Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 392: 0 stream comes

Outside of Wuhun City, waves of air continued to hit, and because of the nuclear explosion of uranium, part of the topography of Wuhun City had changed.

It includes not only the light radiation with an action time of only tens of seconds, but also the shock wave composed entirely of air, which is the current wave of air, as well as the nuclear electromagnetic pulse that swept across the city at that moment.

If it’s not for uranium, it’s still good, and use its own radiation field to absorb most of the alpha particles, ray streams, gamma rays and other deadly radiant energy in the center of the nuclear explosion. Otherwise, just this small nuclear explosion will be enough. The other half of the people in Wuhun City were caught in radiation infection.

However, Uranium is not a good old person. He knew that he didn’t have enough time, so he just absorbed less than a minute of time, and immediately turned into Liu Guang Yuan Escape. He didn’t do that. People in the Wuhun Palace would kill him. Now, he also worked hard for others not to be baptized by his radiation rays.

It's almost done, just humanitarian.

Although Uranium has done a lot of aftermath measures, this does not mean that its impact is small. On the contrary, this is the first time that the most extreme energy attack has appeared in the eyes of the people of Douluo Continent.

For the first time, the light radiation burst out of its own light and heat, and all the Templars, the city guards, the soul diversion master, the deacon of the Wuhun Temple, who sensed the battle outside the city, came in the first time, The elders of Wuhun Hall were baptized by this light radiation, and in just ten seconds, they were all blind.

The retina was severely burned, the skin was burned in large areas, the respiratory tract was burned due to the ingestion of hot air, and all the clothes on the body were immediately melted, carbonized, and burned. All of this was just because they witnessed A battle that should not be seen.

At the same time, there was a fire. Not only the soul master's body began to burn, but also some flammable items in the warehouses and shops began to burn under the hot air, and a series of explosions sounded at the same time.

For a time, Wuhun City was plunged into disorderly frenzy!

Some people are fighting fires, some are screaming on the ground, some are screaming while supporting walls, some are mad, some are screaming, but more, it is the batches of Templar knights in Wuhun Temple who are dispatching each other. Ordered rescue.

At this moment, Pope Bibi Dong had a gloomy face, and a series of instructions were issued from her mouth. As the top titled Douluo, everything in Wuhun City is within her range of perception. Naturally, everything that happens, she is Can perceive.

"Damn, that uranium, there is such a precious one-time explosive Soul Guidance Device!" Thinking of Wuhun Hall's reputation as a result, everyone in Wuhun City is in danger, and at the same time, a precious cardinal has been lost. , Bibi Dong couldn't help gritting his teeth, his eyes filled with killing intent and regret.

"I knew it was so tricky, so I should solve it as soon as possible!"

She guessed right, that Ghost Leopard Douluo was at the center of the nuclear explosion for the first time, and had already turned into dust in the extreme high temperature.

If Bibi Dong himself went to apprehend the uranium in real life, I am afraid that he would have died at this moment.

The thought that he almost fell into such an unknown stroke, even if he was as strong as Pope Bibi Dong, couldn't help but trembled.

Who could have imagined that a soul master of the Soul King level, in her eyes, was slaughtered at will like a pig and dog, but at this moment she almost fell, not in the hands of a master of the same level, but insidious tricks and sneak attacks!

"A killing order must be issued, otherwise if these characters are allowed to grow slowly, the consequences will be disastrous." Bibi Dong made a decision after careful consideration.

However, Bibi Dong didn't know that if the uranium hadn't been collected in time, the most deadly thing would have been reduced by more than half, otherwise it would not just be the first wave of impact and there would be no more information.

If it is complete, I am afraid that half of Wuhun City will become a dead city.

A forest tens of thousands of meters away from Wuhun City, this is an ordinary forest, there are no powerful soul beasts.

At this time, in the lush forest, a black shadow galloped quickly at low altitude.

The speed is very fast, and the afterimages continue to appear and then continue to disappear, just like ghosts.

This dark shadow is uranium.

At this moment, he has reached a state where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Diana, who gave full play to Lien Chan at the beginning.

Then confronted a strong group of Tang San who had reached the Soul Sage level, and used a nuclear missile fist to fight Tang San's Xeon Clear Sky Hammer in a hearty match.

Then, when escaping from Wuhun City, he fought against the three Spirit Douluo, and then faced an upright Title Douluo, fighting inextricably and almost impossible to defeat the opponent.

In the end, Pope Bibi Dong attacked, and the uranium was helpless. He could only drain the last soul power, and resorted to the time stop + nuclear explosion kick at the bottom of the box to kill the majestic Pope.

Now he really has no soul power at all, and now he relies on his own physical fitness to move forward. With his current dry soul power, he can't even release a lowest level first soul ability, let alone It is very critical, the third spirit ability that can achieve the **** anti-kill: energy absorption halo.

"Fortunately, I escaped. After a few days of training, I went to Xueqinghe to **** Zhu Zhuqing back to the country. No, I couldn't show up. I killed Pope Bibi Dong now. Maybe the whole Wuhun Temple is wanted for me. I have to be careful not to expose it, otherwise once the Title Douluo is shameless, and if he comes directly to assassinate, with my mental power, it is impossible to detect the aura of Title Douluo."

Although Uran was extremely tired, he still insisted on staying away from the Spirit Hall based on consciousness, because he was worried that he would not be able to leave if he was too late.

"I hope I can escape safely. If you come to a Contra or a Soul Sage, it is possible to kill me. I only have half of my mental power left..." Uran prayed in his heart, hoping to accept Don't have trouble on the escape journey.

He really doesn't have much resistance.

And he didn't dare to stop now. It was still too close to Wuhun City. Maybe the opponent's Title Douluo was searching for him, and judging from his current spirit power drying up, he encountered it. I'm afraid it's really lackluster.

"As long as you keep going, the road will continue to extend. Don't stop, Uranium!"

The body is too tired.

Uranium can only cheer himself up in his Let yourself keep the speed, don't stop.

He is too tired.

Once it stops, maybe it will just fall.

at this time.

Boom boom boom!

A golden light suddenly fell from the horizon!

Shock the woods ahead directly into a clearing!

Uran suddenly stopped, his knees softened, and he fell to his knees. For a while, it seemed as if all his strength had been drained!

But immediately, Uran struggled to stand up with willpower, supporting the big tree beside him, his eyes filled with coldness.

Sure enough, his most worried thing happened.

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