Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 96: Gene origin

  While walking, a group of people turned and walked upstairs.

The decoration of    Rose Hotel makes it easy to feel good. The simple and comfortable color matching and the faint rose fragrance in the hotel are all refreshing. I have to mention that if it wasn't for Dai Mubai's sake, perhaps Zhu Zhuqing would still like the decoration design of this place.

   The four of them walked to the top and innermost level. Tang San compared the house number and the key, and his expression was a little helpless. The color of the door is the same as the name of the door plate. On the big red door, there is a beautiful dark red crystal rose decoration, and there is a row of small vertical letters beside the red crystal rose.

   The red ocean, the ocean of love.

   Even if Tang San was duller, he felt the weird burn on his face at this time. He didn't know that this was a love hotel. Suddenly, several eyes were placed behind Tang San who opened the door, making him extremely embarrassed for a while.

   He wanted to find a place to sleep, how did he find this kind of hotel?

   Xiao Wu blinked her big eyes, and somewhat scorned: "I actually think this hotel is beautiful, hey, it wasn't on purpose."

   Zhu Zhuqing and You both had cold expressions, and couldn't see what they were thinking in their hearts. I have to say that from this perspective, the pressure on Xiao Wu Tang San by the two was much greater than that on Dai Mubai.

Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stepped forward, preparing to enter the room, but who knew that his body suddenly stopped, and suddenly a tender body came up from behind him, but was touched by Tang San. To block, Xiao Wu had to step back a few steps, pulling away.

   "Why don't you leave?"

   Xiao Wu originally planned to go in and have a look, but Tang San was actually shocked first, standing still, watching everything in the room.

   The next moment, Tang San came to his senses, smiled, touched his nose, and then set off to walk in, letting out the doorway.

   Despite some psychological preparations, Xiao Wu was stunned when he first saw everything in this room.

The room is very large, but the living room in front of it has an area of ​​more than 50 square meters. All the families in the hall are silver, with exquisite carvings. The big red carpet is covered with embossed red rose patterns. What surprised Xiao Wu the most was a huge red heart piled with large roses in the middle of the hall.

   The peach heart is very big, and there seems to be some decorations on it. The surrounding area is full of elegant vases with fiery red roses in it. The charm is dazzling.

   Tang San smiled bitterly: "It seems that I guess..."

   Before he finished speaking, he felt that a jade hand was twisted around his waist, and he woke up suddenly, shouting fluke in his heart.

   Zhu Zhuqing is right in front of you. It is better not to bring up the sad thing.

   Uran turned his head and closed the door. Although he was a little shocked by everything around him, he quickly recovered. Similarly, he also saw Zhu Zhuqing, who was originally blurred and frosty at the moment.

   The four of them looked around, then Uran directly sat on the carpet without hesitation, soft, supporting her hips, very elastic.

   Xiao Wu did a good job and sat on the ground together, not feeling that the place would be dirty.

   So, he said.

   "I know, you must be very curious, why can I be purple for the second spirit ring, and ten thousand years black for the fourth spirit ring, right?"

   After finishing speaking, the boy looked at Xiao Wu vaguely.

   Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San did not know when they were also sitting on the ground. They nodded, each with its own thoughts.

   Tang San thought, how did this happen? Is there something wrong with the teacher's theory? Or maybe it is the special nature of Wuhun.

   Throughout all the martial arts he has seen, there are birds and beasts, swords, spears, swords and sticks, but he has never seen the eyes martial arts. Is this the special feature of the eyes martial arts?

   But Zhu Zhuqing did not think as much as Tang San, there was only one idea in her mind, becoming stronger.

   And now, if she can leapfrog the level to absorb the spirit ring, I am afraid that this is the only hope she can win against her sister.

   "Where should I start...After all, I am different from you. My spirit has a characteristic that reduces the source of life. Can you understand it?"

   As he said, Uran opened the radiating eyes of Martial Soul, revealing the miniature fan-shaped gou jade slowly rotating among the two pairs of pupils.

   The three of them immediately watched, carefully looking at the black and yellow pupils, and then reminiscent of the words he said before. After the eyes of Wuhun Destruction, they had different thoughts in their hearts.

   Tang San seemed to record, remembering the shape of his eyes in his heart, and then another word appeared in his mind, the origin of life.

   "What is the origin of life? Is it the vitality of a spirit beast spirit master?" Tang San asked calmly.

Uran looked and watched, as if he was waiting for the class, he couldn't help sighing in his heart. It seems that the family knowledge learned in the forest is now ready to use a little bit. All of them are theories. They are just based on his own situation. Say.

  The thousand-year-old hidden family basically did not fight outside. In addition to studying martial arts and studying secret techniques, what else can the respected clan elders have to pass the time?

Not to mention the theory of reserve. Although the times are advancing and the family has been unable to escape from the world, don’t forget that there are still people in the family who have not been able to awaken their soul power and can only be ordinary people. what.

But at least in Uran's opinion, there are no such people in the family, and these ordinary people are even more unlikely to be killed and given up. It is conceivable that these are exactly the same as ordinary people, as long as they do not reveal their martial arts, they are almost like Douluo. People who are the same as mainland residents are the best candidates for spies.

   And exploring the changes in the mainland, obtaining important information, Wuhun theory and other things, naturally the top priority.

   "If this is the case, then I will tell you about the spirit beast, the spirit ring and the gene origin. This is also the key to my higher spirit ring."

   Uranus said lightly, although he didn't mind revealing more things, such as the adaptability of the spirit ring, the homotaxis of martial arts, the relationship between the origin of life and spiritual power, etc., it was unnecessary, he was too lazy to say.

   Just say something related to yourself.

Anyway, he never considered going to Shrek as a student with Tang San, and then becoming a god. He has his own way to go. After this time, if there is nothing to do, he will set off and go to heaven. Doucheng.


   Tang San nodded, and couldn't help feeling a burst of joy in his heart. The gene origin is something that the teacher has not taught before, and it is new.

   The next moment, Uran pondered for a while, and after organizing the language, he began to talk about the meaning of the origin of life and the variables brought about by the decrease and increase of the origin of life.

   These were researched by the family, but his radiating eyes just happened to be applicable. Even after the Soul Master Competition, Tang San would still be able to absorb the origin of other people's lives.

   such as the bat wing reincarnation, absorbed the life source of the golden generation.


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