Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 405: training

The two chatted for a long time, from the discussion of national governance, to the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers, and to the spirit ring and spirit skills upgraded by the soul master. The two of them talked about everything. After removing the package of Xueqinghe, it was visible to the naked eye. Yes, Qian Renxue at this moment is the most real her.

She no longer has pressure, no more disguise, this is what she should show.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon, the sun had repeatedly jumped between Xixia and Buxixia.

Near the end, Uranium suddenly thought of a question, Qian Renxue is here, then...who did Zhu Zhuqing go to?

"Qian Renxue, since you are Xue Qinghe in disguise, then during the time you left, is it possible that the person'Xue Qinghe' has always disappeared in Wuhun City?"

He was a little afraid that if Xue Qinghe no longer returned to the Tiandou Empire's motorcade, then Zhu Zhuqing...

Uranium knew that the Star Luo Empire never gave up taking her away.

If there is no shelter from Xueqinghe, I am afraid something will happen!

As if seeing the worry of uranium flowing on the surface, Qian Renxue smiled silently and stroked her blonde hair. She slowly said: "I leave, naturally there is a substitute. You don't need to worry about this, Xing. No one from the Luo Empire is so brave enough to take people away in front of the Prince Xue Qinghe. Otherwise, this is a declaration of war. Today, if you take away the Prince’s friends, tomorrow, will you invite the Prince to the Star Luo Empire? Are you a guest?"

"So, you don't have to worry, at least it will be fine until I come out."

"Yeah." Nodded, Uran focused on his arm, and fell silent for a moment.

The strength is not enough.

Although the opponents he fought were basically very strong, in any case, it was an indisputable fact that he was hung up and hit. In fact, unless he could reach the level of Title Douluo, he would still not be Qian Daoliu's opponent. ....

Unless, his sixth spirit ability is more powerful.

However, for the sixth spirit ability, what he wanted was a 100,000-year-level spirit beast. After all, the fifth spirit ring used seven to eighty thousand years, and it was still a spirit ring produced by a radiating spirit beast. .

And if it’s at the 100,000-year level, I don’t know if I can persist after the radiation energy has been used. After all, at this level, the soul beast powerhouse at the top of the continent will definitely not let him go easily. His radiant energy is raging, maybe, with his own cultivation base and soul power, he can resist his radiant energy for more than a year.

Even if the time is longer, it is different. Thinking about it this way, it would take such a long time just to obtain a 100,000-year soul beast spirit ring. What can I do in the future?

"If it doesn't work, then I won't pick it anymore. Anyway, two spirit abilities can be considered powerful. On the ultimate spirit ability, nuclear explosion kick can also support the scene, but I can't beat Qiandao Liu, it's just that my speed is not fast enough This is also normal. People who have lived for more than a hundred years and cultivated for more than a hundred years, how can I easily catch up and crush them? Just be a human being and be content with Changle."

"It's just that, where should I find the 100,000-year soul beast? There are only two Star Dou Great Forests. The Ditian or something in the second part is still sleeping with a group of fierce beasts to absorb the energy of the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm. If I die, I’m afraid I’ll wake up a group of monsters directly. I can’t eat it and walk around. The ocean can’t go. When the sea soul beast dies, it will sink directly to the bottom of the sea. I can’t absorb the soul ring on the bottom of the sea. ."

"At the moment, it seems that I can only go to the far north. The three kings of the far north are more than two hundred thousand years old. I only need one one hundred thousand years old. This shouldn't be too much, right?" Uranium finally made the decision.

When the wound is healed, return to the Tiandou Empire and settle the territory that the old emperor has bestowed on him, and set out to the far north!

Looking for his sixth spirit ring!

Otherwise, I really don't know where there can be a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Even if the Seven Shrek Monsters were upgraded to Title Douluo, most of them were **** bestowed spirit rings, otherwise there would not be so many hundred thousand year spirit beasts for them to absorb.

As for the three brothers of Qianjun Ant Emperor, they are all 90,000-year soul beasts, and they are not suitable for him, the dark demon evil **** tiger... is too fierce, he is a bit afraid of something wrong, Tang San can beat him, or Because he broke the opponent's body protection method, otherwise, it would be a six-year-old child with a complete soul beast on an unknown platform.

Instead of a hundred-year soul beast to six-year-old Tang San.

Uran doesn't want to take any risks himself, otherwise things will easily happen.

Soon, the chat was over. After Qian Renxue informed Uran's exact departure time and check-out time, she left alone and headed towards the Heaven Dou Empire.

Because the stand-in only has the same appearance, body shape and accent as Xue Qinghe, but he doesn't know the specifics about the royal family, nor can he make any decisions, because the fake is only fake after all.

And she has already handled everything here, so naturally there is no reason to stay where she is, return to the Tiandou convoy as soon as possible, and go back to preside over the overall situation.

After all, before her identity was fully exposed, she was the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe!

In fact, from an emotional point of view, Qian Renxue likes Uranium, but this woman is too realistic. If she is an average girl, she definitely wants to stay with Uranium when she needs her own care. Strive to get into the heart of the other party.

But Qian Renxue is different. She will not be dragged down by feelings. She is a woman whose core is profit and rationality. Even if her grandfather collapses on the bed and needs care, she is just sending a maid instead of herself.

She is too rational. In her opinion, with this time to accompany, then there will be more time to do more important things. Regarding this point, it looks like but Bibidong’s The obsession was deeper than Qian Renxue, so deep that it was blackened behind, and only one death could be washed away.

After all... still a hard man.

After Qian Renxue left, the hotel room slowly fell into calm.

Because when Qian Renxue opened the room, she had arranged for a servant to deliver meals regularly. Naturally, she didn’t need to worry about herself, just take care of her injuries. From this point of view, others could already tell Qian. Ren Xue has a strong personality and a strong desire to control.

However, Uran didn't care, because Qian Renxue's arrangements were the same as him in his opinion. If it were for him, it would be the same decision.

After all, the difference between the two in this respect may be just a difference in gender.

Uranus knew that he would not like Qian Renxue, so he followed...

You won’t like someone who is exactly like yourself!

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