Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 5: : At this point, he lost Lu Yiyang

Because Qiao Yuwei pushed her work for the past few days, she became bored after taking a nap. After playing some other instruments in the practice room, Uncle Chen came up with fruit, Qiao Yu Slightly sweetly said "thank you", and I ate it deliciously.

"What time is Uncle Chen?"

"It's half past four."

"So fast?"

Uncle Chen smiled and nodded: "Madam, every time you come to the practice room, you will forget the time. You stay here for at least two hours."

Hearing that, Qiao Yu turned his head slightly to look at the piano behind him, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, and put an apple on the plate with a fork and put it into his mouth: "Uncle Chen, do you know why I like musical instruments?"

Uncle Chen shook his head curiously.

Qiao Yuwei put down the fork in his hand, walked to the piano, lightly pressed the keys on it, and uttered a pleasing melody: "Because people change their hearts, but the piano can't. I love them very much."

She was trained by her mother to practice piano when she was very young. At first, she thought about giving up. She felt that piano practice was boring and tiring. But when she grew up, she understood some of the world’s human relationships and realized that anyone might be able to do it. Leaving her, including her parents will leave her when they are old, but piano and music won't be able to do so, so she is very attentive and serious about music and instruments, and loves them with 100% sincerity.

Uncle Chen looked at the gentleness between her eyebrows when she was talking, and felt that this girl was simple, innocent and kind. She was actually very afraid of being injured, but in the face of Lu Yiyang, she still wanted to move forward like moths into the fire, nothing at all. Any fear.

Often this kind of woman is the most distressing and the one who needs someone to love and protect most, but for Lu Yiyang's temperament, this is almost impossible.

"Haha! I accidentally took the sensational route." After the reaction came, Qiao Yuwei laughed suddenly, walked over and patted Uncle Chen on the shoulder: "Uncle Chen, don't mind ha! I belong to this The life of adolescence is emotional, and the habit is just fine."

Uncle Chen looked at her with a smile, but didn't say anything.

"By the way, Uncle Chen, you just said it was half past four, right?"

"Yes it is."

Qiao Yuwei ate another piece of peach and raised his eyebrows: "Lu Yiyang and I are going back to Lu's house in the evening, so we don't have to do dinner. It's okay if I'm idle now. You can drive me to the Lu Group!"


Qiao Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes! Otherwise, Lu Yiyang will have to run one more time to pick me up later. You will save him one more trip if you send me there. Go downstairs and make preparations! I'll go back to my room. Change clothes." After speaking, Qiao Yuwei left the practice room directly, went downstairs to the second floor and returned to his room.

In fact, she felt that Lu Yiyang would not come back to pick herself up, let alone call herself. In order to save her face, she could only give herself a step down and ran to the Lu Group to find him, by the way. Go to the Lu Group to find a way out or something.

Uncle Chen has always done things without procrastination, and since Qiao Yuwei instructed him to follow suit, he drove the car out of the garage early and waited.

When approaching five o’clock, Qiao Yuwei still didn’t come down. Uncle Chen was waiting in the living room to urge him, so he stood in the living room for another ten minutes before Qiao Yuwei finally wore a knitted skirt and a coat from the building. Walking up and down, there was a gift bag in his hand: "I'm sorry, Uncle Chen, I made you wait for a long time. I wasted a little time when putting gifts."

"It's cold at night, madam, won't you be cold with this?"

"It's okay. There will be heating in the car later, both in the company and at home. I don't want to go outside to get cold, let's go! He should get off work when he is late."


Soon after the car reached the door of the Lu's Group Building, Qiao Yuwei pushed the door down and waved to Uncle Chen in the car: "Uncle Chen, thank you. Be careful when you drive back."

After seeing Uncle Chen's car disappeared from his field of vision, Qiao Yuwei turned around and took a deep breath, and walked in very confidently. The security guard at the door was stunned when he saw her.

How can I say that Qiao Yuwei is now a person in the entertainment circle. Seeing her is the same as seeing a star, but they also know Qiao Yuwei's other identity, that is, their president's wife.

"Excuse me, what floor was Lu Yiyang's office on?" She walked to the front desk and asked with a sweet smile.

The clerk at the front desk looked up and saw her, and was also taken aback: "It's the president's office on the 18th floor."

"Thank you." Qiao Yu said sweetly, and then the shuttle patrolled the direction of the elevator. After confirming, he walked over with his short boots and rang the doorbell.

And in just a few minutes, the story of Qiao Yuwei’s visit to the company has spread from one to ten, from ten to hundred. People who have seen her in person are very envious and say: "This Qiao Yuwei is more than watched on TV. She still looks good, her skin feels like a pinch of water, and it seems that her relationship with President Lu is so good that she actually came to the company to contact President Lu directly."

She came to the company just like this, and Qiao Yuwei's reputation outside became even stronger. Some people even touted the relationship between her and Lu Yiyang. For this reason, they also made hot searches. I don't know how many women were envied.

After arriving at the president's office, Qiao Yuwei happened to run into Zhai Jiaye who had just come out of the office. Zhai Jiaye was a little surprised when she saw her, but he still politely nodded and said hello: "Madam, you are here."

He is familiar with Zhai Jiaye and Qiao Yuwei, and has seen it twice, and nodded with a smile: "Is Lu Yiyang in the office?"

"I'm here."

"Then go ahead and I will go in and find him."

Zhai Jiaye hesitated a little, then nodded, "Okay."

Watching Zhai Jiaye leave, Qiao Yuwei raised his eyebrows and walked towards the compound door that looked very luxurious and luxurious. He knocked on his fingers, and before a sound came from inside, he opened the door and walked in.

Sitting at the desk, Lu Yiyang heard the door opening and raised his eyes slightly. When he saw the familiar beautiful shadow, his hand that was signing with a pen paused, and the sharp eyes of the eagle falcon were constricted, exuding the dark glow of a gloomy bird. , Shot her beautiful face directly: "Why are you here?"

"Hey, didn’t I tell you yesterday? Today is Dad’s birthday! I even prepared a gift for Dad." Qiao Yu smiled and closed the door, shaking the gift bag in his hand, and walked over. : "How long will it take you to finish?"

"Who allowed you to come to the company?" Lu Yiyang threw the pen in his hand on the table, leaning on the back of the chair, ignoring her question, and directly asked in a questioning tone.

"The legs are on my own body. Who else would I allow? Besides, you may not get off work soon, and you have to go back to pick me up. I'm not afraid of wasting your time, so I just came here? Tell me, if you don't appreciate my sensibility, do you still use this attitude to question me, is it too much?" Qiao Yuwei put the small gift bag in his hand on the table and retorted confidently.

Lu Yiyang looked at his brows. He found that every time she talked to Qiao Yuwei, she used a set, like a kind of superpower. She could always call the dead alive, and black as white. , He can be said to be very reasonable even if he is unreasonable, and he can still be said that he was originally a sinner through the ages, and he will always be the most pitiful and aggrieved one.

At this point, he lost Lu Yiyang.

Seeing him speechless again, Qiao Yuwei felt that he had won, and offered a very sincere and sweet smile: "Don't worry, if you still have things to do, I will sit there and wait. Don't bother you, don't talk, and when you are done, we will go back together." After that, she picked up the little gift bag and walked to the sofa.

Don't think of yourself as an outsider at all.

The expression on Lu Yiyang's face was obviously displeased, but Qiao Yuweiquan didn't see it, so he sat on the sofa and immersed himself in playing with his mobile phone.

And Lu Yiyang does have a few documents in his hand that he needs to sign in person. In addition, it’s not too early now. The Lu’s dinner time is set for the evening, so he can’t be late, so he is really not in the mood right now. What she cares about in this matter of cheeky, all he can do is just ignore him and take care of himself.

Qiao Yuwei was holding her mobile phone and swiping Weibo, and received a WeChat from Yin Shi. Yin Shi was her high school classmate. Both chose piano as a major, but Yin Shi did not enter Qiao Yuwei again. After graduating from the Conservatory of Music, I chose to work as a choreographer in a TV station.

She entered the entertainment industry because of Yin Shi's vigorous fiddle, but she chose to try, but the effect was something she never expected.

Seeing the passage from Yin Shi, Qiao Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, and directly typed in and refused, saying that she did not want to take over work during the rest period, and that she had a talk show to be recorded tomorrow.

However, Yin Shi said that the filming of this show will not start until next month, and there are still twenty days before next month, enough for her to rest.

Yin Shi's words are indeed convincing enough. Qiao Yuwei thought about it and asked her questions about the details of the show, and then said that he would discuss it with Fang Xin before making a decision.

After staying in Lu Yiyang’s office for more than half an hour, Lu Yiyang closed the papers on the desk, then got up, took his jacket, looked at the chatting and chatting very hilariously, and said lightly: "Joe Yuwei."

Qiao Yu heard it slightly and suddenly raised his head to look at him: "Are you going to leave?"

Lu Yiyang didn't pay attention to her, but just retracted his gaze and walked towards the door with his long legs. Qiao Yuwei realized that he quickly got up and ran to him. When he was about to go out of the office, he remembered whether he had a gift bag or a bag. He took it, and planned to turn back to take it, so he took his arm and said: "You wait for me, I didn't take anything."

He almost turned back quickly, picked up the bag and gift bag from the sofa and quickly returned to him, then smiled and said, "Let's go!"

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