Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 27: : This man is really persistent too!


All of Qin Zijin’s emotions were caught in this problem, but he didn’t want a certain prince who had already gotten in the car, but he lost patience. Seeing the woman standing in front of the car motionless, he cried impatiently. Get off the whistle.

Qin Zijin was so frightened that he suddenly broke his thoughts and looked at Su Monan in the car coldly.

Su Monan looked at her like a little rabbit after being frightened, raised her head, slowly pulled her thin lips, and uttered the words "get in the car".

Looking at his calm appearance, Qin Zijin always felt that his heart was no longer his own. He calmed down the fluctuations in his heart a bit, walked quickly onto the sidewalk, opened the passenger compartment door and sat on it.

Without waiting for her to fasten her seat belt, Su Monan started the car and drove into the lane.

Before Qin Zijin could get angry, the mobile phone in his bag rang suddenly. Qin Zijin had to take care of the call first. When he saw the caller ID, he glanced at Su Monan and then answered the call. : "Teacher Tang."

"Ms. Qin... uh, sorry, I think you didn't reply to WeChat, so just... the public class we talked about before and the English drama performance at the end of the month..." Tang Shao on the other end of the phone was only hearing her. Suddenly I felt a little embarrassed when I made a soft and nice voice, but I still tried my best to restrain the tone that was about to shake out the sound wave.

After Qin Zijin heard this, she also suddenly realized that, raising her hand to cover her face, she had just forgotten the incident after being so disturbed by Su Monan.

Annoyed, he patted his forehead and laughed awkwardly: "Uh...I'm sorry! I just had something temporarily, so I forgot to give you a message back, so let's do it! I will give you this matter when I arrive at school tomorrow. Is the answer good? I still need to think about it."

"It's okay, it's okay. Originally, this drama performance was an activity in our class. I was really abrupt to ask you to be an English instructor. Then you should be busy." Tang Shao thought that Qin Zijin would refuse in one mouth. Explaining that there is still a chance, he said quickly with excitement.

"Well, okay, then... see you tomorrow." Qin Zijin responded with a sigh of relief. After hanging up the phone with Tang Shaowei, he leaned back on the chair, hesitating in his heart.

She is actually not very good at dramas, but after reading the script sent by Tang Shaowei, she still has some interest. There is no problem with the lines of the classmates in their department, but their foreign language department also has activities here. , It’s just that it hasn’t been decided yet, but it still depends on how Teacher Ouyang arranged it. After all, he is the main class.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Zijin pondered this matter in his heart, and suddenly an indifferent voice floated beside him.

Qin Zijin raised his eyes and looked at him. After more than ten seconds, he smiled and said, "It's nothing."

"Men's and women's?"

Seeing his cold and arrogant look without squinting, Qin Zijin didn't want to answer his question, but in the end he answered, "Men."

"The one you waved at the school gate last time?"

Qin Zijing widened his pupils and looked at him in surprise, recalling that she had waited for him for a long time yesterday, and finally was left there. The man he said yesterday was asking this?

Ask him to say that this man Su Monan is really persistent too!

"Yes." Qin Zijin nodded super earnestly, not knowing if it was puffed up, his words were very clear, and he answered the word very heavily.

Her answer caused Su Manan to turn his head to look at her, but Jun Rong's expression was a little dark and unclear. With just such a glance, he withdrew his gaze, but accelerated the speed of the car.

After returning to the villa, Su Manan didn't have any words, and went straight upstairs and plunged into the study.

Qin Zijin didn't pay attention to him either. He made up the medicine he bought, and ate two slices of toast because he didn't have much dinner, so he went to wash and go to bed. After all, he had to get up early tomorrow. But unlike Su Monan, the prince would go to the company whenever he wanted to.

When the night was approaching, Su Monan came out of the study and walked into the bedroom. There was no light in it. Only a few gloomy lights reflected from the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows into the room. Obviously, the person lying in bed was already asleep.

Turn on the floor lamp in the room and walked to the end of the bed to look at the sleeping pretty face. Su Monan raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, turned back to the bathroom, and walked out in his nightgown more than ten minutes later and opened the thin. Was, lay down.

But he didn't want Qin Zijin, who was already asleep, suddenly turned over to face him, pulled off the quilt a little, and shrank.

Su Monan looked up at the temperature on the air conditioner, looked up at the temperature on the air conditioner, took the remote control of the air conditioner, turned the air conditioner down, and lay down and closed his eyes to sleep.


In the early morning of the next day, Qin Zijin got up as usual. In addition to the golden light beam and the beautiful glass crystal chandelier, Su Monan's side face was like a monster.

After watching for a while, Qin Zijin got out of bed and sorted out the pillows and quilts on his side, walked into the bathroom and started to wash, then went to the cloakroom to pick out the clothes he was wearing today.

I chose to choose, and finally I chose a white chiffon top and a black hip leather skirt and went downstairs to start breakfast.

After taking it from the refrigerator ten times, Qin Zijin hesitated a bit, would you like to make it for Su Manan?

After hesitating for half a minute or so, he decided to make Sumonan's share together. As for when he gets up to eat, it doesn't matter to her.

I prepared two breakfasts with a happy mood, and specially made a cup of coffee for the prince Su Manan. As soon as he brought it out, I saw a certain prince walking from the living room with a black face and a white shirt. The collar was slightly open, and the cyan coat was held in one hand. Seeing her, he asked, "Where did you put my blue and blue striped tie?"

"Blue stripes?" Qin Zijin put down the coffee in his hand, tried to think about it, and an inspiration: "Oh! I remember, I washed it two days ago, and forgot to collect it from the balcony of the laundry room. Go and get it for you." As he said, he hurried upstairs.

Seeing her back hurriedly upstairs, and glanced at the breakfast on the dining table, Su Monan looked still, but raised his brow slightly.

Soon, Qin Zijin took the tie he wanted downstairs, walked to him, handed the tie to him, and asked with a smile, "Is it this one?"


"Give you."

"you are."


"Yes." Su Monan repeated it, turning his body to face her and straightening his waist.

"You don't have any hands? You can't do it."

"Yes." Su Monan lowered his eyes and repeated again.

Qin Zijin looked at him dumbly, and had to be patient with him, but he was too tall and she couldn't reach: "You lower your head."

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