Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Chapter 274: : Spend the rest of your life together

February 14th is Valentine's Day. Su Yanxi and Lu Jingyan came to the Civil Affairs Bureau early in the morning, but there were still many people gathered there, especially young couples. .biquge

The two also waited until noon to arrive at them, and exchanged the divorce certificate in their hands for the red marriage certificate.

The group photo placed on the marriage certificate is also different from the previous one. Although both of them wore pure white shirts in the previous marriage certificate, they did not have any expressions on their faces, not to mention the happiness in their eyes as they do now. Smile, with willing love.

When I came to the Civil Affairs Bureau five years ago, it was due to pressure from the elderly of the two families, which is ridiculous. The first time they met was on the day they got their certificates and became husband and wife. It was this Civil Affairs Bureau.

At that time, Su Yanxi still remembered that she had no good feelings about Lu Jingyan. The whole marriage process took no more than ten minutes. Then the two went out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and explained the hidden marriage in a few simple sentences. After speaking, the two were divided into Swaggers.

The next day, Su Yanxi took the luggage and moved to the riverside villa. She did not see him all day. On the third day, the second side they saw, it was Lu Jingyan who moved out of the villa and bought it near the hospital. A single apartment.

The two maintained a loveless marriage like a stranger for two years.

Later, when Lu Jingyan received Su Yanxi’s divorce lawsuit, did he think of his nominal wife, so he became interested and actively went back to question, but saw something different from her cold appearance, and decided simply. Moved back.

At the beginning, he did not agree to divorce because of the consideration of the two families. Firstly, the business relationship with the family would be affected. Secondly, it was because of Father Lu and Father Su. Thirdly, he did need a nominal wife. Although he is married, it is enough to get married once. Divorce and remarriage are too troublesome. For him, it doesn't matter who his wife is, as long as he is a woman, it is enough.

But after moving back to the villa, the difference between Su Yanxi's heart and appearance attracted him even more. Sometimes he couldn't help teasing him, and even made him lose his usual posture of looking at people with a high degree of coldness.

Gradually, I don't know when to take care of her slowly, and slowly care about it, and finally it has reached the point where no one can replace it.

Feelings are a kind of magical thing. The feelings between him and Su Yanxi are even more magical. The two repel each other at the beginning to attract each other later, and at the end they are like glue, inseparable. They are all devoted to each other. And emotions.

The two walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a red notebook in each hand, looking up at the blue sky, and shouting with a smile: "Husband."


The two tilted their heads and looked at each other, their eyes softened, and they looked at each other and smiled: "Let's go home."

"it is good."


The wedding of Lu Jingyan and Su Yanxi was scheduled for May 20th. The news has swept the entire city of t, and even made headlines in city t. All the celebrities and families have participated in it. The wedding scene is very grand and spectacular.

The wedding dresses, dresses and wedding shoes are all high-end customized, limited nationwide. As for the wedding ring, Lu Jingyan originally wanted to customize another one, but Su Yanxi thought it was unnecessary and still used the one they chose together three years ago. The ring serves as a wedding ring.

He once said that he should pay back all the things owed to her in the rest of his life, at least the promise of this wedding is now in sight.

Regarding the place to spend her honeymoon, Su Yanxi chose to live in romantic France, but in the end Lu Jingyan took her on a European tour, and returned to China for almost two months before starting work.

Later, the verdict on Chu Li came down. She was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life. Her unhappy life will be spent in prison.

One day in the future, Su Yanxi also heard that Chu Li's mother came to the city to look for Xu Feng after learning about Chu Li’s imprisonment, but Xu Feng did not see her and died on the spot in a car accident on the way back to the hotel. , But no one gave her the end.

When the prison police told Chu Li about the incident, Chu Li didn't feel very sad, but smiled indifferently: "You die! It's a relief for her and for me. It's been a relief for all these years. I'm tired."

The mother and father were originally very important to the child, but in her eyes, they are no longer important.

In September, Su Yanxi became pregnant again. The Lu family and Su family were extremely happy, and Lu Jingyan took care of her more carefully. After two months of pregnancy, she would not let her go to work at the law firm.

In July, Su Yanxi gave birth to a baby boy. Lu Jingyan named him Lu Zefeng. At first, Mr. Lu was very dissatisfied with the name, but he couldn't help Lu Jingyan!

After all, it was his son.

Lu Jingyan also turned on the daddy mode. Things like changing diapers and soaking milk powder were at his fingertips. When he cried, Lu Jingyan felt a little at a loss and didn't know what to do. In the end, Su Yanxi had to come out.

When Lu Zefeng was over a year old, Lu Jingyan was surprised to find that this was giving birth to a small love rival for himself. As long as he was awake, he would dominate Su Yanxi all the time. Lu Jingyan felt very aggrieved for this.

When Lu Zefeng was four years old, Su Yanxi became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter, named Lu Ruohan. She was very cute and charming. Xi Jichen even threatened to let his son marry his daughter. But for the daughter of Lu Jingyan, this is absolute impossible.

Xi Jichen’s son, Xi Junming, is only two years older than Lu Ruohan. The two have been in the same school since elementary school. They went to school together after school, but Lu Jingyan didn’t wait to see Xi Junming. He only felt that he would bring his daughter’s flower with others. Go, so keep guarding him.

However, Su Yanxi looked more openly. On the contrary, he felt that Xi Junming was a pretty good child. He was not at all like Xi Jichen's temperament. On the contrary, he seemed very calm and worthy of trust.

And her little girl knew what it means to be jealous when she first opened her love affair, because Xi Junming looks like Xi Jichen, with an enchanting face, and many girls in the school like him.

Lu Ruohan is also very beautiful, but her personality is very cheerful, and she is a little slow in emotional matters, but every time she goes home, she will complain to Su Yanxi, Xi Junming is not comfortable with attracting bees and butterflies.

At that time she knew that her daughter already had a goal in life.

As for Lu Jingyan, she still has to persuade her. After all, her daughter is going to marry sooner or later, so she has to let go.

Su Yanxi, who has always longed for an ordinary life, finally realized this wish, and spent the rest of his life with someone who loves and loves himself, until he gets old...

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