you here so early, it's quiet here, I thought I was the only one!"

"It didn't take long for me to arrive, and the director team didn't let me make a sound." Qu Ruoxi looked up and down her clothes without a trace, no disgust flashed in his eyes.

Qiao Yu smiled slightly, turned around and took a seat. Suddenly there was an urge to choke Yin to death. What about the shady?

Are you going to let her and Qu Ruoxi form a team?

Where is this man dead now?

So active when calling in the morning.

After the task began, the two people disliked each other in their hearts, so they did not have much tacit understanding when they cooperated. When they restarted for the third time, Qu Ruoxi's face was drooped, and she looked at Qiao Yuwei and her tone was a little heavy. : "Weiwei, be serious, let's do it again."

Qiao Yu's brows frivolous twice, and the beautiful baby's face also makes people unable to understand what the emotions are. He just said faintly: "Come on!"

But when I heard what she said in my heart, my hair was blown up, and there was an urge to scold my mother. What makes her serious?

This time the two finally passed and the filming was over. Qiao Yu sighed and drove directly back to the hotel. The first thing to do when he arrived at the hotel was to call Yin Shi, and learned that she was going to be delayed a little bit, tomorrow afternoon. Will come here.

I called Lu Yiyang again, and after briefly talking about the situation here, he hung up the phone, then took a shower and asked the hotel staff to bring food, during which Fang Xin also called to ask about the situation. , Qiao Yuwei just complained to her about Qu Ruoxi, Fang Xin's ears on the other end of the phone heard the cocoon coming.

The next two days of shooting went smoothly. Because of Yin Shi’s arrival, she successfully opened the “back door”, which was properly shady. Several games did not allow her to form a team with Qu Ruoxi, which made Qiao Yu. Little is very gratifying.

However, there are a total of six resident guests on this show, of which two are actresses in the film and television industry, and the others are Xiaohua.

In the past few days, what has made Qiao Yuwei a little unwilling to stand is that Qu Ruoxi explained well what is called'licking the dog', and touted the two predecessors as soon as she has nothing to do. She is not as famous as her. Perfunctory, I don't even want to talk to her, but her acting skills are so good that others can't see anything, except for the person involved.

When dealing with her, Qu Ruoxi did the same. She loved to answer her questions and didn’t look at her at all. She even wanted to stumble her when there were a few tasks, but Qiao Yuwei was not stupid, so she was not stupid. Will go into her trap, and there is also the producer Yin Shi, who also has a good backstage.

When it was almost the last day of recording, before the recording started, Qiao Yuwei changed clothes and came out of the room and was pulled by Yin Shi, whispering: "I remind you, you will be careful about Qu Ruoxi, especially when you wait. When that mission is high in the sky."

Qiao Yu listened to her slightly and looked at her in a puzzled way: "What do you mean?"

"I just saw what her assistant and producer were talking about, and I mentioned your name accidentally. I always felt a little uneasy and kind. Anyway, just be careful. The mission yesterday and the day before yesterday is a good proof." Yin Shi He stared at his brows, his face was somewhat solemn and serious.

Qiao Yu pursed his lips slightly and smiled at her: "Well, I know." Seeing that the time was almost up, the director began to wave to her, and said, "Then I'll go there first."

"Well, let's go!" Yin Shi nodded and watched her walk by. He withdrew his gaze and planned to go back. When he saw Producer Zhou, he gave him a cold look and walked directly past him.

"Made by Yin."

Yin Shi listened to this, turned to look at him, and asked indifferently, "Is something wrong?"

"You seem to have some opinions on me. I don't know where I offended you?" Producer Zhou chuckled at her twice, looking at her with a bit of doubt.

"No!" Yin Shi shook his head, his red lips raised a faint arc: "Why did Producer Zhou say this?"

"No... I just think you are a little bit hostile to me. Is it because... Yu Wei and Ruoxi's relationship?" Producer Zhou raised his eyebrows somewhat incomprehensibly, but he was also tentative.

When Yin Shi heard this, he turned to face him: "I don't understand what Producer Zhou said like this. Isn't Wei Wei and Qu Ruoxi's relationship very good? I think they get along well!"

Producer Zhou was shocked when he heard Yin Shi's address to the two of them, but he was caught off guard by her opposition to the generals.

Without waiting for Producer Zhou to say anything, Yin Shi raised his wrist to check the time, and said with a soft smile: "If there is nothing to do with Producer Zhou, I'll go ahead and filming has already started." After that, he stepped on his feet. On the high heels, glanced at him contemptuously, and walked past him.

The filming officially began. A group of people took a car to a high-altitude project site arranged by the program team. The staff of the program team said that there are two tasks here, and the team that wins is very helpful to the evening game.

One is a trekking ropeway, and the other is a high-altitude swing. After the two teams discussed, Qiao Yuwei played the trekking ropeway, and Qu Ruoxi was sent by the other party.

After both parties put on their seat belts, Qu Ruoxi smiled and asked, "Weiwei, are you afraid of heights?"

Qiao Yu heard the words, rubbed his hands, smiled and shook his head: "No! How about you?"

"I have a little bit, but I want to challenge myself to see if I can overcome it, so please be merciful later!" Qu Ruoxi blinked at her playfully, half-joking and half-joking. It really looks like.

Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do I still want you to be merciful? You have better physical strength than me. I'm afraid I won't have any energy when I get to the top."

Qu Ruoxi smiled and was not answering the conversation.

After getting ready, Qiao Yuwei and Qu Ruoxi went up to the starting point of the ropeway together, looking at the flag at the end, and when the staff said to start, the two quickly climbed up.

But Qu Ruoxi didn't know whether she was really scared or fake. She started to shake as soon as she got up. Qiao Yuwei didn't care about her so much, after all, it was during the game.

When he walked to the middle, Qu Ruoxi suddenly chased up, and the people below were cheering. Qiao Yuwei couldn't help but looked back and felt a little weird. Wasn't she still scared just now?

Are you not afraid now?

Really know how to pretend!

When Qiao Yuwei reacted, she walked forward quickly. Seeing that she was about to reach the terminal, her clothes were suddenly pulled by Qu Ruoxi behind her. Qiao Yu turned her head slightly and found that she was about to pull her back, Qiao Naturally, Yuwei did not show weakness, so he also grabbed her arm.

The two ‘tipped’ a piece just half a meter away from the terminal.

Several times, Qiao Yuwei was almost pushed out of the ropeway by her, and the people below also raised their hearts to their throats.

Finally, Qiao Yuwei broke free of her. When she was about to take a step forward, Qu Ruoxi suddenly pulled her clothes forward and pushed forward, but Qiao Yuwei reflexively hid aside, but did not want Qu Ruo. Xi used too much force, and the whole person fell directly from the ropeway. Because of the seat belt, he swayed a few times in mid-air, and the iron pillar on the terminal stage was closer, causing inertia problems and shaking. After two hits, it was heavily installed on the iron pillar.

Immediately afterwards, a scream resounded in the air, Qiao Yu opened his eyes slightly, a little unbelievable, and the people below were also frightened. This sudden accident caused the staff to panic and immediately put Qu Ruoxi away. Go down and check her situation.

When Qu Ruoxi was put down, the blood on her head was left on the white sports t-shirt, and the red color was like a gorgeous rose, smudging slightly.

Qiao Yuwei was also put down, and hurriedly walked over to check her condition. The staff had called an ambulance and also helped her take emergency hemostasis measures.

The shooting ended in this way. Soon after the ambulance came, Qu Ruoxi fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital. Qiao Yuwei returned to the hotel, feeling a little sad, but not ashamed, because Qu Ruoxi It was not her fault that fell.

If she didn't push her, she wouldn't fall, and if she didn't hide at that time, she might be the one who pushed her down, and it might be her who was lying in the hospital for rescue.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Yin Shi came to the hotel to look for her. With a look of anger, Qiao Yuwei looked at her expression and asked incomprehensibly: "What's the matter? I was so angry? What happened to Qu Ruoxi? Is there anything wrong?"

"You are still worried about her now, you should be worried about yourself, this Qu Ruoxi is really a scheming **** with pitfalls."

It is rare to see Yin Shi scolding people like this, Qiao Yuwei is a little confused, and his smart eyes are full of confusion: "What's the matter?"

"Let me show you." Yin Shi angrily took out his mobile phone, clicked a report and handed it to her.

Qiao Yuwei leaned back, looking at the content of the report, his eyes widened unbelievably, and he took her hand and looked intently: "Who posted this? Why did I intentionally hurt her? Shameless? Anyone with eyes can see that she pushed me first."

"This video has been edited. Who else is there? Isn't Qu Ruoxi, a **** member who can do shameless things?"

Qiao Yu puffed up his cheeks slightly angrily, took out his mobile phone and took a look, and found that reports on this matter had already taken the headlines, and there were many Qu Ruoxi fans tearing himself up under his Weibo, and fans of his family. To defend themselves, the two families tore up like this.

It was so lively on Weibo.

"How is she now?" Qiao Yuwei threw the phone aside and sat there angrily and asked.

"What can I do, the hospital said it was a moderate concussion, and I haven't woken up yet."

"Then her team's public relations are pretty good! Before everyone wakes up, they just think about how to frame me, how to hack me, they deserve to be a professional team."

"I called Xinxin before I came, and she will look for strategies depending on the situation."

"What about this shooting?"

"It should be postponed. You should go back tonight! I will have a meeting tonight. Qu Ruoxi is injured and our program team can't escape the relationship. We can only postpone it until she gets better.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "Yeah."

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