Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 395: The situation reversed!

Uranium’s body traversed all the trees like a phantom, the translucent soul power surging out from behind it, intertwined with the energy of the particle stream, under the maintenance of the pupil power, he immediately smashed into it like a two-color meteor In the dense forest mountains that can't see the end.

"This move can buy me at least 30 seconds, and I still have a chance to reverse it."

In mid-air, Uran felt that the momentum had already slowed down, and immediately gritted his teeth, bursting out all the spirit power energy, turned a turn from this dense forest, and rushed towards Wuhun City!

It is too dangerous to face Qian Daoliu alone!

He was in such a dying state after only two contacts, and even the other party did not use spirit abilities. His back bone has been broken. As long as he dares to wave his hands hard, he may also fracture due to this, surging vitality and spirit power. Chang, everything, pointed out his final ending to him.


He stamped his feet heavily and stepped on the big trees in the forest. It was obvious that the body's functions had been weakened to such a degree, but the speed of uranium had not slowed down, but had an upward trend, as if deep in the body, there was a certain power at its source. Constantly gushing out.

But he didn't notice all of this. He just thought that he could reach a speed faster than before, but because he was near death, all the potential in his body was burning.

Even if he survives, there may be no progress in the future.

He maintains a pessimistic attitude towards the future, but at the moment, he must continue to accelerate and then accelerate, otherwise...

Uran didn't dare to think about it any more, but the soul power inside his body speeded up!

He began to burn his soul power to provide speed, and his speed was getting faster and faster. He stepped on the trunk and flew across the forest. The wind was whistling in his ears. He seemed to have broken the limit of his body speed. The pain of intense exercise increased sharply, but instead The stimulation made him run faster.

All the efforts he is doing right now are for soul power!

Qian Daoliu will never leave him any chance to resist. This can be seen from the fact that the opponent's two consecutive shots against him were close combat. Qian Daoliu knew that his spirit power had been exhausted. His third spirit ability is an absorption type, knowing that his fourth and fifth spirit skills are large-scale, high-power spirit skills!

"I need a chance, a chance to meet a soul master. Otherwise, I am dead." That's why Uran has to turn around to go to Wuhun City. No matter how dangerous Wuhun City is, it can still be more dangerous than Qian Daoliu. Is it more dangerous?

As long as he could absorb the spirit power, he could reverse his mortal fate.

He is very calm now, very calm, his current direction is correct, even if he will fall into the siege of multiple Title Douluo later, it is better than immediately dying in this unknown forest.

Suddenly, a spirit master aura broke into Uran's range of perception.

Uranium was startled first, and then joy burst out on his face, not Qian Daoliu!

He turned his direction again and rushed towards the direction of that spirit master aura!

But the next moment, Qian Daoliu's golden figure suddenly flashed past Uran's eyes, and his gleaming palm formed a knife-like shape. With a brush, it tore the air and struck his neck at an extremely alarming speed. Past.

"Fight!" A sharp color flashed in Uran's eyes, his body turned, half of his body reluctantly sideways, and his left hand abruptly raised, blocking Qian Daoliu's hand knife!


Qian Daoliu's hand knife and Uran's arm touched instantly, only a creaking sound was heard, and the original bone crack marks suddenly enlarged. Under this huge force, his arm broke immediately!

The fresh bone stubble immediately pierced the skin, the pale bone pierced out of the fracture, and Uranium's left hand formed a creepy curve.

"Uh!" Accompanied by the dull scream, he once again used this power to accelerate his body and rush towards the place where the spirit master aura was.

He just turned sideways just for this moment, to change his body shape, and when Qian Daoliu's attack comes, he can act with his strength.

Even if he paid the price of one hand, he would survive!

Uran’s desperate resistance was not in vain. In less than ten seconds, a bearded man dressed in a pale white robe and a standard Spirit Hall uniform appeared in his eyes. At this time, he reached the level of the Soul King in his perception. The strong are cruising in the forest, seemingly a routine inspector near Wuhun City.

In fact, when this figure came into view, Uranium also sensed several spirit king-level auras not far away. Somehow, there seemed to be more soul king powerhouses patrolling near Wuhun City, and There is still a scale, and it spreads to the surrounding circle organized, as if searching for something.

And as Uran saw the soul king of Wuhun Temple with cheeks, the other party also saw him, and the other party immediately screamed with spirit power!

"Grass, this is here to catch me." Such a thought flashed in Uran's heart, but now, he didn't want to think about it so much, he now only needs spirit power!

At the next moment, Uran's figure appeared behind the ghostly soul king, his eyes flashed with cold, and he directly used the third spirit ability: energy absorption halo!

Uran's palm was pressed on the neck of the Soul Master Soul Master who had not yet reacted, and his soul power was absorbed!

"Uhhh!!" To strengthen the soul power of the soul-killer, it is a painful thing for the victim, because the soul power originally flows through the meridians, and the force of uranium absorbs the soul power of others. Destroying this kind of operation, causing all the spirit power in the opponent's body to flow in the direction he wants, such absorption, the damage caused to the spirit master's body takes a long time to recover.

So Uranium was useless when playing games, it was just used to absorb spirit abilities, but now, he didn't want to pity the spirit master of the Spirit Hall, and didn't want to die here because of temporary mercy.

A steady stream of soul power poured into the body from the palm of his right hand, and Uran’s pale face suddenly appeared bloody, and the originally exhausted soul power was also replenished to the level of 50%, but he still thought As I continued to breathe, a golden light spot suddenly appeared, passing through Uran's ear like a meteor across the sky!


At this time, the golden light spot made a sound.

Beyond the speed of sound.

"Huh? It's not attacking me?" Uran frowned. For a moment, he wanted to raise his hand to absorb, but his left hand was unable to move because of a fracture, while his right hand was relying on a strong soul king to absorb. The soul power of the other party.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Suddenly, Uran's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the Soul King Huo on the side. A blood hole as large as his thumb penetrated the forehead of the powerful Soul King.

"Is that so?"

Because of the death of the soul master the soul power replenishment in his body was immediately disconnected.

Uranium could no longer draw soul power from the opponent's body.

Qian Daoliu's figure slowly appeared from the forest, and it was obvious that he had launched the light spot just now.

At this moment, the handsome middle-aged man with black hair still has a touch of indifferent face, looking at Uranium like a dead dog.

"Why run? Your life is like a candle in the wind, it will be extinguished at any time."

Seeing the approaching gesture of the other party, Uran smiled, and a stern smile appeared.

"Not always."

During the words, the fourth spirit ring on Uran's body began to shine like a breath, bright and dark light!

Although the soul power reserve is only 50%, it is enough!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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