Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 389: Ghost Leopard Douluo who suddenly attacked

In front of the three of them, stood a ‘person’...

A man in armor.

Dark green leather is mixed with black armor. There is no trace of skin exposed on the whole body. The hard armor protects the chest and shoulders, arms, head and lower limbs. The soft connection is black special'leather' with excellent toughness, but it is defensive. The force has reached the level of armor, which is very special.

What is peculiar is that on the opponent's armor, lines are outlined, and there is a faint flow of scalp-numbing energy.

What's even more strange is that the opponent's face is a very special visor. The eye part is similar to the shape of goggles. There are three semicircles in it, which are like human eyes, but they are half open and half closed. , As if despising all living beings, exuding a very terrifying, convincing imperial aura.

After opening the Cronus Soul Guidance armor, Uranium didn't talk nonsense with them, and immediately started to act.

The soul guide armor is opened, and the stronger the strength, the stronger the state at this time.

Uranium's speed was too fast. In an instant, he came to the front of the Snake Gun Contra, volleyed to the side, skirt flying around his waist, and kicked out with a whip kick. The next moment, the cold light in the air flashed. More than ten kicks from the side!

Without any precautions, he felt that the face of the snake gun Soul Douluo changed suddenly this time. Before Uran's attack came, he could only stretch out his right hand and resist the snake gun spirit to his chest.

Immediately afterwards, before he had accumulated spirit power to resist, he suddenly felt an abnormal burst of force coming from his chest, from the snake gun!

"Puff!" In the volley, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his chest widened, and his hands were loose. In the next second, all the other fierce kicks that almost turned into afterimages fell into the opponent's chest. Among them!

Accompanied by the shattering of the breastbone, the piercing and greasy sound of internal organs bursting, the snake-gun Soul Dou immediately fell from mid-air, and plunged straight into the ground like a death meteor, life and death unknown.

"Old Liu!" The Silver Moon Demon Wolf roared sharply. The emotional fluctuations were extremely intense. A bit of sadness suddenly rose in his eyes. After being repelled by the uranium, he immediately stepped on his feet and ran in the direction of the fall. go with.

"Take care of yourself!" A ghostly voice exploded strangely from the ears of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf. The next moment, the Contra felt an abundance of great power from his body.

Uranium appeared directly on the opponent's body, unreservedly pressed down an elbow, and smashed towards the lumbar spine of the Demon Wolf Soul Dou!

"Don't think about it! Claws of Destruction!" Suddenly, Uranium sensed the Golden Moon Demon Wolf Soul Douluo not far away. The speed of the Soul Douluo was three minutes faster. Several spirit rings on his body flashed one after another, rushing directly to Uran's side. A claw was shot again, and before the person arrived, the shadow of the golden-red wolf claws came first.

And the Silver Moon Demon Wolf Soul Douluo under him was also struggling. The hair on his body suddenly soared like a spike, as if he had used some defensive spirit skills, and at the same time, the size of a water basin was brewing in his mouth. With its amazing flexibility, the giant wolf decisively turned around while galloping and sprayed directly at Uranium's face.

The heart between the twins is so powerful that it is not comparable to the two ordinary Contras. In the outside world, the two have always had a title: the double-faced magic wolf!

This means that even if the two of them face the titled Douluo powerhouse, in a short time, relying on their tacit understanding and spirit power level, they will have the power to fight!

Faced with the double flanking attack of these two Contras, Uranium didn't shrink back, but chose to accept all.


Along with the sound of two huge explosions, the Golden Moon Demon Wolf Contra just had a look of joy on his face, when suddenly he heard a stern wolf howl!


The smoke and dust sounded at the same time as the sound of heavy objects falling, but in the dust, there was no longer any breath of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf Soul Douluo.

Seeing this scene, even if he was as strong as the eighty-fourth-level Contra powerhouse, there was a chill in his heart!

"Brother..." Then, a touch of bitterness came to his mind, his brother, why...why...he died here? !

Suddenly, a dark shadow crossed the sky.

A swiftly passing, silent black figure suddenly passed the side of the Golden Moon Demon Wolf Soul Dou, and rushed straight into the haze!



A second later, there was a sound like a torn cloth leather, visible to the naked eye, a huge blood-colored hole was suddenly torn in the Contra's throat.

The throat and bones are clearly visible!

The next moment, the strong man who was still fighting hard, his eyes dimmed a bit.

Its body stiffened, and its vitality disappeared completely without any protection from outsiders.


A huge wolf head fell from his neck, but before it hit the ground, it turned into a human head again. Without the support of spirit power, the martial soul body would naturally dissipate.

Who could have imagined that the Golden Moon Demon Wolf and the Silver Moon Demon Wolf, among the long-famous double-faced demon wolves, had both died not far from this Wuhun City.


A piercing sound of gold and iron rang out in the jungle.

In the dust, due to the sudden intervention of another strong man, a vacuum site suddenly formed!

The sound of the wind whizzed, and the spirit power surged, shooting away in all directions around.

Uran raised his left hand and straightened up, forming a protective posture, blocking the sudden attack from the outside.

Stepping on the dead body of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf Soul Douluo under his feet, Uran turned his head slowly, his eyes suddenly shrinking!

It was a claw carrying a black sharp edge that attacked him!

A black leopard about the size of two people, with amber eyes with astonishing killing intent, staring closely at Uranium's face, his claws and arms stalemate for a while, as if evenly matched.

Suddenly, the black leopard said, "It seems that His Majesty the Pope asked me to solve you. It is really Most people really can't keep up with you. If you can keep up, you will be solved. Drop."

The tone was gloomy, as if the fingernails crossed the blackboard, with a swelling and painful sensation that made neurites, and there was also a strangeness like a ghost called a soul.

At this moment, although Ghost Leopard Douluo's own voice was quite calm, his heart also turned upside down.

He is only a child around sixteen years old!

A sixteen-year-old child faces three Contras. Two of them are still well-known double-faced demon wolves that cooperate with each other in tacit understanding?

It was hard to imagine. Instead, he would face the three Contras. If he wanted to win, he couldn't do it for a while, but the kid in front of him did it.

Recalling that he had rejected Pope Bibi Dong's solicitation before, for a while, the Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes flashed with a bit of killing intent!

If it is not used by the Wuhun Hall, then there is only death!

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